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Glasgow opens UK's first safer drug consumption facility

The UK's first safer drug consumption facility opens in Glasgow on Monday, 13 January.

Retrofit Summit coming to Glasgow next month

A retrofit summit in Glasgow a month from now will look at the work taking place to retrofit homes at individual, community and at-scale levels, with an emphasis on the needs, perspectives and objectives of local projects in Glasgow and the city-region and current themes, policies and practices in the sector.

Avenues Plus project at Duke Street and John Knox Street begins

Work on a key project on the fringes of Glasgow city centre - the Avenues Plus scheme on Duke Street and John Knox Street - has now begun.

Castlemilk Park Declared As Scotland's 100th Local Nature Reserve

Castlemilk Park in Glasgow has been declared as Scotland's 100th local nature reserve.

Cycle Storage Scheme Set For Significant Expansion

The roll-out of 500 new on-street cycle storage units in Glasgow will begin early next year after the confirmation of a contract with cycle storage provider Cyclehoop.

Glasgow City Council has appointed Robert Emmott as its new Executive Director of Financial Services

Robert, who currently holds a similar role at Dundee City Council, will succeed Martin Booth in the New Year.

New Solar Arrays Will Slash Council Energy Bills

A new phase of solar panel installation is set to slash energy bills at several council-owned buildings.

New Challenge Fund to help under-represented groups in Glasgow to become entrepreneurs

A new fund - the Social Innovation Challenge Fund - aims to help people from under-represented groups in Glasgow, such as women and ethnic minority communities, overcome challenges that make it difficult to become successful entrepreneurs. £250,000 is available through this Fund, and applications can be submitted from 5 December 2024.

Festive bin collection arrangements announced

Arrangements for bin collections over Christmas and New Year 2024/25 have been announced by the council.

Glasgow goes to top of the class - city awarded international accolade for lifelong learning

Glasgow has been revealed as a UNESCO Learning City in recognition for outstanding achievements in lifelong learning.

LEZ Community Support Fund now open for applications

A £250,000 fund, paid for by LEZ penalty charge income is now open for applications.

Festive Partygoers Urged to Plan Journey Home

Festive partygoers are being urged to plan ahead so they get home safe and sound after their Christmas party.

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