Decision and Appeal

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The decision letter will let you know whether your submission was approved or refused. If you are unhappy with the decision, there are a number of courses of action available to you. The best way forward is always to discuss the decision with the case officer to see if any changes can be made to the proposals that might result in a recommendation that would suit you and satisfy the Council. 

If this happens, you can then make a fresh application and the whole process starts again. If you make a fresh application within a year of the original submission, for the same proposal on the same site, you won't be charged another fee for processing the application although other fees may be payable e.g. for any press notice that might still be required. 

You also have a right to appeal or seek a review. Your decision letter will tell you how to do this. You can appeal or ask for a review for other reasons, including: 

  • no decision made on an application within the specified period 
  • enforcement action taken against your development - appeal only. 

If you're not the applicant e.g. you might be an objector to the proposals, and are unhappy with the decision, the only recourse currently available is to request a judicial review at the Court of Session - there are no Third-Party Rights of Appeal against a decision of the Council. 

Last modified on 21 October 2024

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