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Govan-Partick Bridge


The Govan-Partick Bridge is an opening bridge spanning the navigable waters of the River Clyde between Water Row in Govan and the Riverside Museum, Pointhouse Quay, Glasgow.  The bridge has chart height of 4.7m above mean high water springs (MHWS) in a closed position (open to pedestrians) and unrestricted air draft over a clear width of 50 metres when open to river traffic

The bridge will become operational on Saturday 7 September 2024.  From this date any vessel with an air draft of more than 4.2m must request that the bridge is opened for passage.

The Govan-Partick Bridge is operated by Mirren Marine.  To request an opening please contact Mirren Marine on 07304 030028 or

Please Note:

  • The vessel must request an opening at least 6 hours prior to the proposed opening time.
  • The bridge cannot be operated in an average wind speed of more than 24 Miles per hour (21 knots)

Further details are available in the Communications Protocol and Emergency Procedures document.

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Last modified on 05 September 2024

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