Submission Documents: By Councillor Stephen Dornan:- "Council welcomes the £842m investment in the new Glasgow Southern Hospital and notes the world class facilities available to our NHS at the facility. However, Council notes the concerns expressed by residents, staff and potential visitors to the Southern Hospital complex of the difficulties associated with parking, in and around, the new Hospital campus and recognises that these have been highlighted over a number of years. Council further notes ongoing consultation and the widespread popular engagement through the G51 campaign. Given the particular requirements of the Southern Hospital, and recognising the wider occasional need for special parking arrangements at other key locations in the city, Council considers that there will require to be special measures introduced to manage parking in and around Glasgow and the Southern Hospital campus. Consequently, Council recommends that officers continue to work as a matter of urgency with all partners and affected parties - including, if necessary, the Scottish Parliament - to devise a solution to parking issues in the area in and around the Southern Hospital campus." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Councillor Stephen Dornan:- "Council welcomes the £842m investment in the new Glasgow Southern Hospital and notes the world class facilities available to our NHS at the facility. However, Council notes the concerns expressed by residents, staff and potential visitors to the Southern Hospital complex of the difficulties associated with parking, in and around, the new Hospital campus and recognises that these have been highlighted over a number of years. Council further notes ongoing consultation and the widespread popular engagement through the G51 campaign. Given the particular requirements of the Southern Hospital, and recognising the wider occasional need for special parking arrangements at other key locations in the city, Council considers that there will require to be special measures introduced to manage parking in and around Glasgow and the Southern Hospital campus. Consequently, Council recommends that officers continue to work as a matter of urgency with all partners and affected parties - including, if necessary, the Scottish Parliament - to devise a solution to parking issues in the area in and around the Southern Hospital campus.".

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Item Minute - 02 April 2015 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
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