How to promote availability of Alternative Formats and Languages
We want to make sure that people do not experience barriers when accessing our services. One way we can do this is by making reasonable adjustments so that information is available in a suitable format for the target audience.
We can help to raise awareness with service users that alternative language or formats are available on request in order to ensure that there is equal access to the services we provide.
We can promote availability of adaptations through the use of an access icon or statement.

The icon can be included on documents, webpages and surveys. This is the preferred way of promoting availability of alternative formats and languages as it is more inclusive for those who can not read English.
Written Statement
Alternatively, where it is not possible to include an icon then a written version can be included.
'This information can be made available in a variety of alternate formats and community languages on request. If you would like more information about this or would like to request an alternative format or language, please contact .......'
Contact Scotland
You can also help to promote specific support tools when engaging with service users.
You can support access for Deaf BSL users by promoting that they can contact you via Contact Scotland. Contact Scotland is a free online BSL interpreting video relay service for BSL users to make and receive calls with all Scotland's public bodies. Promoting your support of this service can be done by displaying the Contact Scotland icon next to any telephone numbers in documents, surveys or webpages. This icon is readily recognisable to Deaf BSL users.

More information on using the service is available on the Contact Scotland 'How To' guide and on their website. You can download the icon in different formats from their website.
Responding to requests
Read the different 'How To' sections to help you to respond to common requests.
If you require any support or guidance with responding to an access request not covered contact for advice.