Submission Documents: By Councillor Susan Aitken:- "Council believes that the recent participatory budgeting pilots carried out in each of the city's wards represent a step forward in giving Glaswegians greater control over decision-making in their communities. Council notes that the Scottish Government has stated its intention that a minimum of 1% of Council's budgets should be subject to Community Choices budgeting, looks forward to receiving feedback from the pilots carried out in Glasgow, and instructs officers to build on the lessons learned from these pilots to prepare for the devolution of far greater sums to community control and the embedding of participatory decision-making throughout the city. Council further instructs officers to undertake a review of all of the Council's functions, budgets and processes relating to democratic scrutiny and oversight as the first step in developing a plan for the future decentralisation of spending, decision-making and service planning to local neighbourhood level, in order to fulfil the ambition of Glasgow becoming a beacon city for community empowerment." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission By Councillor Susan Aitken:- "Council believes that the recent participatory budgeting pilots carried out in each of the city's wards represent a step forward in giving Glaswegians greater control over decision-making in their communities. Council notes that the Scottish Government has stated its intention that a minimum of 1% of Council's budgets should be subject to Community Choices budgeting, looks forward to receiving feedback from the pilots carried out in Glasgow, and instructs officers to build on the lessons learned from these pilots to prepare for the devolution of far greater sums to community control and the embedding of participatory decision-making throughout the city. Council further instructs officers to undertake a review of all of the Council's functions, budgets and processes relating to democratic scrutiny and oversight as the first step in developing a plan for the future decentralisation of spending, decision-making and service planning to local neighbourhood level, in order to fulfil the ambition of Glasgow becoming a beacon city for community empowerment.".

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Item Minute - 22 June 2016 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
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