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5 February 2025 - February is UK Heart Month: learn CPR in 15 minutes with RevivR

British Heart Foundation logo

Many of us will witness a cardiac arrest in our lifetime. This Heart Month, the British Heart Foundation are calling on us all to be ready for that day. Performing CPR and Defibrillation can more than double the chances of survival. Knowing the steps to take if you witness a cardiac arrest, and having the confidence to take them, could keep someone alive until the emergency services arrive. 

Learn CPR in 15 minutes with RevivR

British Heart Foundation CPR logo

RevivR is the British Heart Foundation's fast, free and easy-to-use online training course. In just 15 minutes, you can learn: 

  • How to recognise if someone is having a cardiac arrest
  • How to make an emergency call and get help 
  • How to push on the chest so oxygen can continue to get to the vital organs
  • How to use a defibrillator

Visit to access the training now, or save it for later and get it sent straight to your inbox, ready when you are.

Further information: 


5 February 2025 - Get comfortable and start talking about mental health this week

Time to Talk banner 2025

As an official workplace partner of See Me, we're supporting this years' Time to Talk campaign by encouraging all staff to take time out this week chat about mental health with a colleague.

Talking about mental health reduces stigma, helping to create supportive communities where we can talk openly about mental health and feel empowered to seek help when we need it.

There are lots of ways you could start a conversation. You could chat alongside an activity, share a cuppa with a colleague. 

Check out See Me's Talking Tips to help you have those all-important conversations. 

Visit our Workforce Wellbeing Support Pages for more health and wellbeing information, resources and support.

5 February 2025 - GoodPaye's Grand Giveaway: Donate to win

StC Payroll Giving are celebrating Payroll Giving Month with their Grand Giveaway - sign up to Payroll Giving (or add an additional donation) this month, and you'll be entered into the free prize draw. Two lucky donors will each win £500! Full Terms & Conditions can be found here..

  • Payroll Giving is simple and tax-efficient: Your donations come straight from your pay before tax, so it costs you less to give more!
  • You can support any cause: Choose the charities close to your heart.

Don't miss this chance to make a difference this February  - sign up at 

5 February 2025 - City Chambers to host a night of wrestling!

Pro Wrestling Event promotion poster

For the first time ever, the City Chambers will host a night of wrestling on Saturday 15 March in aid of the Lord Provost's Charity helping vulnerable citizens and children throughout the City in association with Blockbuster. 

The event, features an exciting lineup of top wrestling talent, including Jack Jester, Grado, Lana Austin, Angel Hayze, and more. Wrestling fans and newcomers alike can look forward to an unforgettable evening of action, entertainment, and community spirit, as this marks the first time a professional wrestling event will be held in the City Chambers.

Date: Saturday, 15 March 2025
Time: Doors open at 6pm for a 6:30pm start 
Location: Banqueting Hall, Glasgow City Chambers

Don't miss this opportunity to witness world-class wrestling. Buy your tickets

For more information about the Lord Provost's Charity and to make a donation, please visit:

5 February 2025 - Period Dignity Month. Get involved!

Period Dignity Month 2025

February is Period Dignity Month and we want to get the city talking about periods!

In partnership with Simon Community Scotland, we now provide free period products in around 400 locations across the city, including all schools, over 120 community venues, 50 HSCP buildings and 29 local foodbank and pantries.

We also now offer reusable products, as a more sustainable option, in 20 venues across Glasgow.

This Period Dignity month, to spread awareness and continue to breakdown the stigma of talking about periods, we will be hosting a range of pop-up events where we will be giving away free reusable period pants and Unicorn Cups.
Join us at the following events:

  • Wednesday 5 February 2025 ,11am-2pm at Buchanan Galleries
  • Wednesday 12 February 2025, 11am-2pm at The Forge Shopping Centre
  • Wednesday 19 February 2025, 11am-2pm at The Lochs, Easterhouse
  • Wednesday 26 February 2025, 11am-2pm at Silverburn Shopping Centre

Lorraine Mohr, Glasgow's Period Dignity Officer, Education Services said: "We hope to see lots of new faces at our community pop-up events this month. It's the perfect opportunity for you to come along, have a chat with the team and try out a new period product.

"We would love if more people downloaded the PickupMyPeriod app, where they will be able to identify their nearest venue to access a range of products discreetly and at no cost to them. The app also offers additional support to users, such as health and wellbeing guidance, addiction services information and financial advice.
"We continue to expand our Period Dignity work across the city, with us now offering reusable products in new venues, as a more sustainable choice for our citizens, as well as continuing our work with schools across Glasgow. Securing fairness and dignity in relation to periods is at the heart of the work we do. Period products are a right, not a luxury!"

For more information on Period Dignity in Glasgow, please visit


21 January 2025 -  Get comfortable and start talking about mental health with this year's Time to Talk 

Time to Talk campaign banner 2025

Around one in four of us will experience a mental health problem at some point in our lives, yet people are still afraid to talk about it.

Talking openly and honestly can be the first step towards better mental health for everyone. It can reduce stigma and help people feel comfortable to seek help when they need it. That's why the campaign for Time to Talk Day - 6 February is for us all to 'get comfortable and start talking about mental health'

Our approach

As an official workplace partner of See Me, we're supporting this years' Time to Talk by encouraging all staff to spark a conversation with a colleague across the whole week.

So, from Monday 3 February to Friday 7 February 2025 we encourage all staff to take time out to chat about mental health with a colleague. This can make a real difference and show someone you care simply by listening. Making your catch up a regular occurrence too can have a positive lasting effect.  Managers are asked to support staff to allow time for these conversations to take place.

Need top tips to start your chat?

Join us online on Tuesday 4 February 2025 at 10am (for 45mins)  for our 'Having a conversation about mental health' bitesize webinar, delivered in partnership with SAMH, to learn top tips on how to start a supportive and compassionate mental health conversation. Sign up here.

More information at See Me | Time to Talk (  Visit our workforce wellbeing support pages for resources to support your mental health and wellbeing

Want to share your stories about how it made you feel to connect and chat with a colleague?


15 January 2025 - FitClub is the most popular Glasgow Club membership plan

Glasgow Club offer 2025

It includes unlimited use of ALL Glasgow Life gyms, fitness classes (in-club and online) and swimming pools in the city - you are never far from your next workout.

Special staff discount

Normally £31 per month, a special rate for Glasgow City Council staff means it's now available for just £12 each month.

Scan to sign-up or to request a staff rate for your existing membership.

You can also visit GCC Colleague Membership | Glasgow Club

Join Glasgow Club today and you and your wallet will feel better in 2025!

Glasgow Club QR code


15 January 2025 - Equality Outcomes Survey. Your voice is crucial to help us achieve positive change so please take part and tell us your thoughts

Equality Outcomes are measurable goals that aim to ensure everyone has equal opportunities and can access services.

Legislation requires public authorities including the council to publish equality outcomes, including outcomes related to us as an employer, every 4 years.

Our next set of Equality Outcomes are due to be published in April 2025.

Take part and tell us...

To make sure we have achieved meaningful progress on our existing outcomes and to help us develop our future outcomes, we would like to hear directly from you.

Please complete this survey to help us to gather your experiences, insights and suggestions on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. As an employee of Glasgow City Council, your voice is crucial in helping us to achieve positive change.

Your responses will be confidential and will be used to help us to measure progress and develop future outcomes only.

The closing date for responses is 7 February 2025.

If you require any additional information about this survey or would like this document in an alternative format or community language, please contact:

We are now required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about this please visit our website  

15 January 2025 - 'Equally Safe at Work'. Have you taken our Sexual Harassment Courses on GOLD yet?

All staff are encouraged to complete the following two courses on GOLD to understand the impact of Sexual Harassment in the workplace and how you can help prevent it.

GOLD courses

Equally Safe at Work is a programme developed by 'Close the Gap' and funded by the Scottish Government to help support and improve employment practices - to progress gender equality at work and prevent violence against women.

We are committed to the health and well-being of our staff and it's important therefore, we create a working environment where anyone affected can feel safe and confident to seek support and assistance.

The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 came into effect from 26 October 2024 and introduces a positive legal duty for employers to take reasonable steps to prevent the sexual harassment of employees during the course of their work.

Our Bullying and Harassment Policy and Guidance has been updated to make sure that we meet our legal obligations under this Act and further protect our employees. This activity further reinforces the Equally Safe at Work programme and our commitment to tackle gender inequality and violence against women.

Take the GOLD courses here:


Last modified on 04 March 2025

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