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Make a Sustainable Transport Request cycle parking at a destination, a drop kerb to improve the usability of a shared path, improved routes or signage, you can make a request.
Re-Registration of Birth or Stillbirth and guidance on how to re-register a birth or stillbirth in Scotland.
20200331_Workforce_Profile_By_Age_as_at_31_March_2020 (Adobe pdf documents) WORKFORCE PROFILE BY AGE ALL COUNCIL AS AT 31 MARCH 2020 The table below has been simplified to provide a summary of the council’s workforce by age. Th...
Workforce_Profile_By_Sexual_Orientation_as_at_31_March_2020 (Adobe pdf documents) WORKFORCE PROFILE BY SEXUAL ORIENTATION ALL COUNCIL AS AT 31 MARCH 2020 The table below has been simplified to provide a summary of the council’s workf...
Workforce_Profile_By_Religion_or_Belief_as_at_31_March_2020 (Adobe pdf documents) WORKFORCE PROFILE BY RELIGION OR BELIEF ALL COUNCIL AS AT 31 MARCH 2020 The table below has been simplified to provide a summary of the council’s workf...
Workforce_Profile_By_Disability_as_at_31_March_2020 (Adobe pdf documents) WORKFORCE PROFILE BY DISABILITY ALL COUNCIL AS AT 31 MARCH 2020 The table below has been simplified to provide a summary of the council’s workforce by ...
Workforce_Profile_By_Ethnicity_as_at_31_March_2020 (Adobe pdf documents) WORKFORCE PROFILE BY ETHNICITY ALL COUNCIL AS AT 31 MARCH 2020 The table below has been simplified to provide a summary of the council’s workforce by e...
Workforce_Profile_By_Gender_as_at_31_March_2020 (Adobe pdf documents) WORKFORCE PROFILE BY GENDER ALL COUNCIL AS AT 31 MARCH 2020 The table below has been simplified to provide a summary of the council’s workforce by gend...
Alternative Means of Compliance, guidance and how to apply for Alternative Means of Compliance.
2015 Gender pay gap, occupational segregation (Adobe pdf documents) Pay Gap & Occupational Segregation Summary March 2015 Gender Pay Gap The gender pay gap is percentage difference between men’s average hourly pay and wom...