Reference Groups
The voices of people with Lived and Living Experience (LLE) of drug and alcohol use are essential in the Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP).

In addition to this, Glasgow City ADP have established a staff reference group, to give staff from front line services across the city a space to have their voices and opinions heard.
People with lived and living experience and their families tell us that they sometimes feel uncomfortable attending formal meetings. The current use of digital platforms can also be daunting and therefore a barrier to engaging with the ADP. The aim of the reference groups is to break down these barriers.
Sometimes referred to as a 'lived and living experience panel', the groups are formed of representatives from Glasgow's Recovery Communities and Family Support Groups. Their goal is to develop an understanding of the ADP strategic agenda, gather thoughts and opinions to feedback to the ADP strategic structure and give members an opportunity to be involved in service development from the ground up. The groups have also been invited to be reference groups for the National Collaborative, giving Glasgow a voice on a national stage.
Nominated lived experience representatives are always invited to attend ADP Strategic meetings (as well as many other sub groups), but the reference groups, facilitated by the ADP support team, allow for wider understanding and increased confidence for the voices who must be listened to. Our reference group meet 'in person' rather than online to further reduce any barriers to engaging with the ADP.
The reference group have many questions and comments to make about everything to do with alcohol and drugs in the city. This includes residential service provision, Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Recovery Services (GADRS), care management, caseloads and frontline staff understanding of recovery. The notes from the meetings will be fed directly to the Senior Management Team of GADRS and the ADP.