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Glasgow City Council

Monitoring of Open Space and Public Realm Projects

Contact Development Plan

What is it?

The Council's Development Plan Team is responsible for monitoring open space and public realm projects funded by financial contributions received from new residential developments and certain types of commercial development within the City Centre in accordance with Interim Planning Guidance IPG12 - Delivering Development (which replaces Policy ENV2 in the previous plan).

The below documents can be found under related documents:

  • Briefing Note: ENV2/IPG12 Developer Contributions for Open Space provides further information on the background to IPG12, current open space requirements, the open space assessment process and the fund allocation process.
  • ENV2/IPG12 Monitoring Reports are regularly updated and published. These Monitoring Reports detail total contributions received, summarise project funds allocated or requested and set out the remaining available balance, by category of open space for each individual Ward.
  • ENV2/IPG12 Summary Reports detail contributions received and project funding allocated/requested over the last five years and current available funds by category of open space (including deadline for spend, where applicable) for each individual Ward.

The Council has an established procedure in place for allocating and spending funds. Any potential projects brought forward to secure ENV2/IPG12 funding must comply with the following:

  • It should be on Council owned land.
  • It should comprise the creation or enhancement of a recreational open space, or a building that supports this use.
  • It should be available for community use.

Proposals being brought forward should be supported by as much information as possible and be discussed with the appropriate Service contact.

The Council has five years from the completion of a development to allocate and spend associated ENV2/IPG12 funds. Whilst this does not preclude the allocation of recent funds, the preferred approach is to allocate oldest funds first. This can impact the distribution of ENV2/IPG12 allocation/spend patterns across the City.


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