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Child Poverty Programme

Funding Process for organisations

The Child Poverty Programme is the next stage of the council's efforts to eradicate  child poverty in the city. The Programme is formed of officers working in partnership who are from the council, the 3rd sector, housing, the Department for Work and Pensions, Scottish Government and academia. There are also citywide events held with citizens with lived experience where they share their issues and help to shape the support we offer.

The Child Poverty Programme provides funding from its Whole Family Early Intervention Fund to organisations that provide support to alleviate poverty experienced by families in the city.

The current approach is to use our data that shows where the highest levels of child poverty exists and these have been labelled "booster wards", these are:

● Calton        ● Govan                  ● Greater Pollok      ● Southside Central

● Linn           ● Canal                   ● East Centre          ● Garscadden / Scotstounhill

● Drumchapel / Anniesland          ● Springburn / Robroyston

Three of the booster wards have been selected to test new ways of working, these are Calton, Govan and Southside Central. These new ways of working we've called a Demonstration of Change (DOC).

Each DOC has a workstream lead officer who works with colleagues in the CPP, local organisations and citizens to identify the needs of the families in the ward.

To provide support costs money, and each booster ward will have an allocated budget where local organisations can apply for funding for specific elements of the project. These opportunities will be advertised to local organisations. To qualify, organisations will need to be a member of the CPP's No Wrong Door group and generally be based in the associated booster ward. An application form will be issued and on return will be scored by officers. The best and or most suitable will be awarded the funding. Organisations can also group together and apply as a consortium, however if they do, they cannot also apply individually.

Related Content

Whole Family Early Intervention Fund Process (PDF, 187 KB)(opens new window)


Last modified on 12 March 2025

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