Plans revealed for West Nile Street active travel route
Plans have been revealed for a new cycling route on West Nile Street in the city centre

The cycle route will also link up with five of the 'Avenues' - a City Deal funded programme which is forming a network of integrated pedestrian and cycling routes across the city centre.
The proposal to deliver a safe, high-quality cycle route on West Nile Street is a key recommendation of our City Centre Transport Plan which prioritises people travelling actively and by sustainable modes of transport. The centrally located route is ideal for encouraging active travel given its gentle gradient and proximity to the main shopping area and amenities.
As well as a new cycleway - shared, open spaces along West Nile Street will be refreshed to create a safer, more enjoyable and inclusive environment within the city centre. Some sections will also benefit from footway widening and resurfacing.
The proposals also include part-time restrictions on vehicle access from Mitchell Street onto Argyle Street as part of the People First Zone which has been developed in parallel with this scheme.
And between Bath Street and Killermont Street, plans have been put forward to reduce the carriageway on West Nile Street to one lane running north - as shown in the visualisation. This reconfiguration would ensure continuance of the cycle lane on this section of the route whilst opening up further opportunities to improve the pedestrian environment.

Full details of the West Nile Street active travel project, including design drawings can be accessed by clicking on this link.
To inform the design process, workshops have been held with key stakeholders including the emergency services and transport operators as well as business groups, accessibility and active travel groups. We are also holding a drop-in session for people to meet the project team, discuss the designs and provide feedback which will help shape the next stage of the design process:
- Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Strathclyde Suite
Wednesday 20 November 2024 - 3.30pm until 7.00pm
Feedback can also be shared via an online survey, which can be accessed by clicking on this link.
Next Steps:
Transport Scotland's Places for Everyone programme, administrated by Sustrans is funding development of the route designs. Construction of the West Nile Street project is subject to securing funding beyond the preliminary design stage, with the council actively taking steps to explore all available options.