National Lead in Drinking Water
In Scotland, lead does not occur naturally in significant concentrations in our water supplies. The problem arises when drinking water come into contact with lead supply pipes, lead tanks, lead solder joints on copper pipes, or inferior quality brass fittings and taps, particularly for longer periods (e.g. overnight / weekends / holiday periods). This can result in high levels in the drinking water supply.
If you suspect you may have lead pipes, the Council encourages you to undertake further works with a view to establishing whether lead is present and to take steps to replace them and as a short-term, implement some precautionary measures to protect your health.
Information on the health effects of exposure to lead can be found on the NHS inform website.
Lead Replacement Grant
We offer grants at 50% for lead supply replacement for your drinking water.
How to Apply
If you are interested in applying please Email (opens new window) us.