City Charter
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In May 2018, Glasgow City Council produced its first City Charter. The City Charter is an informal agreement between the council and citizens that lists our shared commitments, aims and standards. It was created and developed through dialogue and consultation with citizens and forms part of a way of working that we will develop together.
The Charter summarises what citizens have told us about their vision for Glasgow, how the council and citizens can work together and play their part in improving the city and our respective roles, responsibilities and rights.
Citizens told us they can do more for themselves, for their communities and for the city. These areas are set out in the delivering our values and vision together section, with additional information about how to become more involved in these areas and what practical things can be done. Links to current information on issues such as participating in public life, consultations, recycling, active travel, adopting a healthier lifestyle and volunteering etc. are provided below.
How we can Deliver our Values and Vision Together
Be accountable to you and involve you in the formulation of policy, services and decisions about how council money is spent and the city's spending priorities. | Become more engaged within the city, by voting in elections, participating in public life and hold us to account.
Consult you at an early stage on our plans and key service changes, through different ways so that more people can take part. | Take part in consultations and give us your views and feedback on our services.
Ensure that money invested in Glasgow's economy benefits the city and its citizens through regeneration, jobs and the | Support the local economy and local businesses.
Use our contracts and spend to ensure employers in Glasgow pay the and have fair work practices. | Take up opportunities for work and training.
Invest in education and childcare. Improve attainment in all our schools. Invest in road and pavement maintenance. | Pay your Council Tax and other charges on time |
Improve the city's cleanliness and recycling. Be responsible when providing our services and consider the environment. | Look after your neighbourhood and city, recycle more, do not drop litteror chewing gum, bin your dog waste and do not fly-tip. Report what you see on our APP or online. Look after and be considerate of the environment. |
Provide local well priced facilities to help you stay active.
Promote and improve active travel options across the city. | Look after yourself, become more active and adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Take up opportunities for active travel.
Provide community staff to help you make the most of local services on offer and to support your community. | Use council services appropriately and with respect
Provide volunteering opportunities.
| Be involved in your local community, volunteer, look out for vulnerable or isolated people. |
Provide more civic space and support for events so that communities can come together
| Treat everyone with respect, no matter people's different backgrounds or circumstances, including council staff.
Be good ambassadors for the city. |
Provide value for money and integrate our services so that we can better support those that need them. Make the best use of modern digital data and technology. | Help to reduce social problems by reporting anti-social behaviour and not engaging in it.
Support people who are vulnerable and those experiencing. | Support local homeless charities any way you can e.g. Volunteering, donations. Use provided by the council to report any concerns. |
The Charter focuses on participation and engagement, giving Glasgow's citizens the right to be meaningfully involved in planning and designing the services they use, and to have their views about the city listened and responded to by council. The Charter recognises that the knowledge, expertise and pride citizens have about the places where they live and work is the best resource for making those places better.
The Charter demonstrates a commitment to protecting the fundamental human rights and equality of those who live, visit and are new to the city.
The Charter sets out:
- Values and the ways of working people should expect from the council,
- Citizens vision for the city; and
- How we can deliver our values and vision together.
Be an open, transparent and easily accessible organisation which communicates freely with city residents and involves them in the formulation of policy, services and decision making.
Be fairer and more equal giving everyone in Glasgow the chance to flourish and improve their life chances and choices. Work to uphold and protect people's basic human rights including treating them with dignity, fairness, equality, and respect.
Promote pride in the city's people, its heritage, its facilities, achievements, appearance and be proud to live and work in Glasgow and support the city to continue to achieve in the future.
Work in partnership allowing people to contribute and for ideas from any source to be heard and considered.
Citizen's Vision for the City
- A fairer and equal place where new Glasgow citizens and visitors feel welcomed and included
- Every citizen and council employee treats others equally and with respect.
- People from areas across the city can meet and share a strong sense of identity as Glaswegians.
- People are actively involved in their local community, volunteer and come together to help one another and improve community spirit and local pride.
- People are proud of their city, its heritage, facilities and appearance, and take care of their neighbourhood and the city.
- Everyone has a place to call home where they feel comfortable, safe and warm.#
- Glasgow is clean with less litter and its public spaces are well maintained, with a good standard of roads and pavements.
- A sustainable and low carbon city, with good active travel options.
- People are safe and there is less anti-social behaviour, with Glaswegians taking a lead role in reporting crime and anti-social behaviour.
- A healthy city where people take more responsibility for their health and wellbeing, and make informed choices.
- A city that is resilient that can adapt to changes and other pressures.
- The city and its employers are proactive in promoting and upholding employees' rights, and work to increase employment opportunities.
- A vibrant city where citizens and visitors have access to Glasgow's rich arts and cultural life and heritage.
- A place with a high standard of education for all our children and young people whatever their ability in facilities that are fit for purpose.
- The Council works in effective partnerships with a range public and business partners across the city, and citizens, third sector and community groups.
- A high standard of services in all areas across the city and people have equal access to services and facilities.
- Support and services are provided to improve the lives of vulnerable people, marginalised groups, and young people.
- The Council makes good use of its resources, promotes energy efficiency, and provides value for money.
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