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Community Relations FAQs

What is Antisocial Behaviour?

  • A course of conduct that causes alarm or distress to someone of a different household
  • For example regular very loud music, regular noisy parties, threats and harassment, vandalism
  • What is unlikely to be covered as ASB include noise from children playing, walking on laminate floors, parking and boundary disputes
  • Matters where formal action is not likely can be dealt with by Mediation

What will the Community Relations Unit Do?

  • Speak to you and listen to your problem
  • Assess the nature of the complaint
  • Investigate further e.g. speak to witnesses, get reports from Police, possibly even use surveillance
  • Recommend possible solutions where appropriate e.g. mediation
  • Work in partnership with other agencies for support needs etc
  • Where appropriate issue warnings up to and ultimately including going to court for an ASBO
  • If we can progress your complaint using the ASB legislation you will have to
  • Keep a diary of incidents
  • Keep the investigating officer up to date with what's happening
  • Be prepared to go to court if the matter is not resolved through warnings and support measures
  • To go to court investigators need supporting evidence (corroboration) of the incidents e.g. from other people, ASB Noise Service or Police witnesses


How long will the investigation take?

Investigations can range from weeks to a year dependant on the complexity of the issue

What is an ASBO

  • An ASBO is a court order to stop someone doing something that a court determines as causing alarm or distress
  • If breached it is a criminal offence where the person can be arrested carrying penalties of up to £5,000 and/or 6 months in prison on summary conviction
  • It can also affect the tenancy of those in rented property


Do ASBOs Work?

  • Yes!
  • The advice, warnings and support offered most often resolve the complaint prior to court action
  • If an ASBO is required then either the behaviour stops or the person will face strong action from the Police. Recent strong sentencing from Glasgow Sherriff court includes 6 and 4 month prison sentences, bail conditions for an offender not to return to their own home, in cases involving rented property breaching an ASBO mostly results in an eviction.


How do I Report Antisocial Behaviour?

  • You can report antisocial behaviour using our online form (opens new window)
  • For an ongoing noise incident call our ASB Noise Service on 0141 287 6688
  • If its an ongoing incident of a criminal nature call Police Scotland on 101
  • If you are a housing association tenant call your housing officer in the first instance
  • For all other calls phone the 24hr ASB helpline on 0800 027 3901



Last modified on 12 March 2024

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