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Reith, Steven Donaldson (1892 - 1918)

Steven Reith

Lieutenant, 42nd Deoli Regiment

Buried at Ramleh War Cemetery

Commemorated at Hillhead High School

No one is more widely mourned in the School than Steven Reith, whose death, at a time when we were filled with triumphant expectation rather than with anxiety, has been the heavier a grief to us alll. He was one who not only worked vigorously in the School's interests himself, but drew their best work from those around him; so that there were many who knew him, and of these there was none who did not hold him in honour. To say that he played for the first XV. (School) from 1906 till 1910, and that he gained his first XV. (F.P.) cap in 1912; that he rose to the rank of colour-sergeant in the O.T.C.; and that he was President of the Literary Society which he had helped to found, is to give some idea of the many-sided nature of his abilities; it is less easy to do justice to the eager, hard working, enthusiastic personality he brought to each of these spheres, to the buoyant humour, the sense of adequacy, the readiness to encourage younger members, which made all things possible, and one's best supremely worth the doing.

He also played a leading part in the life of the West of Scotland Agricultural College, and of Glasgow University, where he graduated B.Sc. in 1914.

To those of us who knew him, the brilliance of his military career was welcome as a manifestation of his work, but was in no way surprising. He applied for a commission in the first days of August, 1914, but his eagerness sought a speedier way, and the raising of that body of Hillhead men which gave the School its particular pride in the 17th H.L. I. was largely his work.

He remained faithful to the duties he had undertaken, and held the rank of company sergeant-major when the battalion went overseas. For his share in one of the 17th's earliest exploits he was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal.

He was wounded on the eve of the attack of 1st July, 1916, and after a period of convalescence was appointed to the 6th O.C.B., Oxford, where he passed out at the head of the list. He was in consequence offered a commission in the Indian Army, and gazetted to the Deoli Regiment, with which he served in the Palestine campaign, winning fresh credit for his efficiency and keenness.

He was killed in the advance of 20th September; since death was to come to him, it could have come in no nobler way. It must be some comfort to those who mourn for him that the war at least gave him the opportunity to develop his character to the fullest. No situation however dangerous, and no responsibility however great, found him wanting. Always he was true to himself, and the Roll of Honour contains no worthier name.

To-day more than ever before we are proud of the School; but there has been a heavy price to pay for our pride. Let us remember always that those men who in peace time made the School what it is, and who have raised it to honour in war, have at no time thought that price too great. We who remain must not fall below the high level of their fortitude and faith.

Last modified on 15 November 2023

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