Landlord Registration Scheme
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What is it?
Almost all private landlords must apply for registration with their local authority, under Part 8 of the Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004.
This register will allow tenants and neighbours to identify and contact landlords of private rented property.
Aims of the Scheme
The landlord registration scheme has a number of aims:
- provide a register of all private landlords for public inspection, with the added assurance that the local authority has conducted a fit and proper person test;
- provide a regularly updated register that can be used to assist dialogue between local authorities and landlords, and to disseminate best practice information; and
- ensuring that landlord registration enforcement action is targeted on tackling the worst landlords in the sector, whether that involves dealing with concentrations of such landlords in vulnerable urban communities, or challenging the practices of individual landlords in more rural or sparsely populated areas.
All private landlords must register with their local authority to ensure that they are a "fit and proper person" to let property. It is an offence to let any house without being registered. The maximum fine for operating as an unregistered landlord is £50,000.
Who has to Regisrer
The requirement to be registered came into effect on 30 April 2006. It is now an offence for anyone to own residential property in Scotland which is let, if they are not registered with the relevant local authority, or have not made a valid application to register.
Anyone who owns residential property in Scotland which is let must apply to register with the local authority for the area where the property is located (exemptions do apply).
To be registered, owners and their agents must be "fit and proper" person to let residential property.
How much does it cost?
You can find details of all charges on the Scottish Landlord Registration website.
How do I Register?
Applications for registration should be made through the online registration system, or by printing the pdf application form on this page or requesting a paper application from the council. More detailed information is available from the Scottish Government website.
If your require any further information please contact us at:
Private Landlord Registration Unit
Glasgow City Council
231 George Street
Glasgow G1 1RX
Related Content
- Landlord Registration Application Form (PDF, 576 KB)(opens new window)
- Landlord Registration Requirements (PDF, 252 KB)(opens new window)
- Guidance for Landlords
- Landlord Registration - About the Scottish Landlord Registers
- Landlord Registration - Public Searches