Submission Documents: By Councillor Martin McElroy:- "Council notes that there are over 1,000 closes in this city that have alternative arrangements for presenting bins at the kerbside, agreed between Housing Associations and the Council. These arrangements generally involve private contractors, contracted by the Housing Association, performing the job previously performed by Glasgow City Council employees. Council further notes that these arrangements have been dubbed the Tenement Tax, including in the campaign by the GMB union. Council believes that the use of innovative solutions to long standing problems should be explored. In some cases, it is entirely appropriate that the Council protect the health and safety of staff involved in collecting refuse. However, Council believes that, in the majority of cases, this practice simply passes on the cost of presentation to Housing Associations and their residents, who already pay Council Tax in expectation of this service being provided. Therefore, the Tenement Tax amounts to privatisation by the 'close' door, and is the result of ever growing pressures on staff time and resources, exacerbated by the Scottish Government's continued real-terms cuts to Glasgow City Council's core budget. Council therefore resolves that the Tenement Tax should be scrapped." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Councillor Martin McElroy:- "Council notes that there are over 1,000 closes in this city that have alternative arrangements for presenting bins at the kerbside, agreed between Housing Associations and the Council. These arrangements generally involve private contractors, contracted by the Housing Association, performing the job previously performed by Glasgow City Council employees. Council further notes that these arrangements have been dubbed the Tenement Tax, including in the campaign by the GMB union. Council believes that the use of innovative solutions to long standing problems should be explored. In some cases, it is entirely appropriate that the Council protect the health and safety of staff involved in collecting refuse. However, Council believes that, in the majority of cases, this practice simply passes on the cost of presentation to Housing Associations and their residents, who already pay Council Tax in expectation of this service being provided. Therefore, the Tenement Tax amounts to privatisation by the 'close' door, and is the result of ever growing pressures on staff time and resources, exacerbated by the Scottish Government's continued real-terms cuts to Glasgow City Council's core budget. Council therefore resolves that the Tenement Tax should be scrapped.".

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