2024 Newsletters
December 2024
Term Two Target Audience & Statistics
As has been the case for the past few years, most of the Sense over Sectarianism (SOS) workshops are delivered in Glasgow Primary Schools, mainly at the P7 stage. This is the age and stage SOS feel has most impact.
This is due to several factors. The young people are role models in their primary schools and in addition SOS are helping them to prepare for the transition to Secondary school.
In addition, the feeling is that at this age young people are old enough to have life experience but young enough to have an open mind when it come stop discussing issues such as sectarianism.
This year we have recorded favourable levels of activity from the term two of 2023 which is reflected in the statistics.
In Term Two 2024 we have visited 37 schools compared to 26 in 2023.
In Term Two 2024 we delivered 94 sessions compared to 100 in 2023.
In Term Two 2024 we worked with approximately 1553 pupils compared to 1210 in 2023.
These significant rises continue reflect a consistent demand for our work and clearly indicates how highly the Sense over Sectarianism programme in valued in schools across Glasgow and Scotland.
Photos and information about these workshops you can viewed on both Twitter (X) and Instagram both with the handle @SOS_Glasgow
November 2024
Record Breaking Times for Communities United
Since the early days of Sense over Sectarianism the situation where two closely located, schools are supported to work together across a variety of workshops, tasks and events has been a staple of the programme.
Over the years this Communities United programme has evolved from bringing schools together at the Celtic Learning Centre or Rangers Study Centre where the activities were mainly built around ice breakers and team building to the multi activity educational experience it is today.
Now local denominational and non-denominational schools work together in each other's schools where SOS staff, supported by teaching staff, deliver a wide range of activities which promote inclusion and tackle sectarianism.
In the two three-week delivery blocks that crossed from October into November a total of 22 schools across 11 Communities United projects took part in the programme right across the city. From Carmyle in the Southeast to Blairdardie in the Northwest, from St Pauls in Shettleston in the east to St Angela's in the Southwest.
This record-breaking period demonstrates the willingness for schools to take part in the programme and the value that they put on anti - Sectarianism education in schools across Glasgow.
If you are interested in booking your school in for our series of SOS workshops email Project Coordinator Mark Adams (mark.adams@glasgow.gov.uk).
October 2024
Term One Statistics
As Sense over Sectarianism has evolved to become essentially a school-based education programme we plan and deliver our sessions to school across the 4 school terms of the year.
When we evaluate our work, we do both qualitative and quantitative assessments as we are acutely aware that it's possible to have a great education resource but if it doesn't get delivered on a realistic scale to the target area age groups then the quality is negated.
With these categories in mind every term we collect the delivery statistics under 3 headlines. The number of schools we visit. The number of sessions (workshops) we deliver. Finally, we count the approximate number of young people who take part in our sessions.
This year we have recorded a healthy level of activity from term one which is reflected in the statistics below.
Despite having a cut in available budget to deliver workshops we are more than pleased with what we have achieved.
In Term One 2024 we have visited 23 schools compared to 33 in 2023.
In Term One we delivered 89 sessions compared to 97 in 2023.
In Term One we worked with approximately 1084 pupils compared to 1440 in 2023.
These statistics demonstrate demand for our work and clearly indicates how highly the Sense over Sectarianism programme in valued in schools across Glasgow and Scotland.
If you are interested in booking your school in for our series of SOS workshops email Project Coordinator Mark Adams (mark.adams@glasgow.gov.uk).
September 2024
The SOS project does not work in isolation but operates as an important member of a larger group of organisations who set out to significantly reduce sectarianism and its effect on people and communities.
The Scottish Government Community Safety team supports these organisations through the Tackling Sectarianism funding package without which this work could not take place.
In order for the organisations to support each other and share learning and good practice (and frustrations) the group meet semi regularly. This week however for the first time since covid the group met 'in person' at the Scottish Government offices in Glasgow where the group updated each other on their activities.
The value of this style of gathering over online meetings was immediately evident as the meeting progressed and 'proper' debate and discussion took place. Hopefully we are now returned to supporting each other in person for the foreseeable future.
The full list of partner organisations are Sense over Sectarianism, Nil by Mouth, North Kelvin Sports, The Fair Play Foundation, Action on Sectarianism, Youth Scotland, the Centre for Good Relations and SACRO.
Photos of all SOS activities and events are available to view on X/Twitter and Instagram @sos_glasgow
For any further information about SOS email Project Coordinator Mark at mark.adams@glasgow.gov.uk
August 2024
DEFINING SECTARIANISM (Revisited from August 2023)
Sectarianism can be defined in many ways. Very much dependant on the individual experiences that people encounter and their opinions derived from these experiences and other influences.
As part of our programme of workshops we use the first one to explore and analyse definitions of Prejudice, Discrimination, Bigotry and Sectarianism.
SOS feel that it is important for the young people to express their understandings of these behaviours and to provide examples of their own life experience.
That way in a non-judgemental manner, the behaviours, values, and attitudes of the young people can be discussed with their peers in an informal setting where the young people can talk openly about what they understand Sectarianism to be and how they have experienced it and other relatable behaviours.
The last activity is to examine and discuss the definitions of sectarianism that they young people produce in their groups and then compare them to the definitions that the Scottish Government provides and the working definition that SOS use because of our own experience delivering the workshops.
The SOS definition is "Sectarianism is Prejudice, Discrimination and Bigotry between two or more groups within the same religion which is sometimes experienced in football". This was derived from the many definitions obtained from your people.
We feel that it is important that they tell us what they think rather than tell them what we think. The very essence of youth work principles.
Photos of all SOS activities and events are available to view on X/Twitter and Instagram @sos_glasgow
For any further information about SOS email Project Coordinator Mark at mark.adams@glasgow.gov.uk
July 2024
The Summer holidays are well underway and already the SOS team are organised for the next academic term. SOS opened bookings for term one in the 2024 / 2025 session before schools closed for summer and the results were once again overwhelming.
A total of 16 Glasgow Primary Schools are booked in for a series of our SOS workshops across August, September, and early October.
Many schools got "ahead of the game" and have already booked into terms two and three.
A total of 27 schools have booked in for term two which includes an emphasis on our Communities United programme with a total of 12 school partnerships getting involved in working together.
As a result of these school responses, we go into the new academic year on a really positive note.
Summer is a time where the SOS team have the time and opportunity to reflect on and refresh our existing teaching resources.
It is important that all content is fresh and up to date. As a result, the Primary school package will be updated and ready to go in August. A good use of time while schools are off.
Photos of all SOS activities and events are available to view on X/Twitter and Instagram @sos_glasgow
For any further information about SOS email Project Coordinator Mark at mark.adams@glasgow.gov.uk
June 2024
The Summer holidays are fast approaching but already the SOS team are organised for the next academic term. SOS opened bookings for term one in the 2024 / 2025 session and the results were once again very positive.
A total of 25 Glasgow Primary Schools has booked in for a series of workshops across August, September, and early October. This total of 25 schools includes 4 Communities United school partnerships.
As a result of this result of this demand we had to open bookings for term two and now find ourselves almost full booked until November 2024.
A really, positive note to finish a record-breaking year for the Sense over Sectarianism programme!
The SOS social media channels post content regularly and our following continues to grow. If you would like to see these updates, please add our accounts. Details are below.
Photos of all SOS activities and events from the past academic year are available to view on X/Twitter and Instagram, both have the handle @sos_glasgow and our YouTube Channel can be found at https://www.youtube.com/@senseoversectarianism
For any further information about SOS email Project Coordinator Mark at mark.adams@glasgow.gov.uk
May 2024
Sense over Sectarianism Annual Report & Mentors for Violence Prevention
Annual Report
Sense over Sectarianism (SOS) must compile twice annual reports to the Scottish Governments Community Safety Team.
As a project we must report on the success or otherwise of the funded outcomes for that year. Both in qualitative and in quantitative terms.
Once again because of high demand from schools, and to support classroom learning around the Novel Study the Divided City, the SOS team made Primary 7 workshop delivery the focus.
The annual figures are detailed below. A great testament to the programme and the willingness of Glasgow schools to be involved in this important work.
These workshops support the teacher delivered topics, as mentioned above, such as The Divided City and related Equalities and Citizenship curriculum.
Number of Primary Schools 104
Number of Workshops 402
Number of Primary Pupils 4691
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP)
SOS has coordinated the MVP Gender Based Violence programme in Glasgow for several years. Over this academic year it has worked hard to support schools to deliver the programme across 25 Glasgow schools who have staff trained to deliver the programme.
During the previous period April 2023 - March 2024 we have delivered 5 staff training and CPD events which were attended by 58 members of staff. As a result, the MVP programme was delivered over the year in 16 Glasgow Secondary Schools.
Planning for delivery of the MVP programme must occur much in advance as staff, and in turn senior pupils, are trained to facilitate the project. As a result, SOS will once again host a 2-day Peer Mentoring Training Event in the City Chambers in May for school staff and Campus Police from several Glasgow Secondary schools.
This event allows existing schools to train new staff, schools who had previously delivered the project to restart and several schools new to programme to get up and running.
At this year's May 2 Day training event we will also be welcoming colleagues from 3 schools in South Lanarkshire an collaborative practice initiative.
April 2024
Future Me Week
This month Sense over Sectarianism (SOS) were once again invited to take part in the Glasgow Primary Schools "Future Me Week" where schools invite workers of various professions to visit their schools and engage the young people about the needs and nature of their jobs.
This year SOS partnered with North Kelvin Sports Development Group to co-deliver to several classes in Quarry Brae Primary School and Eastbank Primary School.
The talks were typically 30 - 45 minutes long with lots of opportunities for the young people to ask questions and to gain knowledge.
SOS Project Coordinator Mark Adams led the presentations and was ably assisted by North Kelvin Modern Apprentice Football Coach Kraig Mackay. Himself a former pupil of a Primary School in the city's east end.
Discussion ranged all the way from the roles and responsibilities of being involved in Social Inclusion, Community Development and Youth Work all the way to the benefits of volunteering as a young person as a sports coach.
The presentations were very well received with great enthusiasm from the young people who ranged from Primary 4 to Primary 6 pupils. We were delighted to be involved once again to this valuable learning experience.
For more information about this event or any other SOS initiative please contact mark.adams@glasgow.gov.uk
March 2024
National Week of Action Round Up
In February Sense over Sectarianism (SOS) held a "National Week of Action" for the Sixth time for schools across Scotland. Working in partnership with Action on Sectarianism the SOS National Week of Action mainly featured a poster competition across the week of 26th - 29th February and indeed the run up too.
Posters Art Competition
The key element of the month of action was the National Tackling Sectarianism schools Poster Art competition which attracted huge interest and a daily series of Twitter posts highlighting entries from primary and secondary schools.
Pupils were invited to make a Poster about the topic of sectarianism/tackling sectarianism.
The winners of the National Poster Art awards were as follows: -
Primary Award winner was Adelina from P7 from St Angela's Primary School in the South Side of Glasgow.
Secondary Schools Award winner was Isla from a Hyndland Secondary School in the West End of Glasgow
Twitter Activity
The finalist poster entries were detailed on Twitter in a popular vote where the winners were the entries which received the most "likes" in each category.
These finalists were viewed on twitter more than 90,000 times and received a total of over 700 "likes"!
Both competition winners and the entries of the finalists can be found on the Sense over Sectarianism twitter account @sos_glasgow and Action on Sectarianism twitter account @AoSectarianism
For more information about this event or any other SOS initiative please contact mark.adams@glasgow.gov.uk
February 2024
Sense over Sectarianism, Holocaust Memorial Day Event
The annual HMD education event was once again hosted by Sense over Sectarianism on January 26th in the Banqueting Hall at 10am. Notre Dame High School pupils were the hosts on the day for SOS.
There were a variety of speakers and performances who addressed an audience of over 400 young people and staff from a selection of Glasgow schools.
The headline speaker was Anne Anderson from the Jane Haining Project and other speakers included Lord Provost Jacqueline McLaren, the Executive Director of Education Douglas Hutchinson and Education Convenor Councillor Christina Cannon.
School performances included drama from Rosshall Academy, Music from the Glasgow Create Clarinet choir and a variety of readings by Cleveden Secondary School, Merrylee PS and St Benedict's PS.
Lots of photos of the event are available on Twitter and Instagram @SOS_Glasgow and the whole event can be viewed on the Sense over Sectarianism YouTube Channel.
Full Event Details are below: -
10.00 Welcome & Opening Remarks - Notre Dame High School Hosts
10.05 "Abide with Me & Band of Brothers" - Glasgow Schools Clarinet Choir
10.10 Lord Provost - Jacqueline McLaren
10.15 "Fragility of Freedom" Poetry - Merrylee Primary School
10.25 "The People Next Door" Drama - Rosshall Academy
10.40 Nuremberg Schools Trip - Megan & Rebecca
10.50 "Fragility of Freedom" Readings - Cleveden Secondary School
11.00 Anne Anderson - Jane Haining Project
11.15 Christina Cannon - Education Convenor
11.20 Lighting of the Candles - St Benedicts Primary School
11.25 Director of Education - Douglas Hutchison
11.30 Thanks & Closing Remarks - Notre Dame High School Hosts
For more information about SOS workshops contact Project Coordinator Mark Adams at mark.adams@glasgow.gov.uk
January 2024
Sense over Sectarianism CPD Event
SOS are hosting a school's staff CPD event in the City Chambers East Building at 4pm on Tuesday 5th March. Staff can sign up for the vent on CPD manager course reference Course Id: 85837 Course Ref: MSA01.
The 90-minute event will consist of an overview of all tackling Sectarianism resources at the 4 appropriate stages, early year, P7, S2 and S5/6.
Holocaust Memorial Event 2024
Once again SOS will be hosting the Glasgow Schools Holocaust Memorial event in the City Chambers on the morning of 26th January 2024.
The event will be hosted by young people from Notre Dame High School and there will be several guest speakers including a representative from the "Jane Haining Project" as well as the Lord Provost, the Director and Convenor for Education and the Lord Provost.
The 400 strong audience will also witness readings and performances from Merrylee Primary School, Cleveden Secondary School, and Ross Hall Academy. Music will be provided by the Glasgow Schools Clarinet Choir and Pupils from Hillhead and Whitehill will present slides from their Nuremberg trip.
Pupils from St Benedict's PS will light the 11 candles in remembrance of the 11 million people who died in the Holocaust. The whole event can be viewed on the Sense over Sectarianism YouTube channel.
If you are interested in finding more information about the work of SOS email Project Coordinator Mark Adams (mark.adams@glasgow.gov.uk).