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Electric Vehicle Charging

Service Update:

Due to Avenue project works the Electric Vehicle Charging Unit located at South Portland Street (charger number 51237) will be not be available from 12 March 2025. The charger will be relocated to Oxford Street in due course.

What is the Electric Vehicle Charging provision in Glasgow?

As of January 2024, the Council had installed 335 live charge points across 175 units for public use in Glasgow, including off-street hubs and 16 'Rapid' units that will charge most vehicles 80% in approximately 30 minutes. 

A further 28 units are currently being completed.

In the 12 months from January to December 2023, the Council's public EV infrastructure was used for just under 145 thousand sessions consuming 2.76 million kWh. This is the equivalent of approximately 8 million emission free miles and a diversion of approximately 1.56 thousand tonnes of CO2. (Data provided by ChargePlace Scotland). All Council chargers are connected to the Charge Place Scotland (CPS) network and users can register for an RFID card on their website. Chargers can also be accessed using their mobile app.

A list of publicly available charge points, including those provided by the council and other organisations can be found on the Charge Place Scotland website

6 units are available exclusively for taxis and private hire vehicles and 6 units for goods vehicles at Newton Street Car park. More details in the Commercial EV Hub section below.

20 units are for exclusive or shared use by Car Club vehicles. For more information visit the Co-wheels website.

Details of all Glasgow City Council owned chargers are available on the National Chargepoint Registry.

More information can be found on our FAQ's.

EV Charging Tariff

In April 2021 the City Administration Committee (CAC) approved the Council's EV charge point policy and the introduction of a tariff and an overstay fee for the electricity consumed in the public electric vehicle charge point network. 

Due to various issues, implementation of the tariff was delayed however the first tariff was introduced on 11 April 2023.

From 1 March 2024 tariff arrangements will be as follows:

Please also note that separate Parking Enforcement may be in operation at locations and drivers should also ensure they are aware of parking restrictions to avoid any enforcement action.  Where there are parking fees at these locations, these also apply to Electric Vehicles.

The Tariff includes a Connection Fee and a rate for the electricity consumed:

Connection Fee
Charging UnitConnection Fee
All Charging Units£1.00 per session

Connection rate

Charging UnitRate per kWh
Standard Charging Units (max 7 - 22kW)£0.40 per kWh
Rapid Charging Units (max 50 - 150kW)£0.70 per kWh

Note the rate is applied for each charging unit and not at a connector level.

An overstay charge of £40 will be automatically applied at all chargers after the Maximum duration.  The council reserves the right to apply a grace period.

Maximum Durations are:
Charging UnitMaximum Duration
All Rapid Charging Units90 minutes
On-Street Standard Charging Units in City Centre2 hours between 8am - 8pm
On-Street Standard Charging Units in rest of city3 hours between 8am - 8pm
Standard Charging Units in Council family Car Parks12 hours

EV Charging Tariff information by charger is displayed below:
Charging UnitRate perkWhConnection FeeOverstay FeeLocationMax Stay
Rapid Charging Unit£0.70£1.00£40All locations90 minutes
Standard Charging Unit£0.40£1.00£40On-Street City Centre2 hours between 8am - 8pm
On-Street Rest of City3 hours between 8am - 8pm
Off-Street Car Parks12 hours

The tariff will be reviewed on a regular basis.

Tariff information and a QR code for further information is displayed on all charging units as well as on the Charge Place Scotland live maps, App, and website. The tariff still applies even if the tariff notices are missing or damaged.

The Council do not hold any Charge Place Scotland account details and any issues regarding billing, payments or tariff collection issues should be directed to ChargePlace Scotland who administer the charging units and tariff collection on our behalf.

Please note that no refunds will be made for any overstay fees incurred due to sessions going over the Maximum Charging Duration and ChargePlace Scotland cannot authorise any refunds.

The overstay charge will be applied directly to the payment method used. We encourage drivers to acquaint yourselves with the Maximum Charging Duration in operation at each charging unit and regularly check your CPS account status especially if payment method is via Invoice.

Commercial EV Charging Hub

Following award of grant funding from the Switched-On Towns and Cities Fund, the Council has created a Commercial EV Charging Hub at Newton Street Car Park.  The Hub provides 1x 150kW Ultra Rapid Charger and 5x 50kW Rapid Chargers for exclusive use of licenced Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles, and 6x 50kW Rapid Chargers for exclusive use of Goods Vehicles.

These units are not published on the Charge Place Scotland live maps and so for convenience are listed here:

EV chargers


Charging Unit (1 EV Bay per unit)


Newton Street Car Park (Ultra Rapid) - Taxis and PH ONLY


Newton Street Car Park - Taxis and PH ONLY


Newton Street Car Park - Taxis and PH ONLY


Newton Street Car Park - Taxis and PH ONLY


Newton Street Car Park - Taxis and PH ONLY


Newton Street Car Park - Taxis and PH ONLY


Newton Street Car Park - Goods Vehicles ONLY


Newton Street Car Park - Goods Vehicles ONLY


Newton Street Car Park - Goods Vehicles ONLY


Newton Street Car Park - Goods Vehicles ONLY


Newton Street Car Park - Goods Vehicles ONLY


Newton Street Car Park - Goods Vehicles ONLY

The Tariff for all units from 1 March 2024 is detailed below.  Note the rate is applied for each charging unit and not at a connector level.

Please also note that separate Parking Enforcement is in operation at this location and drivers should also ensure they are aware of parking restrictions to avoid any enforcement action. Parking fees at this location also apply to Electric Vehicles.

EV Charging Tariff

Charging Unit

Rate per kWh

Connection Fee

Overstay Fee

Max Stay

Ultra / Rapid Charging Unit




90 minutes

The Council do not hold any Charge Place Scotland account details and any issues regarding billing, payments or tariff collection issues should be directed to ChargePlace Scotland who administer the charging units and tariff collection on our behalf.

Please note that no refunds will be made for any overstay fees incurred due to sessions going over the Maximum Charging Duration and ChargePlace Scotland cannot authorise any refunds.

Details of our other Charging Units are available from Charge Place Scotland.

Future plans

Installations have been possible due to grant funding from several sources including Transport Scotland, Energy Savings Trust (EST) and the former Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), now Department for Energy Strategy and Net Zero.  All funding is now allocated, and no further installations are currently planned.

However, it is acknowledged that this is not sufficient for the rising demand due to increased EV ownership and so the Council's future EV Strategy (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window) and forward programme for EV Charging Infrastructure was approved at the City Administration Committee in November 2023. Our proposed strategy incorporates research undertaken by external consultants on behalf of Glasgow City Region and considers rising demand and potential numbers, locations, funding streams and the national agenda which emphasises the required involvement of the private sector in delivering EVCI. 

The Council agreed at City Administration Committee in April 2024 to proceed with a regional concession tender process to secure a step change in public electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the city and wider region.

Support for installations

We unfortunately cannot respond to individual requests from citizens or businesses for new chargers on the public realm.

We also currently do not allow charging cables to be laid across pavements as this could be a safety hazard. This includes any use of cable gullies.

For Businesses or individual users without a dedicated parking space, an option may be to have a charge point installed at a workplace.  Grants may be available for businesses from the Energy Saving Trust and more information can be found on the Energy Saving Trust website.  Other grants and loans may also be available from the Office of Zero Emissions Vehicles (OZEV) and Transport Scotland.

Enquiries regarding the installation of chargers at private communal carparks should be directed to the owner, landlord or factor of the site.  There is currently no funding available from the council for private installation.

Parking Charges and Enforcement

As demand on the network continues to rise, enforcement of spaces is critical for the user experience and crucial to maintaining user confidence specifically in the network and in EVs generally.

Our public EV Charging infrastructure has been located at existing parking bays. Many of these bays have Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) in place.  These apply 24 hours a day and restrictions will be enforced by Parking Attendants and, if necessary, the issuing of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs). 

Where there are parking fees at these locations these also apply to Electric Vehicles.

Most of these TROs have a specific Electric Vehicle element to them, meaning that the bay can be restricted to EVs only. Further EV specific TROs will be applied to the remaining bays however, this requires a lengthy statutory process to be undertaken to adapt standard parking bays to account for EVs.  Phase one of the TRO process is distributed to statutory consultees, for example the police and fire services.  Phase 2 is then open to the public.  No signage or alterations to bay markings is permitted until the consultation process is complete and the weight of the responses are positive. Similarly, no enforcement of these spaces can be undertaken until the TRO is in place.

Drivers should always look for signage at charge points and bays to be sure which restrictions apply to each location. Where there are parking fees at these locations these also apply to Electric Vehicles.

Information on Parking Enforcement requests and enquiries can be found here

Reporting faults on the network

Any faults found on the ChargePlace Scotland network can be reported via the ChargePlace Scotland app, by using the fault reporting form or by calling ChargePlace Scotland on 0141 648 0750.

Faults should not be reported to the council as the unit may not be one of ours.

Air Quality

Glasgow is key to Scotland's air quality improvement success and unlocking the Region's full economic potential to make it the low-carbon 'growth engine' for the area.

Glasgow has introduced Scotland's first Low Emission Zone (LEZ), further driving the demand for ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEV). 

Glasgow's LEZ will apply to all vehicle types, except for motorbikes and mopeds, and those vehicle types or uses considered exempt - this would include emergency vehicles and vehicles for disabled persons, including blue badge holders.

Phase 1 of Glasgow's LEZ applies to local service buses only, however when Phase 2 is enforced from 1 June 2023, all vehicles entering the city centre zone must meet the required emission standards to avoid a penalty. 

Zone residents will have an extra year to comply, with enforcement starting from 1 June 2024. The vehicle must be registered to a residential address within the LEZ zone area to qualify for this grace period.

Electric vehicles will be compliant.

The Council adopted Glasgow's Active Travel Strategy 2022-2031 (PDF, 7 MB)(opens new window) at the City Administration Committee on 24 February 2022.

The strategy supports the City's ambitious commitments by 2030 to:

Recent research suggests the average vehicle is only used for 9 hours a week, meaning it takes up valuable parking or road space the remaining 159 hours.

Car clubs offer solutions to EV ownership cost barriers, congestion, parking limitations and air quality issues. They also better match the Councils vision of a sustainable, equitable and healthy, future city.

More information on Car Club vehicle locations can be found on the Co-Wheels website (opens new window).

In addition, electric bikes (eBikes) have been introduced to the City's Nextbike cycle hire scheme. For more information visit the Next Bike website (opens new window).

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Last modified on 06 March 2025

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