Mather, Frederick Thomas 50668 ( - 1918)
Private, 16th Bn. Royal Scots
Buried at Ploegsteert Memorial
Commemorated at Hillhead High School
Private Fred. T. Mather, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Mather, 35 Airlie Gardens, Hyndland, received his education at Hillhead High School. Of a quiet, unassuming disposition, "Freddie," as he was familiarly called by his schoolmates, endeared himself to his fellows by his frank, open nature and kindly ways. Ever ready for frolic and fun, he was foremost in all boyish sport. He took part in all School games, entering into them with keen zest and fine spirit, and had his weight been equal to his keenness he would have been included in the School XV. The form of sport in which he excelled was swimming. He was a " duck" in the water, and many a dour tussle he had in the School swimming pond. He was a member of the Boys' Brigade, and lavished on his' company all the enthusiasm and tireless energy of his nature.
He was on the point of receiving a lieutenancy in his company when he was called to the Army. In February, 1917, he joined the Forces, and in December of the same year crossed to France. He was in the front line at Croiselles at the start of the German offensive of March, 1918, and after the action at Armentiares in the April following, he was posted as missing.
Since then no news of his whereabouts has been received, and he is presumed to have been killed on that date.
His schoolmates and friends will cherish with sorrowful pride the memory of one who everywhere and always " played the game."