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Local Code of Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is about how we ensure that we are doing the right things in the right way for the right people, in a timely, inclusive, honest and accountable manner. It comprises systems, processes, cultures and values by which the authority is directed and controlled and through which we account to, engage with and lead our community.

We are committed to deliver on seven cross cutting themes. These themes will help make sure that Glasgow has:

  • A thriving economy;
  • Resilient and empowered neighbourhoods;
  • Excellent and inclusive education; and is
  • A vibrant city;
  • A healthier city;
  • A sustainable and low carbon city, and
  • A well governed city that listens and responds.

We have set out how we will deliver on these themes in our Strategic Plan 2017-2022. To help ensure we deliver on these themes we have developed a number of policies to assist councillors and staff develop and deliver services. Effectively this collection of policies constitutes a Local Code of Corporate Governance. The code is a statement of the policies and procedures through which we direct and control our functions and how we interact with the local community and other stakeholders.

We are committed to delivering our services in an economic, effective and efficient manner. We have well defined committee structures, which allow councillors to take policy, strategic and high level operational decisions, to scrutinise and to take decisions on applications for planning permissions and a range of licences. These are supported by a range of services and arms length external organisations and partner relationships which have devolved decision making powers to deliver front line services to our community.

Councillors and officers have very clearly defined roles and have to comply with their respective codes of conduct. We have processes defined which allow us to fulfil all our legal duties and to comply with any specific requirement of Government.

Last modified on 23 November 2023

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