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Working in Care Services as a Home Carer

There is so much more to home care than people think. At Glasgow City Care Services our home carers provide a lifeline which allows vulnerable citizens of Glasgow to remain independently in their own homes for longer. From administering medication to using specialist equipment, our highly trained home carers deliver a vital service which enhances the quality of service users' lives.

If you are a compassionate individual who has what it takes to make a difference to people's lives then you can start your career in home care today.  Become a carer for life and have a career for life! 

What happens next?

After you submit your online application on MyJobScotland you will be emailed a link to complete an online Value Based Assessment (VBA Sticky People). This assessment allows us to get a better understanding of your own personal values. Please check your junk mail in case it gets filtered out.

Following completion of the value based assessment you will receive an automated email to confirm your responses have been received by our team. If you pass the assessment, we will invite you to an interview. Providing you are successful at interview we will start the paperwork for your background checks which includes a PVG (Protection of Vulnerable Group).

Digi-Pals sessions can provide digital and online support to help you with the application process. Find out more information on Digi-Pals.  

If you are unable to seek support to complete your online application please contact our HR Recruitment team to request a paper application form to be sent by post. The recruitment team can be contacted by phone on 07876 818371.

Shift and salary information

An employees' pay is known as their 'contracted pay' and is made up of core pay and any additional non-core payments, if appropriate (for example Working Context and Demand or Non-Standard Working Pattern).  The core pay is made up of three different levels: 'Entry', 'Interim' and 'Proven'.  Progress to the next level of core pay is the anniversary of the date of employment.

Home Carer salary is made up of Core Pay, a Working Context and Demand (WCD) payment and depending on what shift pattern is allocated, a Non-standard Working Pattern (NSWP) payment will be applied.  Below are a few salary examples.

Please note shift pattern allocation is based on service requirements.

Below you will find links to more information on Home Carer Salary and Shift Patterns:


Home Care Case Studies

To give you an idea of what is is like to work for us, a few staff have told us about their work - Read their stories about working for us.

Last modified on 24 February 2025

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