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Colleges and Lifelong Learning Policy Commission

Glasgow City Council has established a Colleges and Lifelong Learning Commission to look at barriers to participation in college learning, and identify possible solutions to tackle these barriers.

Call for Evidence

The Commission would like to ask for your views, and any available evidence that will help to better understand:

  • Barriers to participation in College and Lifelong Learning
  • Who is most affected by these
  • Solutions to remove these barriers

Thank you very much for all your contributions, the Call for Evidence has now closed and the Commission are considering the findings, and planning the next steps


In particular the Commission will:

Examine the current College and Lifelong Learning landscape in Glasgow and how this has changed over recent years;

Identify the barriers to participation in College & Lifelong Learning and who is affected;

Identify some possible solutions to tackle these barriers.


The Commission is chaired by Councillor Judith Fisher, and comprises elected members, along with representatives from the college and business sector. Including:

Bailie Nina Baker
Councillor Eva Bolander
Councillor Malcolm Cunning
Councillor Feargal Dalton
Councillor Judith Fisher
Councillor Pauline McKeever
Councillor Martin Neil

Glasgow Colleges Regional Board
University of Glasgow
Glasgow Clyde College
Glasgow Kelvin College
City of Glasgow College
Chamber of Commerce


The Commission will work collaboratively with all views taken in to consideration. Members of the Commission will be the main drivers of, and play an active role in determining what the Commission will do.

Council officers will help the support the work of the Commission.

Last modified on 23 November 2023

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