There have been 5 Network events thus far each focusing on different aspects of the BAME experience and how to improve it. Most notable of which is the December 2021 event where the chief executive Annemarie O'Donnell attended as a guest speaker giving a presentation on commitment to tackling inequality as well as announcing several equality initiatives that were directly influenced by the BAME network.
Below is the information for the 2022 events:
Events that took place in 2022:
January 2022 workshops
- MCR Pathways
- Mentimeter Result
- Proposal Development
April 2022 workshops
- BAME Network Website and Connect pages
- BAME Survey, considering the outcomes so far
- Impact of current affairs and public issues
September 2022 workshops
- BAME Survey Update
- Members Space - Ali Salamati
- Get Involved - Recruitment & Mentoring
Network Meeting - 4th October 22 - 14:00 - 15:30
We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting, details below:
- Welcome and network update - Harjinder Gharyal, Divisional Director NRS & BAME Network Leadership Sponsor
- Key note speaker - Baillie Rosa Salih - Scotland's First Ever Refugee Councillor.
Roza Salih arrived in Scotland as a young girl when her family were forced to flee Iraq. Her first steps into campaigning was whilst she was at Drumchapel High School where she along with a small group of fellow pupils came together to protest at the detention of an asylum seeking friend. From a school petition, the Glasgow Girls campaign grew and soon attracted national attention, the campaign was made into both a theatre and television production highlighting wider concerns about the treatment of asylum seekers. Roza graduated with an Honours Degree in Law and Politics and was the President for Diversity and Advocacy for the Students Association, elected to the National Union of Students (NUS) International Students Committee and the NUS UK Student trustee board. She was elected as a Councillor to represent Greater Pollok at the recent Local Government Elections.
Come along and here from Rosa of her experiences, the challenges she faced and how she overcame them - from a Glasgow Girl to Glasgow City Councillor!
- Question and answer session
Please register here to attend.
November Network Meeting 3rd November 22 - 14:00 - 15:30
Our Chief Executive Annemarie O'Donnel attended the network last year and gave a commitment to return in 2022, this has been scheduled for 3rd November 2022.