Is your job listed? Volunteer today

If your job is listed as a benchmark job, and you've not already been asked to volunteer by your line manager, this is your opportunity to tell us about your job in your own words. To take part, you must have been in the same job for at least two years.
Check the list of benchmark jobs here.
Remember not everyone in the council needs to be interviewed so if a high number of staff volunteer then not everyone will be selected.
How to volunteer
Let your line manager know then email the Job Evaluation Team on
You should include the BM Ref number from the list.
Supporting you
Everyone who volunteers to be interviewed is asked to attend a briefing session with their line manager to understand more about job evaluation. This could be on MS Teams or face to face in one of the job evaluation hubs in the city. At the briefing staff will hear from the job analysts about the interview process and can ask questions and discuss any worries or concerns.
When staff attend the interview, they can be supported by another person, like a trade union representative or a colleague.
Our default interview method is remotely via MS Teams, however other methods are available:
- On MS Teams from home or the workplace using your own equipment of a council laptop
- On MS Teams at a Job Evaluation Hub, this allows you and your representative to be in one interview room, with the Job Analyst Team members in another room.
- A face-to-face interview at a Job Evaluation Hub.
Risk assessments for the job evaluation hubs have been undertaken and any relevant covid mitigation put in place including use of hand sanitiser, wearing masks when moving around and regular ventilation.
Frequently asked questions about interviews
Will I be given time during working hours to complete the questionnaire?
Yes, you will be given reasonable time during working hours to complete the Job Evaluation Questionnaire. You should expect the questionnaire to take around three hours to complete.
Will I be given time to participate in the Job Evaluation Briefing and Job Evaluation Interview?
Yes, the council is committed to supporting employee participation in the Job Evaluation process. If you are participating in the process your line manager will support your participation in the Job Evaluation briefing.
How long is the interview?
The duration of an interview varies but you should expect that it will take at least half a day. The reason the duration varies is that some jobs are easier to describe than others and the Job Analyst Team want to make sure that they have fully explored the role you undertake, so that they are confident that the evaluation captures the demands of your job. The Job Evaluation Team will make sure that they give you enough time to fully answer the questions and explain your role.
If I volunteer to participate am I responsible for the outcome of Job Evaluation for everyone who does the same job?
It is understandable that you may have a feeling of responsibility for the evaluation of a benchmark job. However, you are invited to describe the role that you do personally, not the role as carried out by other people. We recognise that not everyone with the same job title carries out the same tasks in the same way.
For every benchmark job numerous staff will be interviewed and the outcomes reviewed to create a generic job overview document that will apply to everyone who does the same job. This is what makes the process robust.
Got another question to ask?
Read all the frequently asked questions and answers or more information here.
You can also email the job evaluations team on or ask your line manager to do so on your behalf.