Enrolling a Child from Overseas
Email the team| Phone 0141 287 0615
We are keen that all children coming to live in the UK long-term are enrolled in school as quickly as possible.
There are several ways in which you can enrol your child in a Glasgow school depending on your right to be in the UK. While all parents and children from overseas must provide documentation to allow you to enrol your child, there are some differences to the process. The main ones are described below:
Family members with UK citizenship, you will need a MyGov account and can enrol here for primary school aged children.
Children attending secondary school should make an appointment with their local school to determine if there are places available for your child.
You will need your passport, child's birth certificate and proof of address for all schools.
Rules for Irish nationals with Irish passports for yourself and your child remain unchanged following the UK's departure from the European Union.
You should go to your local school to enrol. You will need your passport, child's passport, birth certificate and proof of address.
The UK government has introduced the Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) Integration Programme. Applicants under this programme will have a British Nationals Overseas Visa (BNO).
You should go to your local school to enrol. You will need your passport, child's passport, birth certificate, BNO and proof of address.
You should make an appointment with their local school and take with you:
- your passport,
- proof of address,
- your child's passport and birth certificate
- reason for being in the country
Photocopies of documents are not acceptable - only original documents are acceptable
When attending an appointment at school, you must take your child with you. No enrolment can take place until your child is resident in the city.
Please note that we will always try to place your child in their local school depending on whether there are places available.
If you require further assistance with an application or general advice, you can call us on 0141 287 0615 or email us here.
Unfortunately, if you are coming to the UK on a 6-month Standard Visitor visa, or an 11-month Short-term Study (English language) we are unable to enrol your child as a pupil at a state-funded school.
Please be aware that entry to the UK is a decision for the UK Government. It is the parent's responsibility to check if they have a right to reside in the UK before applying for a school place. Further information can be found here.