Update given on the progress of the Strategic Development Framework for Glasgow's Inner East
An update on the progress of the Inner East Strategic Development Framework (SDF) was today (11 March) given to a Glasgow City Council committee.
This SDF sets outs a spatial vision for the Inner East - which covers an area from the east of High Street to Carntyne, Tollcross and Dalmarnock - and directs investment and development. The Inner East SDF was adopted in October 2023, and its vision is that:
'The Inner East will become a city district made up of distinct, vibrant, well-connected and climate-resilient neighbourhoods. This will be achieved through community engagement to ensure an inclusive, community-led design that represents local needs.'
To help deliver this vision, there is an action programme being carried out by officers from the council's Spatial Strategy team working in partnership with local stakeholders to align phasing, financing and infrastructure investment.
Among the notable projects and priorities within the Inner East SDF over the next 12 months are:
· Gallowgate Transformational Regeneration Area (TRA) - in September 2024, the council transferred land at Wyper place to Wheatley Homes Glasgow, with this land forming part of the landscape and flood attenuation for the development of 70 affordable new homes as part of redevelopment of the former Bellgrove Hotel, now partially demolished. The council's Spatial Strategy team will continue to engage with partners to ensure the TRA meets the aspirations of the Inner East SDF.
· The SDF Action Programme identifies the need to prepare Town Centre Action Plans (TCAPs) for each of the Town Centres in the area, and Parkhead, as a Major Town Centre, has been selected for the first TCAP, due to be complete later this year. The Action Plan will use a placemaking approach to create a vibrant, attractive Town Centre that can respond to changing needs, and identify a mix of short, medium, and long-term options that will help improve the quality of the centre and support the creation of a 20-minute sustainable neighbourhood. This TCAP will act as a template for the other Town Centres within the Inner East, with a brief for the project prepared and an in-house consultancy team appointed.
· The recently-opened Parkhead Hub, one of the UK's largest primary care developments, brings together a range of services including mental health, addictions, justice supports, as well as a library and a community café.
· South Dalmarnock has seen a refresh of its Integrated Infrastructure Framework Masterplan - promoted by Clyde Gateway - which helps guide planning proposals in the area, supports revised development and regeneration proposals there and reflects recent works carried out.
· Work on the Duke Street and John Knox Street Avenues Plus programme - funded by Sustrans - began in early January, with the project delivering public realm improvements including the extension and resurfacing of footways, new kerbing, the resurfacing of carriageways, creation of new cycleways, new trees and raingardens.
· In May 2024, Fuse Youth Café were awarded funding to produce a Local Place Plan for Shettleston, which will identify a vision, projects and actions to address the community's priorities. Community engagement sessions have taken place, and a planning consultant has been appointed to support the process, with the final document to both reflect aspirations in the Inner East SDF and influence the next City Development Plan.
There are five other SDFs in Glasgow: for the City Centre, Govan-Partick, Greater Easterhouse, North Glasgow and the River Clyde.
More detail on the Inner East SDF can be found at: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/article/2961/Inner-East-Strategic-Development-Framework
Councillor Ruairi Kelly, Convener for Housing, Development, Built Heritage and Land Use at Glasgow City Council, said: "The progress being made through the Inner East Strategic Development Framework can be seen across the area with a wide range of housing, community, health, public realm and other projects either complete or underway. We will continue to work with our partners in this part of the city to take forward the development of the Inner East to deliver the vision for the area and bring benefit to the people who live and work there."