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Mediation FAQs

What is mediation?

Mediation is a communication process. Mediators don't take sides and can help and support people to work through conflicts. It is a free service available to all residents of Glasgow. We work with both tenants and property owners.

Who is involved in mediation?

Only the people affected by the situation - usually neighbours or others involved in the conflict and the mediators will be present. Interpreters may attend where appropriate.

How does mediation work?

Mediation starts with an assessment process for the mediators to understand what the issues are and how people are affected. This is initially done over the phone and generally followed up with an individual appointment.

How can I refer myself to mediation?

You can refer yourself to mediation by phoning the Antisocial Behaviour Helpline on 0800 027 3901 at any time or write to us at:

Glasgow City Council
Mediation Service
727 London Road
G40 3AQ

Alternatively, you can ask a third party such as your housing provider or Police Scotland to refer you and the other party.

What sort of issues can be dealt with using mediation?

Mediation can be used in any conflict situation, where people want to take part, whether it's a few weeks old or decades running.

How can I go through mediation if I don't want to meet with my neighbour?

At first, all we ask is that you agree to speak to the mediators. After that we can assess the situation and let you know if mediation may be helpful.

Can I remain anonymous throughout the mediation process?

Once mediation has started we have to let everyone know who is involved. However, we won't pass on anyone's details without permission. Any third party who refers you to mediation will check with you first that you agree for your information to be passed on.

What is the benefit of talking to a mediator?

Clients have told us that it really helps to be listened to by someone who is not involved. Our mediators are experienced in conflict and can help explore feelings, situations and possibilities for improvement that you may not have considered yourself. People usually say that it was helpful to talk, whether or not they go ahead with mediation.

What kind of action can be taken through mediation?

Mediators are impartial so we don't make judgments or take action against any individual involved. We don't tell either party what to do, it's their free choice to enter into agreements about how things could be better.

I'm really angry and upset, I don't know if I want to go through mediation

That's fine, people in conflict normally feel like this. Mediators are used to strong emotions and there is no problem with expressing these to us. If you go ahead with mediation we can help you working out strategies to support you if you lose your temper or become upset.

Last modified on 12 March 2024

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