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Clothing Grants/Free School Meals

Update - Free School Meal Easter Break Payment

The Easter break payment for children and young people who are in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) P1 to S6 will be made from Friday 21 March 2025.

The payment for each child will be £25 which includes £2.50 for the school closures on 24 January 2025 due to Storm Eowyn .

Children affected by the school closures on 20 March 2025 due to Elections, will receive an additional £2.50.

New applications received up to Sunday 6th April will be eligible to receive this payment. Applications received after that date and deemed eligible, will receive free school meals only.

Please note that pupils in receipt of Universal meals (P1 to P5 and not financially eligible) and SCP meals only will NOT be entitled to this payment.

If you have not received this payment for your child/ all children by 27 March 2025, you MUST submit a new application. Please do not complete an online enquiry form as this will delay your payment.

Apply OnlineEnquiry Form

MyAccount - Free School Meals/School Clothing Grant

You may be eligible to apply for Free School Meals - including breakfast - and the School Clothing Grant if your child attends a school managed by Glasgow City Council.

In order to apply for this, you must have a MyAccount setup.

MyAccount is used to access a range of online public services across Glasgow, like applying for free school meals.

You create one account with one username and password that will give you access to lots of different Glasgow City Council services. To read more about MyAccount, click here.  

  • To register for a MyAccount - click here.
  • To update your MyAccount details - click here
  • To reset your MyAccount password - click here

Please note, MyAccount is administered by the Scottish Government and not Glasgow City Council.


Free School Meals

All children in P1-P5 are automatically entitled to receive a free school lunch. This is called 'Universal Entitlement'.

Our primary schools also offer a breakfast service each day. Those who receive a free school meal via universal entitlement will not automatically qualify for a free school breakfast.

To receive a free breakfast at school, you must have completed a free school meal application and be financially eligible (see eligibility section below).

For those not currently entitled to a free school meal, a charge of £2 per day is made. For siblings, the oldest child pays £2 and subsequent children pay £1.

If you are not currently in receipt of free school meals and think you are entitled, please apply herePlease refer to the eligibility section below to see if you qualify before submitting an application.

If your child has newly enrolled into P1 this year and you think you are entitled for free school meals, you must apply if you have not already done so. They will not be enrolled for free school meals automatically.

New applications will be processed as soon as possible, and if eligible, your child should receive free school meals within four weeks.

Please ensure to advise us of any change in circumstances as this could affect your entitlement/eligibility.


Holiday Payment

GCC provide funding to support eligible families over school holiday periods for children and young people who are in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) in P1 to S6.

All P1 to P5 pupils receive Universal Free School Meals at school, however only families eligible on financial grounds will receive these additional holiday payments.

This does not apply to early years establishments/nursery pupils.

You will automatically receive these payments directly into your bank account if you are eligible and meet the criteria - you DO NOT need to contact us or make a new application for each payment.

These payments are currently made four times per year; the Easter break, Summer break, October break and Winter break.

Please ensure to advise us of any change in circumstances as this could affect your entitlement/eligibility.


School Clothing Grant 

The School Clothing Grant award is a payment of £120 (for a primary-aged child) or £150 (for a secondary-aged child).

This grant is given annually to those on a qualifying benefit to assist with the cost of purchasing school clothing.

Clothing Grant payments will be made automatically for families who are eligible and meet the criteria detailed below (see eligibility section below).

If you do not receive your payment automatically, you can apply online here or submit an enquiry here to query a live application.

New applications will be reviewed as soon as possible and if you are eligible, you will receive the payment within four weeks.

Please ensure you provide all requested information when submitting your application. Failure to do so may cause a delay in getting the payment.



You may be eligible for a Free School Meal or the School Clothing Grant if you have a child that attends a Glasgow school, and you receive certain benefits.

The table below sets out what you may be entitled to based on the benefits you receive:

Eligibility Table
BenefitSchool MealsClothing Grant

Proof Required

Income Support

Letter confirming entitlement to benefit
Job Seekers Allowance (Income-based)

Letter confirming entitlement to benefit
Employment & Support Allowance (Income Related)

Letter confirming entitlement to benefit
Universal Credit (earned income reported by employer of £796 or less)

Full Universal Credit statement - all pages required 
Child Tax Credit (gross annual income less than £19,995 and no working tax credit)

Current Tax Credit Award Notice (TC602A) (previous year award letter)
Child tax credit  and Working Tax Credit with an income of up to £19,995


Current Tax Credit Award Notice (TC602A) (previous year award letter)
Child tax credit and working tax credit (gross income up to £9552)

Current Tax Credit Award Notice (TC602A) (previous year award letter)
Support under V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Confirmation letter: a valid ARC and tenancy agreement
Housing Benefit (housing element of Universal Credit is not housing benefit)

Current Letter to show receipt of Housing Benefit
Council Tax Reduction (Single persons discount/student deduction/exemption do not qualify for CTR)


Current Letter to show receipt of Council Tax rebate
Scottish Child Payment (Primary 6/7 pupils only)

(lunch only)


Letter confirming entitlement to benefit


For further assistance, please view our Application Guidance. This will help you complete the application process.


How will the award/s be paid?

Monies for the School Clothing Grant and Holiday Payments are paid directly into your bank account by BACS.

New applicants will receive the payment within 4 weeks of us receiving a fully complete application.  If we require additional information from you, your payment may be delayed.


Updating your information

If you have changed your bank details since the last award, you must inform us immediately to avoid your payment being delayed.

You can provide this information by completing our online enquiry form. Please note, we cannot take bank details over the telephone.

Please ensure to advise us of any change in circumstances as this could affect your entitlement/eligibility.


The Scottish Child Payment

The Scottish Child Payment is a grant paid by Social Security Scotland that helps towards the cost of supporting your family. The weekly payment is available for eligible children up to the age of 16. 

If you are eligible, you should apply for it as soon as possible. Delaying your application may result in you losing out on money you would otherwise be entitled to.

You should apply for the Scottish Child Payment if you:

  • receive a low-income benefit such as Universal Credit, Tax Credits, or Pension Credit
  • have responsibility for a child or children under the age of 16
  • live in Scotland

Eligible families and carers can find out more and apply on MyGovScotland or by calling Social Security Scotland on free on 0800 182 2222.



ApparelXchange is a social enterprise, based in Glasgow, dedicated to reusing, repairing and recycling childrenswear, with a mission to reduce the impact of clothing on the environment.

They sell high-quality, preloved children's clothing, including uniform, at highly affordable prices.

They also offer free clothing packages to families during times of need.

To find out more and to shop for affordable uniform, please visit the AXC website here.


Contact Us

For further information or assistance, please submit an enquiry form, or you can access our live chat service by clicking at the bottom right corner of the screen. This service is available Monday to Friday between 10am-4pm.



1. Do I qualify for free school meals if I am entitled to a Clothing Grant? 

Not necessarily - there are different eligibility criteria for Free School Meals and the School Clothing Grant.  You would only be entitled if you meet the criteria for both. Please refer to the eligibility section above for more info.  

2. My child gets FSM at school, but I have not received the FSM holiday payment?

All pupils in P1-P5 automatically receive a free meal at school under the Scottish Government's Universal Provision, however only pupils who are financially eligible are entitled to the FSM holiday payment.

3. What does it mean to be financially eligible?

To be 'financially eligible' means that you have applied for and been awarded Free School Meals, as you receive a qualifying benefit.  If you think you are financially eligible for FSM and you have not applied, please complete the online application form above.

4. Are P6/7 pupils eligible for Universal Free School Meals?

Changes to Scottish Government rules on who gets free school meals means that pupils in P6 and P7, who don't currently recieve free school meals and who have a parent/carer that recieves the Scottish Child Payment, are now eligible to get a free school lunch.

Applications are now open. You can complete the application form here. More information is available above.


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Last modified on 12 March 2025

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