McLachlan, Alexander 238021 (1897 - 1918)

Private, 5th Bn. Gordon Highlanders
Buried at Pozieres Memorial
Commemorated at Hillhead High School
Private Alexander McLachlan, who was the youngest son of Mrs. McLachlan, 44 St. Vincent Crescent, received his education at Hillhead High School and Allan Glen's. At School he was an enthusiastic Cadet, and took a keen interest in all forms of games.
In January, 1917, when he was of age, he joined the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. After a very short period of training he proceeded to France in April, and passed at once into the firing line.
In July he was wounded and sent home. On his recovery he again returned to France, and was attached to the 5th Gordons, who formed part of the famous 51st Division.
He shared in the fierce fighting which marked the great German advance of March, 1918. There the Gordons covered themselves with glory, the commander-in-chief writing-"They made a glorious stand fighting a rearguard action in order that others might retreat."
Private McLachlan was reported as wounded and a prisoner, but no further word from or of him was ever received, and the War Office finally posted him as "presumed killed." Much sympathy is felt for his mother, sisters, and brother in their long and trying period of anxiety.