City Chambers Flag Flying Protocol
The following are the list of dates on which it is customary for specific flags to be raised over the City Chambers. Out-with these dates the Saltire will be flown.
Date | Occasion | Flag |
9 January | Birthday of HRH The Princess of Wales | Union |
8 March | International Women's Day | IWD Flag |
11 March | Commonwealth Day (2nd Monday) | Commonwealth |
1 May | International Workers Memorial Day (Saltire ½ mast) | Saltire |
9 May | Europe day | European Union |
17 May | International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia &Transphobia | Rainbow |
21 June | Official Birthday of HM The King | Union |
21 June | Birthday of HRH Prince of Wales | Union |
24-29 June | Armed Forces week | Armed Forces |
17 July | Birthday of HM The Queen | Union |
TBC July | Pride Weekend Glasgow | Rainbow Progress Pride |
TBC July | Pride Weekend Glasgow | Rainbow Progress Pride |
3 September | Merchant Navy Day | Red Ensign |
9 November | Remembrance Sunday (2nd Sunday) | Union |
11 November | Armistice Day | Union |
14 November | Birthday of HM The King | Union |
28 November | St Andrew's Gala Dinner | Saltire |
29 November | International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people | Palestinian |
30 November | St Andrew's Day | Saltire |
1. XX HM The King birthday and Commonwealth Day are moveable and intimated by Royal Proclamation.
2. The Council Flag is raised on all days when Full Council sits.
3. For funerals of public figures and others (as determined by the Lord Provost) flags may be flown at half mast for all or part of the day.
4. Flag programme may be suspended if weather conditions prevent access to roof.
5. 163 Countries celebrate Independence days of which 62 celebrate ind. From GB
6. The LP has discretion on any further requests to fly other flags