GCHSCP Demographics and Needs Profile
Tables 37a-b. Crime Rates, Victims of Crime and Criminal Justice Social Work Reports
Table 37a. compares crime rates for Glasgow and Scotland and looks at victims of crime within Glasgow while Table 37b. looks at Criminal Justice Reports and outcomes for Glasgow and Scotland.
Table 37a. Crime Rates and Victims of Crime by Area
Area - rate or percentage | ||||
Indicator | Glasgow City | Scotland | Other information/notes | |
All Crimes Rate (rate of all crimes recorded per 10,000 population)1 | 789.0 | 528.0 | ||
Domestic Abuse (rate of incidents recorded per 10,000 population)2(b) | 146.7 | 118.3 | ||
Drugs Crime (rate of crimes recorded per 10,000 population) 2(b) | 84.9 | 50.6 | ||
Violent Crime (rate of crimes recorded per 10,000 population)2(a) | 25.4 | 16.4 | ||
Adults experiencing crime (formerly victims of crime) (percentage of adults 16+)3 | Males | 15.0% | Varies by age from 14% at 16-24 to 3% at 75+. SCJS4(a) Greater Glasgow (G division) rate of adults experiencing crime 16.0%. SCJS4(b) Scotland 10.0% overall; 10.2% males, 9.9% females; 15.4% aged 16-24, 4.7% age 60+; 15% mdd 13.7%, rest of Scotland 9.4%. | |
Females | 11.0% | |||
All | 13.2% |
Source: 1. Recorded Crime in Scotland 2022/23; 2. Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) - Scottish Government Scottish Crime Statistics (a) 2020/21 (b) 2021/22; 3. NHSGGC Adult Health and Well-being Survey - Glasgow City Report 2022/23; 4. Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) (a) 2019/20 (b) 2021/22.
Key Points (Table 37a)
- All crime rates shown are far higher for Glasgow than Scotland.
- 13.2% of Glasgow adults have experienced crime, with a higher percentage of men (15.0%) than women (11.0%) affected by this. A far higher percentage of younger adults aged 16-24 (14.0%) than older people aged 75+ (3.0%) have experienced crime.
Table 37b. Criminal Justice Social Work Report Indicators by Area
Area - no., rate or percentage | ||||
Indicator | Glasgow City | Scotland | Other information/notes | |
Reports submitted | No. | 3,234 | 23,031 | 86.0% of Glasgow & 84.9% Scotland reports submitted for males; 51.4% Glasgow & Scotland reports for unemployed people. |
rate per 10,000 population | 67.4 | 59.7 | ||
Outcome of reports submitted (% of reports submitted) | Custodial sentence | 17.7% | 13.2% | |
Community penalty | 48.4% | 49.5% | ||
Monetary penalty | 4.9% | 6.7% | ||
Other/not yet known | 29.0% | 30.6% |
Source: Justice Social Work Statistics (in Scotland) - Additional Tables to 2022/23
Key Points (Table 37b)
- The rate of Social Work Criminal Justice Reports submitted to court is higher for Glasgow, at 67.4 per 10,000 population, than Scotland, at 59.7 per 10,000.
- In terms of outcomes of reports submitted, 17.7% of Glasgow reports result in a custodial sentence - higher than Scotland's 13.2%. 53.3% of Glasgow reports result in community or monetary penalties compared to 56.2% of Scotland's reports, while 3 in 10 reports for Glasgow (29.0%) and Scotland (30.6%) result in other outcome types/not yet known.