Submission Documents: By Councillor Kieran Wild:- "Council acknowledges that fuel poverty in Glasgow continues to increase despite numerous strategies designed to eradicate the problem. In 2008, 25% of households in Glasgow were affected by fuel poverty, and since then, energy prices have risen by over 23% with the current estimate for fuel poverty in Glasgow now at 33%. Council notes that we must unlock the cycle of fuel poverty due to inefficient use of energy and our over-dependence on fossil fuels, prices of which are dictated by the global market. We will seek to develop our services to ensure that households are able to access the Energy Assistance Package and implement measures to improve energy efficiency or investment in renewable technology. Council recognises the important role which could be played by investment in renewable energy technology owned in the public and community sectors, and calls for resources to deliver research and development to support such investment in Glasgow. Council welcomes the Scottish Government's review of the Fuel Poverty Strategy and we hope that through engagement with a range of stakeholders, the review will lead to development of a revised insulation scheme for households among other measures to ensure that no-one is living in fuel poverty by 2016." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Councillor Kieran Wild:- "Council acknowledges that fuel poverty in Glasgow continues to increase despite numerous strategies designed to eradicate the problem. In 2008, 25% of households in Glasgow were affected by fuel poverty, and since then, energy prices have risen by over 23% with the current estimate for fuel poverty in Glasgow now at 33%. Council notes that we must unlock the cycle of fuel poverty due to inefficient use of energy and our over-dependence on fossil fuels, prices of which are dictated by the global market. We will seek to develop our services to ensure that households are able to access the Energy Assistance Package and implement measures to improve energy efficiency or investment in renewable technology. Council recognises the important role which could be played by investment in renewable energy technology owned in the public and community sectors, and calls for resources to deliver research and development to support such investment in Glasgow. Council welcomes the Scottish Government's review of the Fuel Poverty Strategy and we hope that through engagement with a range of stakeholders, the review will lead to development of a revised insulation scheme for households among other measures to ensure that no-one is living in fuel poverty by 2016.".

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