Digital Glasgow Strategy

Digital Glasgow Strategy 2024-2030

The new Digital Glasgow Strategy (2024-2030) updates the previous version for the years 2018-23 and considers the impact of digitisation on Glasgow's economic and social life, and how it effects the delivery of council services.

The new strategy differs from the old in several ways: the previous strategy consisted of actions that represented specific plan and propose. The new Digital Glasgow Strategy is not solely a technology strategy and cannot be delivered by technology alone. It is a strategy for organisational change which will equip Glasgow - and the council family - to benefit from the many positives that digital can bring, whilst also protecting people's rights.

The strategy has five core values: to be accessible and inclusive; protect and secure; be open and transparent; involve and empower; and be collaborative and in partnership.

The focus of this strategy is on the outcomes that digital is expected to underpin and sets out actions that can better equip and enable the council (and Glasgow) to succeed in delivering these outcomes. 

This can be seen in the following missions within the new strategy:

  • Mission 1 - A Fair and Empowered Digital Society: this will improve digital inclusion and equality; build confidence and quality; and increase involvement and participation.
  • Mission 2 - An Inclusive Digital Economy: this will improve digital inclusion and equality; develop the pipeline of digital skills; and improve opportunities for Glasgow's tech ecosystem.
  • Mission 3 - Sustainable and Innovative Digital Public Services: this will improve the efficiency, resilience, and agility of our operations; improve the customer experience for our customers; and increase involvement and participation.

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Last modified on 15 May 2024

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