Councillors and Committees

There are 85 councillors elected to Glasgow City Council, each representing an area (electoral ward) of the city. There are 23 electoral wards across the city, each one has 3 or 4 councillors representing it.
Councillors and Wards
Information about Councillors. Find your councillor listed by A-Z, or by Ward. Includes postcode search to find your local councillor.
Information about council committees and their remit.
Council Diary
Shows a calendar of meetings for the selected month.
Councillor Information System
The Councillors Information System will give you information on political parties, committees, sub-committees, area committees and detailed information on each councillor.
MPs, MSPs and MEPs
Information about MPs and MSPs for Glasgow Constituencies and MEPs for Scotland Region.
Lord Provost
Information about Glasgow's Lord Provost and the role of the Lord Provost's Office.
Provosts of Glasgow
Information about the present and past Provosts of Glasgow.
Elected Members Expenses
Information about remuneration packages for Elected Members present and past.
View our Live Webcasting of Committee Meetings.
Community Councils
Information and guidance about Community Councils in Glasgow
Community Planning Partnership
Information about Glasgow Community Planning Partnership.