Food Growing Strategy

Let's Grow Together - Glasgow's Food Growing Strategy
Under the Community Empowerment Act 2015, all Scottish Local Authorities are required to produce a Food Growing Strategy for their area. Let's Grow Together - Glasgow's Food Growing Strategy 2020-2025 (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window)
Access to Land
If you wish to propose a growing site then please complete our online form.
The Let's Grow Together map features existing and potential growing spaces across the City. General enquiries on any of these site should be made at
Some nominated sites were not owned by GCC. Further details on them are available from the Registrar of Scotland.
Access to Community Support
Who can help you get your growing project off the ground?
Many organisations can advise you in getting your growing project off the ground or how to get more involvement from your local community. Some are listed below:
- Get Growing Scotland
- Social Farms and Gardens
- Glasgow Community Food Network
- Scottish Allotments and Gardens Society
Your Local Community Council - more information on Community Councils.
You can also contact Glasgow City Council's Food Growing team.
Help with setting up an organisation and building capacity
The following organisations that can assist you with setting up and sustaining your group and building your capacity.
- Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS)
- Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)
- Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO)
Help with the ownership or lease of land
- Community Land Scotland
- Community Ownership Hub Glasgow and Clyde Valley
- Development Trusts and Associations Scotland
- Community Ownership Support Service
- People Make Glasgow Communities
Access to Funding
Once you have formed your group and put in place the structures that will assist you to start growing, in many cases you will be seeking funding to allow you to develop the site or get equipment. Find some useful links below.
Contact the Food Growing team to sign up for regular funding updates.
Let's Grow Together Fund
Glasgow City Council aims to ensure that all communities can access, enjoy and celebrate growing spaces within Glasgow. The Let's Grow Together Fund is designed to help support these spaces and encourage Glasgow citizens to become involved and grow their fruit and vegetables locally.
This is an annual fund of £50,000 which was introduced to support the aims of the current iteration of Glasgow's Food Growing Strategy.
Visit the Let's Grow Together Fund page to find out more and to apply.
Access to Growing Advice
There are many organisations in Glasgow, Scotland and the UK who can provide advice including:
You can refer to the Introduction to Horticulture (PDF, 15 MB)(opens new window) which was published in 2020 alongside Glasgow City Council's Food Growing Strategy.
Strategy Review Process
The Community Empowerment Act (Scotland) 2015 requires local authorities to review their Food Growing strategies every 5 years. The next iteration of the Strategy is due to be published in 2025 following an engagement process involving growers and stakeholders across the City.
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Related Documents
- Let's Grow - Glasgow Food Growing Strategy (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window)
- Annual Allotment Report 2022 (PDF, 182 KB)(opens new window)
- 2016 Allotments Consultation Report (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
- 2017 Citywide Food Growing Strategy Consultation 'Go Grow Glasgow' (PDF, 6 MB)(opens new window)
- 2019 Events - Greenspace Summary Report (PDF, 352 KB)(opens new window)
- Lets Grow Together - Introduction to Horticulture (PDF, 15 MB)(opens new window)
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