Clyde Metro Confirmed as a Key Priority for Future Transport Investment
Published: 6 December 2022
The mass transit plan is one of 45 recommendations included in the final report of the second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) which was published yesterday.
Clyde Metro, which represents a multi-billion investment over a 30-year period, could better connect more than 1.5 million people to employment, education, and health services in and around Glasgow.
Today's progress follows the Connectivity Commission's recommendation in 2019 that work should be taken forward to develop a proposal on a wider regional metro opportunity. A council-led team to deliver a Metro Feasibility Study on behalf of Glasgow City Region was subsequently mobilised to highlight the benefits that a modern rapid transit system could deliver, whilst also collaboratively supporting the STPR2 process.
Cllr Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council and Chair of the Glasgow City Region Cabinet said: "This announcement represents a significant milestone in our pledge to establish a modern, sustainable, integrated public transport system for Glasgow and the surrounding region.
"Today's confirmation of Clyde Metro as an investment priority also reflects highly positively on the work undertaken by Transport Scotland, the council, SPT and our partners in developing the concept and the undeniable case for it.
"A Clyde Metro can help us address the climate emergency by delivering clean and net-zero carbon connectivity, whilst also providing the affordable, sustainable and integrated public transport system our citizens deserve."
Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport, Michael Matheson said: "The final publication of STPR2 represents a key milestone for transport planning in Scotland, setting out a 20-year framework for capital investment to drive the change we need to reach our ambitious - and essential - net zero goals. The era where catering for unconstrained growth in private car use is well and truly over.
"The majority of the 45 recommendations contribute directly towards achieving emissions reduction, and I'm pleased that significant progress is already being made on many of these.
"Delivering the level of investment set out in STPR2 will enhance accessibility for residents, visitors and businesses; improve connectivity with sustainable, smart and cleaner transport options; and highlight the vital contribution transport can make to Scotland's economic growth."
STPR2 and Next Steps
STPR2 is expected to help deliver the vision, priorities and outcomes set out in the second National Transport Strategy and inform transport investment in Scotland for the next 20 years by providing recommendations on which Scottish Ministers can base future transport investment decisions.
You can read the STPR2 Final Reports by opening up this link.
You can also enlarge the map shown below by clicking on it. This map highlights the indicative extent of Clyde Metro as set out in the STPR2 Final Technical Report.
View map as PDF (PDF, 338 KB)(opens new window)
STPR2 recommends that Transport Scotland continues to work with Glasgow City Council, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and other regional partners in the development of Clyde Metro including the business case, design and governance.
A Delivery Plan from the Scottish Government that will provide further insight on the prioritisation of the STPR2 recommendations will follow in the New Year when there is more clarity and greater certainty on the available capital budget and fiscal policy for the coming years.
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