McKinnon, Malcolm 109332 ( - 1918)
Bombardier, "B" Bty. 160th Bde. Royal Field Artillery
Buried at Villers-Faucon Communal Cemetery Extension
Commemorated at Hillhead High School
Bombardier Malcolm McKinnon was the only son of Mrs. McKinnon, 4 Edmiston Terrace, Ibrox.
On leaving School he prepared for the teaching profession, receiving his training in the U.F. College and Glasgow University, and on finishing his course he was appointed to Ibrox School, where he remained till the autumn of 1915, when he enlisted in the RF.A. His favourite pastimes were swimming and golf, but his main interest, even out of School, was with the boys who passed through his hands. To them he was an elder brother, sharing in all their interests, guiding their aspirations, and directing their preparations for life. When they left School many of them still turned to him as their counsellor and friend, and he was prodigal of his efforts to do them service.
After nine months' training in this country he left for France in June 191.6. The privations and hardships of a two-winters' campaign failed to break his bright and hopeful spirit. During the fierce fighting round Passchendaele last summer he rendered valuable service, and was mentioned in dispatches.
On the 18th January, 1918, he was struck by a piece of shrapnel and died immediately. A wide circle of friends and a grateful band of former pupils will not willingly let fade the memory of this gallant soldier, loyal friend, and devoted master.
The sympathies of the School go out in rich measure to his widowed mother.