McNeil, William C. 6546 ( - 1916)
Private, 5th Bn. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
Buried at Daours Communal Cemetery Extension
Commemorated at Hillhead High School
Corporal William McNeil will be best known to many of the old pupils as the younger brother of the late Brodie McNeil, who did so much for the success of the School Club in its early years. Corporal McNeil was a quiet, studious boy, and took little part in the athletic life of the School. On leaving School he entered the warehouse of Stewart & MacDonald, Limited, and was held in high regard by all in his department. He took a keen interest in the welfare of the young, and for years was a most enthusiastic officer in the Boys' Brigade. He was also an ardent Territorial. He saw much hard fighting in France before he fell in action on the 31st July, 1916.
A devoted son and brother, and a staunch and loyal friend, he has left the example of duty nobly and unselfishly performed.