Supporting your teen's mental health

Being a teenager isn't easy! But Parent Club has lots of tried and tested tips and expert advice to help parents and carers understand and support their child through the teen years.
From exam stress to social media, peer pressure to worries about the future, your teen probably has a lot on their plate at the moment. But if they're struggling, your family isn't alone. There is support out there for them, and for you. On Parent Club you can find out more about the different issues that can affect young people, and what you can do, and where you can get help. Visit, Helping your teen through tough times
So, whether the teenage years are on the horizon or you're already navigating the choppy teenage seas, Parent Club have lots of advice and tips to help. Visit - supporting your teen
Key advice
• Ready, steady, teenager! - Visit - Tips to prepare for the teen years
• Teen behaviour for beginners - Ever felt as if you and your teen are on different planets? Visit - Understanding teen behaviour
• Friends and relationships - Parent Club have lots of advice to help you support your teen through the challenges and changes of friendships and relationships at this age. They've even got tips to help with those awkward conversations about sex. Visit - Facts of life