Information for Applicants
This webpage contains information for applicants to the Glasgow Communities Fund.
For general information on the Fund please see the main Glasgow Communities Fund webpage at Glasgow Communities Fund
All applicants have been emailed a copy of their application form for their records and to acknowledge receipt. If you believe you submitted an application form before the deadline of 12:00 midday on 12 September, and have not received this email please contact to discuss. Late applications will not be accepted.
A communication was issued via email to applicants on 29 November 2022 advising of a shift in the decision-making timeline for the Glasgow Communities Fund from December 2022 to Janaury 2023. This communication can also be found at the following link: Glasgow Communities Fund - Communication to Applicants November 2022 (PDF, 101 KB)
Decision Making Timeline
Please note that we will not contact applicants for further information. We will make an assessment based on the information in the application submitted.
Timelines | Steps |
Monday 12 September (12:00 midday) | Deadline for applications |
Friday 16 September | All applicants have received a PDF version of their application form |
12 September - | Assessment by Grants and Initiatives Team and Review by Strategic Leads |
20 September - | Nominations for Sector Review Panels at Sector Partnership meetings |
24 and 25 November | Sector Review Panels meet |
Award decisions made early January 2023 | |
January 2023 | Grant award packs issued |
April 2023 | Phase two start - payments made |
Communications Timeline
The below timelines indicate when applicants can expect to hear from Glasgow City Council in relation to their application.
Timelines | Communication |
Friday 16 September | All applicants have received a PDF version of their application form |
Thursday 29 September | All applicants contacted to provide update on process and relevant timelines |
Friday 28 October | All applicants contacted to provide a further update on process and timeline |
29 November | All applicants contacted advising of a shift in the decision-making timeline |
Early January 2023 | All applicants contacted to provide them with the recommendations being made to Sector Partnership or Committee |
Early January 2023 | Decisions communicated to relevant applicants |
Tuesday 31 January 2023 | Successful applicants issued award packs |
Tuesday 28 February | Unsuccessful applicants provided with feedback |
Review Panels Process
Following initial assessment and technical and eligibility checks by the Grants and Initiatives Team, applications will be considered by a panel of strategic lead officers from the Glasgow Family.
This approach will maximise the impact of GCF funding through strategic leads identifying opportunities for joint funding; any duplication of funding; over provision or gaps in provision and address these points in their recommendations.
Sector Review Panels will review recommendations and give a local perspective to officers before final recommendations are presented for decision.
Further information on the Sector Review Panels can be found within the Sector Review Panels Terms of Reference,
Glasgow Communities Fund Sector Review Panels Terms of Reference.pdf (PDF, 88 KB)
Feedback Process
Applications which are ultimately approved and funded by the Glasgow Communities Fund will receive feedback on their application as part of the Monitoring Framework which will be in place from 1 April 2023 onwards.
Applications which are unsuccessful will be provided with feedback following final decisions being made.
Applicants who were unsuccessful will be provided with this feedback by 28 February 2023 via email.
Monitoring Framework and Requirements
Applications which are ultimately approved and funded by the Glasgow Communities Fund will be subject to a Monitoring Framework and other requirements.
Applicants should be aware of the Glasgow City Council Standard Conditions of Funding: link to Standard Conditions of Funding (PDF, 245 KB)
The Monitoring Framework will be in place from 1 April 2023 onwards.
Applications which are ultimately approved and funded by the Glasgow Communities Fund will be provided with information on the payment of grants schedule within their Award Pack which will be issued by 31 January 2023 via email.