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Flood Risk and Drainage Impact Assessments and guidance on Flood Risk and Drainage Impact Assessments.
British Sign Language (BSL) about the British Sign Language (BSL) Service.
Hillington Simplified Planning Zone about the Hillington Simplified Planning Zone.
Collegelands Calton Barras an investment of £27m City Deal aims to address the physical barriers in the area improving public transport, connectivity and road infrastructure.
The Glasgow Green Deal about the Glasgow Green Deal Project, a nine year plan to reshape the city's economy.
Glasgow Adopts Adaptation Plan to Future Proof City and Help Residents Impacted Now by Climate Change council's new Climate Adaptation Plan 2022-2030 (agreed today 22 June 2020) focuses on the local impacts of global temperature increases, what they mean for...
Never Forget (Adobe pdf documents) Never Forget...... Private Lawrence Nealis was born on the 20th June 1898 at 113 Brighton Street, Govan, after the death of his father (also na...
Glasgow Must Make Most of Waste to Tackle Climate Change needs to make the most of its waste if the city is to challenge climate change.
Dementia is dementia? Dementia is a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language. Dementia is caused whe...
Clyde Metro Included in Scottish Government's Blueprint for Future Transport Investment that seek to make transport in Scotland more sustainable and support people to make better, more informed choices on how they travel have been set out i...