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Non Commercial Community events

There are general event requirements needed for all events, without these the event will not receive permission. You will require additional licences if your events includes any of the following:


If alcohol is proposed, then an Occasional Liquor licence would be required. Please visit our occasional licence page.

Bouncy Castles

Glasgow now states a Temporary Public Entertainment Licence is required for bouncy castles as this ensures the installation is inspected for safety and wind management plans are produced. This came about after several high profile cases of bouncy castles being incorrectly set up and operated resulted in fatalities.

For information on the health and safety of bouncy castles visit HSE website.

Event Management Plan

An Event Management plan covers all of the safety and organisational aspects of the event - the larger the event and / or the more risk attached to the activities dictates how detailed this plan has to be. There are many free templates available online.

Food Hygiene

Whether sold or given away free, homemade (Home food Production and Catering) or bought from a shop or supplier, the offer of foodstuffs at events still has to satisfy The Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006 in terms of Food Management plans and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point systems (HACCP).

Market Operator's Licence

For markets or events with a market element, a Market Operator's Licence may be required. Please visit our market operator's licence page.

Staging (or temporary raised structures)

Regardless of whether it's a large scale commercial or a smaller scale event, if the intention is to have a stage (built or drive on) and the floor of the stage where people will stand is 600mm or higher off the ground, then this requires a Section 89 application to be made.

This is a safety check to ensure the stage is erected safely and wont collapse.

To apply for a section 89 please visit our raised structures page.

Street Trading Licence

Events with one snack van operating will require a Street Trader's Licence (unless covered by TPEL). To apply for a street trader's licence please visit our street trader's licence page.

Last modified on 14 March 2024

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