Submission Documents: By Councillor Frank McAveety:- "Council is dismayed that the Scottish Government's draft budget will inflict a further £10m cut to Glasgow's share of the local government settlement, resulting in a shortfall of £133m for the city over the next two years; recognises the shared economic approach of both the Edinburgh and London Governments has had a punitive impact on our poorest and most vulnerable citizens; is further dismayed that because of the policy choices imposed by the Scottish Government, Glasgow faces a 4.4% cut to its settlement over one year; shares the opposition of Trade Unions, charities and third sector bodies to local government cuts; welcomes the shared views of COSLA and the Scottish Local Government Partnership that the Scottish Government's budget for local government is 'totally unacceptable' and constitutes an 'austerity budget'; believes it to be wholly unacceptable that the Scottish Government seeks to threaten local councils with £408m worth of cumulative sanctions which are the most punitive in local government history; further believes the manner of these negotiations to be grossly unfair and would not be tolerated if they were between the Scottish and UK Government; and calls upon all elected representatives of the city of Glasgow to make representations to the Scottish Government to reverse its position and deliver a fair settlement for Glasgow." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Councillor Frank McAveety:- "Council is dismayed that the Scottish Government's draft budget will inflict a further £10m cut to Glasgow's share of the local government settlement, resulting in a shortfall of £133m for the city over the next two years; recognises the shared economic approach of both the Edinburgh and London Governments has had a punitive impact on our poorest and most vulnerable citizens; is further dismayed that because of the policy choices imposed by the Scottish Government, Glasgow faces a 4.4% cut to its settlement over one year; shares the opposition of Trade Unions, charities and third sector bodies to local government cuts; welcomes the shared views of COSLA and the Scottish Local Government Partnership that the Scottish Government's budget for local government is 'totally unacceptable' and constitutes an 'austerity budget'; believes it to be wholly unacceptable that the Scottish Government seeks to threaten local councils with £408m worth of cumulative sanctions which are the most punitive in local government history; further believes the manner of these negotiations to be grossly unfair and would not be tolerated if they were between the Scottish and UK Government; and calls upon all elected representatives of the city of Glasgow to make representations to the Scottish Government to reverse its position and deliver a fair settlement for Glasgow.".

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Item Minute - 18 February 2016 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
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