Submission Documents: By Councillor Dr Martin Bartos:- "In the light of the tragedies experienced by Glasgow in recent years and paying tribute to the consistent efforts of its citizens as passers-by to help; Glasgow City Council recognises its responsibilities in educating its youngest citizens as well as providing opportunities to Glaswegians of all ages to learn to help their fellow citizens. This Council notes existing efforts on the part of many though not all schools in Glasgow to teach first aid and endorses the British Heart Foundation goal of seeking a Nation of Lifesavers. Council therefore instructs Education Services to further develop, implement and integrate age appropriate instruction city wide on dealing with emergencies for every pupil age group, with the goal that before the end of 2016, by school leaving age, every Glasgow educated school pupil has had training in basic CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Further this Council seeks to use its influence with Glasgow Life and connections with health and third sector stakeholders, to ensure that resources are put in place to signpost Glasgow's adult citizens towards resources and local groups providing education in CPR, first aid and emergency response. In particular, the Council seeks to ensure that before the end of 2016 every Glasgow Life venue - every library, museum and sports facility - prominently displays information guiding Glaswegians to learn how to be a lifesaver." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Councillor Dr Martin Bartos:- "In the light of the tragedies experienced by Glasgow in recent years and paying tribute to the consistent efforts of its citizens as passers-by to help; Glasgow City Council recognises its responsibilities in educating its youngest citizens as well as providing opportunities to Glaswegians of all ages to learn to help their fellow citizens. This Council notes existing efforts on the part of many though not all schools in Glasgow to teach first aid and endorses the British Heart Foundation goal of seeking a Nation of Lifesavers. Council therefore instructs Education Services to further develop, implement and integrate age appropriate instruction city wide on dealing with emergencies for every pupil age group, with the goal that before the end of 2016, by school leaving age, every Glasgow educated school pupil has had training in basic CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Further this Council seeks to use its influence with Glasgow Life and connections with health and third sector stakeholders, to ensure that resources are put in place to signpost Glasgow's adult citizens towards resources and local groups providing education in CPR, first aid and emergency response. In particular, the Council seeks to ensure that before the end of 2016 every Glasgow Life venue - every library, museum and sports facility - prominently displays information guiding Glaswegians to learn how to be a lifesaver.".

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Item Minute - 19 February 2015 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
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