City Network

A key output from the Active Travel Strategy is the development of the City Network, which will provide an accessible, safe, coherent and direct active travel network across Glasgow. To be delivered by 2031, the City Network will connect key amenities and drivers of travel such as education, business, retail and culture.
The Connectivity, People and Place: Interim Delivery Plan for the City Network sets out the design standards for the City Network. The proposed routes forming the network have been selected following city-wide screening for width, access to amenities, and achieving at least a medium level of service for route density according to Cycling by Design 2021 guidance.
The Final Delivery Plan for the City Network sets out the phasing of key sections of the network, allowing GCC officers to prioritise design and delivery across the city over a 10 year period. As the overarching network document for the GCC delivery teams, it will also be used to direct funding applications.
The development of the more informal Neighbourhood Network will focus on improvements for walking and wheeling to enable easy everyday active journeys within neighbourhoods, and to make easy connections to the City Network and public transport networks. The City and Neighbourhood Networks will be co-created as part of Glasgow's Liveable Neighbourhoods programme at a multi-neighbourhood level.
The City Network will also link with other active travel projects across Glasgow. Please see GCC's Sustainable Transport Projects page for more information on their progress.
City Network Phase 1: Inner North and South
This first phase, as outlined in the City Network Final Delivery Plan, focuses on the Inner North and South networks. These two distinct geographical areas of Glasgow together will form approximately 56.5km of active travel routes.
Consultants AECOM with Austin-Smith:Lord and WAVEparticle, have been appointed by Glasgow City Council NRS to progress these two project areas to Preliminary Design by the end of March 2025.
City Network Phase 1: Connecting Greater Govan
Building on the connectivity benefits of the new Govan-Partick Bridge, the Connecting Greater Govan project will make it more attractive for people to walk, wheel and cycle in the area.
In addition to providing around 20km of high-quality cycleways, footways will be improved and public realm enhanced. Upgrading of crossing points and road junctions, along with enhancements to street lighting and drainage, are also planned. The new network is also expected to enhance connectivity with local amenities, community greenspace and public transport links.
The proposals for Govan form part of the wider City Network which will provide around 270km of safe, accessible and direct active travel routes across the city. To be delivered by 2031, the network will connect to key amenities and drivers of travel such as education, business, retail and culture.
City Network Phase 1: Connecting Greater Govan
The consultation for the Connecting Greater Govan 'yellow package' of routes is open from Monday 17 February to Sunday 30 March 2025. A drop-in event will be held at Elder Park Library on Monday 24 February from 3:30pm to 7:30pm.
Please see the Connecting Greater Govan StoryMap for full details of the consultation, a link to the Yellow Connecting Govan consultation survey and to view the Yellow Package developed design drawings. The routes included in the consultation are:
- Skipness Drive (north), Moss Road, Peninver Drive, Burghead Place
- Skipness Drive (south), traffic-free path adjacent to A739
- Tormore Street, Berryknowes Road
- Langlands Road, Harmony Row, Burleigh Street, Water Row
- Arklet Road, Nimmo Drive, Craigton Road, Jura Street
- Dumbreck Road
Printed information on the route designs and paper copies of the consultation survey are available in Elder Park Library and Community Hub, Langlands Road, Glasgow, G51 3TZ
The consultation for the Connecting Greater Govan 'red package' of routes was held during November and December 2024, during which community feedback was sought on four developed route designs:
- Govan Road (Moss Road - Elder Park - Orkney Street)
- Orkney Street - Broomloan Road - Summertown Road
- Govan Road - Lorne Street (Summertown Road - Paisley Road West)
- Shieldhall Road - Edmiston Drive
The detailed proposals and visualisations are still available to view at the City Network: Connecting Greater Govan StoryMap, and include junction alterations, new cycle lanes, widened footways and step-free crossings. The designs also include opportunities for improved greenspace, seating areas and a more attractive public realm.
City Network Phase 1: Inner North and South
The consultation period for the Inner North and South areas concluded on 20 October 2024 and work has been continuing to review and analyse all the feedback and completed survey responses. The findings and the Preliminary Designs will be presented at committee later in 2025.
During the consultation some additional routes were proposed for the Inner North network and a number of alternative routes proposed for the South network. In response, the project team have been further investigating these and have produced draft designs.
These additional and alternative designs will be available to view at the following drop-in public events, where feedback forms will be available for completion. Feedback is also welcomed via the project email address.
Date | Inner North Venues | Times |
Monday 10 February | Spirit of Springburn Community Hub | 15:00 to 18:00 |
Tuesday 18 February | Clay Community Church / Café Alongside the Saracen Street design consultation event. | 15:00 to 19:00 |
Date | South Venues | Times |
Wednesday 5 February | Destiny Church | 14:00 to 16:00 and |
Thursday 6 February | Pollokshields Library | 16:00 to 19:00 |
The feedback will be collated and used to help inform the Technical Design stage, which will follow in a route-by-route process with further public consultation, subject to available funding.
Meanwhile, the full set of draft route drawings and concept visualisations for the two areas remain available on the City Network: Inner North and South StoryMap.
Saracen Street Active Travel Project
Saracen Street is included within the Inner North City Network delivery area. GCC has developed proposals for segregated cycle lanes on Saracen Street and Balmore Road, connecting into existing cycle lanes on Garscube Road. Feedback from the people who live, work and travel through the area is now being sought on the Saracen Street design options.
The online consultation survey will be open for six weeks from Monday 27 January until Sunday 10 March 2025.
A public drop-in event to view and discuss the draft design options will take place on Tuesday 18 February:
Date | Venue | Time |
Tuesday 18 February | Clay Community Church / Café Bardowie Street Hall 206 Bardowie Street G22 5AB | 16:00 to 19:00 |
Please see full details about the project at the Saracen Street StoryMap.
Related Content
Related Articles
- Connectivity, People and Place: Interim Delivery Plan for the City Network (PDF, 11 MB)(opens new window)
- City Network Delivery Plan (PDF, 7 MB)(opens new window)
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