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Catering and FM Updates 2023


Tuesday 19 December

Christmas Message from Catering and FM Senior Team

As we enter the end of this year, it's always a suitable time to reflect on the year and to recognise the hard work and successes in 2023 across Catering and FM.

As we are all aware the challenges across all Public Services are obvious for all of us working in the sector, however, the dedication and hard work from all of you makes me proud to lead the service as we continue to deliver critical services in our front-line operations.

In 2023 we had significant changes in our management structure, and I know many of our Area/Assistant Operations Managers moved to different FM areas and I am pleased that this change went through smoothly and allowed us to remain resilient in meeting the requirements of the service.

At the same time all of you working in the many settings we cover continue to inspire with excellent service delivery and I am grateful for your support, yet again we deliver day in day out to many services in the council as well as the children and citizens of Glasgow.

Our cleaning services has never been so important and whether it be school settings, care homes or offices for council employees we are regularly complimented on the standard of our work.

Furthermore, our partnership with The Soil Association has continued to prosper and we have seen an increase in School Meal take up which is great news and I also know we continue to embed the cashless catering system that came in last year. Well done to all of you.

In our Schools, our key services from Janitorial to School Crossing Patrol were key to how we provide confidence and comfort to parents and carers.

I also want to recognise our environmental, window and technical service teams who have worked tremendously hard in difficult conditions.

Finally, our Encore team have continued to deliver services and recently covered big events such as the Cycling Championships and will be busy preparing for the Athletics event coming to Glasgow in March 2024.

More recently we have been asking many of you to volunteer for the job evaluation programme and there has been a significant increase in the number of people coming forward. This is very much appreciated as we work towards completing this work to help the council move forward with a new Pay and Grading system.

The nature of our business means our services do not stop and I thank all of you who continue to deliver the essential services needed over the Christmas and New Year period.

We have achieved a lot in the last 12 months, and I am excited about continuing to develop our service and I know from the strong team we have and your continued commitment to your work we will be successful in the months and years ahead.

In summary I want you to know that all the roles you perform in Catering and FM are valued and I thank every one of you for your hard work in 2023.

I trust though that all of you at some point get a chance to relax with your friends and family and enjoy some time away from work.

From myself, and everyone in the Senior Management Team, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes.

Stephen Sawers, Head of Catering and FM

Thursday 14 December 

This festive season - your health, wellbeing and safety is important

As we all prepare to enjoy the festive season, there may be some of you with more on your mind at this time of year for lots of different reasons.

Please remember that there is always someone available to chat to in confidence about how you are feeling, and we have highlighted below a few of the support routes available to you - along with other information on staying safe when out and about.

Please don't struggle alone at this time of year - reach out and chat to someone as your mental wellbeing is so important to you, and you are so important to us.

Dedicated support

wellbeing support

Anything that is on your mind

  • Contact PAM Assist (our Employee Assistance Provider)
  • Phone in complete confidence, 24/7, on 0800 247 1100

If you need help right now

  • Visit our dedicated staff health and wellbeing if you need help right now web page
  • Includes details such as the Samaritans on freephone 116 123.

If you are worried about money

  • Visit our dedicated Financial wellbeing staff web page  and read our staff financial wellbeing factsheet
  • This includes lots of support routes open to you, including Glasgow Helps - available to all council family staff on phone 0141 276 1185  

If you have concerns about alcohol or drug addiction

  • Support for you, or if you are affected by someone who has an addiction, phone a dedicated PAM Assist free helpline on 0808 196 9460. 
  • You can also call Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Crisis Centre on 0141 420 6969
  • Both services are available day and night, 7 days a week - all year round.

If you have concerns about gambling

  • Phone a dedicated PAM Assist free helpline on 0808 196 9460. 
  • You can also phone the National Gambling Helpline - call 0808 8020 133.
  • Both services are available day and night, 7 days a week - all year round..

If you need to chat to someone about topics such as bereavement, grief and loss, domestic abuse, loneliness and isolation


  • Visit our workforce wellbeing web page and our staff wellbeing handbook for all the available support under these topics, alongside many more - including mental wellbeing.
  • You can also contact Cruse Scotland Bereavement support Helpline 0808 802 6161 for free information and support.


Staying safe

Festive Safety Team - plan ahead for your night out

  • If you are planning a festive night out in Glasgow you are being urged to plan your journey home in advance to ensure the perfect end to an amazing night out.
  • Organisers of Glasgow's Festive Safety campaign are urging people to beat the crowds and bad weather by downloading a licensed taxi firm's app ahead of their Christmas night out and pre-book their journey home.
  • Top tips for a safe night out include:
    • Making sure your mobile phone is fully charged before heading out
    • Choose a rendezvous point with your friends in case you get separated
    • Arranging your transport home in advance by pre-booking a taxi, checking the time of the last train or bus home or locating the nearest Nitezone to your chosen venue.
    • Pace your alcohol consumption and keep money in reserve to pay for your journey home
    • Check out the city's Best Bar None venues where staff are trained to safeguard vulnerable people. Best Bar None Glasgow
  • More information at Festive Safety Team Hit the Party Scene - Glasgow City Council

Road Safety - Drug Driving

  • You may have already seen the Scottish Government's new Drug Driving Campaign which was recently launched to coincide with Police Scotland's Festive Safety Drink and Drug Driving Enforcement activity.  
  • During the festive period Police Scotland will be ready to catch drug-drivers with roadside tests using drug wipes for any motorist they suspect of drug-driving. If the test is positive, drivers will be arrested.
  • Driving under the influence of drugs, or any other substance such as alcohol, can destroy lives. Drugs can slow down your responses, making a collision more likely. For more information visit Road Safety Scotland Website - Drug Driving and you can watch the advert here.


Monday 11 December

Opportunity for you to chat to a mental health professional - at a Virtual Appointment Day

If something is playing on your mind at work, spaces are available to talk to a mental health professional from Able Future, in complete confidence, at the next virtual appointment day on Wednesday 13 December, from 7am to 5pm.

Your call is confidential

On the virtual appointment day, a member of 'The Better Health Generation Team' from Able Futures will phone you, at your chosen time, to discuss how they can support you.

During your call you can have a confidential chat about whatever it is that is playing on your mind whilst at work. Able Futures will discuss the support available to you and if you decide to access this, they will be able to take your details whilst on the call and help you start your journey to mental wellbeing, at your own pace.

This service is fully confidential, and the council will not be made aware of any personal appointments or bookings.

How to book

You can book your timeslot at

The call will take up to 30 minutes and you will need the following information to register for the phone call:

  • National insurance number
  • Email address
  • Start date of current employment.

Support is available now

You don't have to wait until the appointment day, you can apply through the Able Futures website at any time for support. This confidential service is quick and easy to access:

If you need a private safe space to talk to Able Futures or need flexibility to balance this with work and personal commitments, then you should talk to your manager to discuss how this can be accommodated.

Visit our health and wellbeing support pages

For more information go to Workforce Wellbeing Support

Wednesday 6 December

Job Evaluation Update

As you will know from previous messages one of the council's key priorities is to compete the job evaluation exercise which is the route to laying the foundation for a fair pay and grading structure - providing everyone with equal pay for equal work. The timelines to complete this work are fast approaching and we continue to ask for your support to enable Catering and FM to fulfil the number of volunteers required.

Recent Activity

I want to thank all of you who have volunteered since this programme of work began a few years ago. More recently we have been asked to increase pace as the numbers required for volunteers over a short space of time dictated, we needed your support more than ever.

I am really pleased to say we have seen a significant increase in the number of people coming forward and I am incredibly grateful and thank you for this especially at a busy time of the year for everyone.

Next steps

While the numbers have been encouraging there is still time to volunteer and come through the process so that you have a say in describing your role which is crucial to ensuring we rank all jobs correctly. I know many of you may feel the process is robust and challenging however we have now moved to group interviews which has proved popular and eased the process for everyone.

I would also like to advise that Trade Union colleagues are extremely keen to support you through the process so if you are a member of a trade union then I would encourage you to take up that offer as I know this will assist you and they will give you the time required to guide you through this exercise.

If you do wish to come forward, please speak to your manager who will pass your name forward to the job evaluation team.

Stephen Sawers
Head of Catering and FM



Thursday 30 November 

New pay and grading structure - latest update


I said I would update you when more information was available about the plan for pay and grading. Senior officers have continued to work in partnership with our Trade Unions on this planning and the information below provides details about what you can expect as we work towards an implementation date in the later part of the financial year 2024/2025.

As you are already aware, job evaluation is the route to laying the foundation for a fair pay and grading structure (PGS) - providing everyone with equal pay for equal work. Job evaluation will provide a rank order of all jobs, based on the demands of each job, on which we will design the new PGS.

Around 80% of employees are in "Primary benchmark jobs" and the data from these evaluations will provide us with information to start pay modelling and developing the new pay and grading structure. We expect the rank order for Primary benchmarks to be concluded in the Spring of 2024 to form the base of progressing consultation with the Trade Unions.

All other employees are within a Secondary benchmark or Unique jobs, and these will continue to be evaluated and the data fed into the ongoing work to design the new PGS. 

The pay modelling and consultation process with Trade Union representatives will continue throughout the Summer and early Autumn, with a shared aim of reaching agreement on new arrangements.

In the Autumn of 2024, we expect to be finalising the Council's proposed pay and grading structure and tell you what this will mean for you, on an individual basis   When we reach this stage, we will also be able to confirm any elements of pay protection and back dating of pay, to the effective date of 15 October 2023, which are appropriate to you.

You will have the right to appeal the results of your job evaluation outcome and information about how you can do this will be provided by the end of October 2024.

Before any changes are made you will be given plenty of notice. We are currently scheduling the implementation of the new PGS for February 2025.

There is still a long way to go on the complex path to a new pay and grading structure. We are determined to work at pace, in close dialogue with your Trade Unions, and ensure the integrity and transparency of the process.

I very much appreciate the significant effort from colleagues who have contributed to the job evaluation process to date and look forward to wider involvement as we finalise the evaluations for Primary benchmark roles and move into the Secondary benchmark and Unique role processes. There is a very busy and intense year ahead as we work together to remove uncertainty and meet the commitment to equal pay for all colleagues. 

Although I can't answer questions about individual circumstances you can send questions to me at Ask Annemarie and I will ask officers to publish frequently asked questions to help support you all during this time. You can read the latest questions and answers on the website at Staff Updates - new pay and grading structure.


Annemarie O'Donnell

Chief Executive

Tuesday 28 November

Opportunity for you to chat to a mental health professional - at a Virtual Appointment Day

If something is playing on your mind at work, spaces are available to talk to a mental health professional from Able Future, in complete confidence, at the next virtual appointment day on Wednesday 13 December, from 7am to 5pm.

Your call is confidential

On the virtual appointment day, a member of 'The Better Health Generation Team' from Able Futures will phone you, at your chosen time, to discuss how they can support you.

During your call you can have a confidential chat about whatever it is that is playing on your mind whilst at work. Able Futures will discuss the support available to you and if you decide to access this, they will be able to take your details whilst on the call and help you start your journey to mental wellbeing, at your own pace.

This service is fully confidential, and the council will not be made aware of any personal appointments or bookings.

How to book

You can book your timeslot at

The call will take up to 30 minutes and you will need the following information to register for the phone call:

  • National insurance number
  • Email address
  • Start date of current employment.

Support is available now

You don't have to wait until the appointment day, you can apply through the Able Futures website at any time for support. This confidential service is quick and easy to access:

If you need a private safe space to talk to Able Futures or need flexibility to balance this with work and personal commitments, then you should talk to your manager to discuss how this can be accommodated.

Visit our health and wellbeing support pages

For more information go to Workforce Wellbeing Support

Friday 24 November

Change to December date for submitting overtime forms for additional hours

Your January 2024 pay is due on 9 January 2024.

Due to the reduced number of days over the Christmas and New Year period to process this January pay - the deadlines for submitting information/changes to CBS, to be uploaded to the system in time for this pay, have been updated.

Please be aware the cut-off dates for submitting forms for additional hours to your Area Manager in December have changed. 

Change to December deadline dates

  • The deadline date for giving your overtime claim sheet to your Area Manager is now Wednesday 6 December 2023.

It is important these forms are submitted on or before the deadline dates detailed and completed correctly with all the relevant information to ensure there are no delays in you receiving payment for additional hours.

Thursday 9 November

Pay update 2023 to 2024

At a COSLA meeting on 3 November 2023, it was agreed by Council Leaders to implement the pay offer made on 21 September 2023, as soon as possible.

The pay offer agreed in September along with backdated pay to 1 April, is planned for payment on 12 December.

If there are any future pay changes required to be made, these will be made in 2024 and in the February pay, at the earliest.

What this means for you

This means that the pay levels in each grade have increased and you can see the latest pay table on the website here  

For staff in receipt of Non-standard Working Pattern and Work Context and Demand Payments - these payments will be increased by 5.5%.

The pay award is calculated based on work patterns and will be pro-rated for part-time employees.

Staff in receipt of Universal Credit - check your claim

You need to be aware that this backdated pay could affect payments. The amount you get could change if your take-home pay changes.

These benefits are calculated on your personal circumstances. Because of this we, as your employer, do not know how, or if, you may be affected. The backdated payment may mean you will either receive less credit than normal, or you may even earn too much to qualify, and your claim will close.

Check you claim status, if your claim closes, you will get a message telling you about this.

You can get independent help and advice about Universal Credit from Advice First on freephone 0800 328 5644.

You can also visit

Further financial information and support including grants, benefits and advice is available from the Scottish Government cost of living support website at

If you need to chat in confidence about any financial issues you may be experiencing you can also contact PAM Assist, our Employee Assistance Provider. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on freephone 0800 247 1100 or email / details at Employee Assistance Programme

Friday 3 November 

New pay and grading scheme: your questions answered

Following the last update about the new pay and grading scheme, various questions were received relating to both job evaluation and future pay and grading. Your questions have now been collated into frequently asked questions to help everyone understand the topics that you said are important to you.

Below you'll find the questions and answers. If you have any further questions you can continue to send these to Ask Annemarie at

There is also more information and more frequently asked questions on the job evaluation web pages at

About job evaluation

How will the grading work, for example, will all home carers be the same grade?

Jobs in the council are still being evaluated based on the demands of the role as set out in the job evaluation scheme which the council has chosen and is the scheme used by most local authorities in Scotland.

It is the evaluation process that will determine if one job differs from another. The pay and grading will then be applied using the rank order of jobs produced; it is at this point that we will know if all home care jobs are graded the same or not.

This process is still ongoing involving staff being interviewed to evaluate jobs.

Where will I find my job for evaluation purpose?

There are thousands of jobs in the council family and all jobs will fall into three job categories:

1.     Benchmark jobs are the most common jobs in the council currently being evaluated by interviews with a representative sample for each job.

2.     Secondary benchmark jobs are jobs where the work is very similar; these jobs will be evaluated in group interviews with a representative sample for each job.

3.     Unique jobs are carried out by one person or only a few people; how to evaluate these jobs has still to be agreed by the Operational Steering Group (OSG) but it's likely that staff will be asked to complete questionnaires.

Jobs are listed on the job evaluation website at

All jobs other than unique jobs should be listed. If you don't see your post, then you should discuss this with your line manager.

When will my job be evaluated?

The evaluation of benchmark jobs is nearing completion and secondary benchmarks are now being evaluated with staff being involved in group interviews.

Unique jobs will be last to be evaluated and we'll communicate the timescale for these jobs when the planning has been completed and the information is available.

I do the similar job as my colleagues but deliver some tasks that they don't, will our jobs be graded the same?

Jobs in the council are still being evaluated to determine the demands of each job and a rank order of jobs will be produced to base the new pay and grading scheme on.

It is the evaluation process that will determine if one job differs from another. This process is still ongoing, and everyone will receive a job outcome document showing the demands of their role. It's at this point that you can review your job evaluation outcome and discuss any additional information about your role that you consider hasn't been included.

Pay and grading will then be applied using the rank order of jobs produced from the job evaluation process; it is at this point that we will know if some jobs will be graded the same or not.

The job evaluation process is still ongoing involving staff being interviewed to evaluate jobs.

Keep up to date with progress at 

If I don't take part in a job evaluation, how will my job be evaluated?

All job evaluations outcomes will be agreed by the Operational Steering Group including representatives from the council family and trade unions. After this has been agreed every employee will receive a job outcome detailing the demands required to do their job based on information provided by those staff who did take part in the job evaluation process.

Remember, what we need is a sample of staff who do a job to take part in the evaluations, then the information gathered about the demands of the role is used to determine the job outcome for everyone who does the job.

When you get your job outcome, you'll be asked to review this with your line manager and agree the details. If you don't agree and additional information can be provided, then you'll also discuss this with the Job Evaluation Team. You can see an example of a job outcome here

What is the appeals process?

Every employee will have the right to appeal their outcome from job evaluation. We will tell you more about this process once the details have been agreed with the trade unions at the Operational Steering Group.

Can I do the job evaluation briefing online at a time that suits me?

Yes, an online briefing can be viewed on the website here

If I'm unable to attend a briefing session, can I attend at a future date?

The team will do their best to accommodate you at a face-to-face briefing session, you should discuss this with them or email your availability. Alternatively, you can also view the briefing session online, as above.

How can I make sure that I provide enough information about my job at a group interview with colleagues doing different jobs?

Secondary benchmark jobs will be evaluated by group interviews, with a representative number of staff being interviewed for each job. Secondary benchmark jobs have been categorised together because the demands of the role are quite similar, although the job titles are different, and tasks may vary.

The group evaluation process is explained below:

  • Firstly, secondary benchmark job holders and any trades union representatives will be invited to a briefing session at one of the hubs in the city.
  • Staff will then be asked to complete a pre interview questionnaire following the briefing, the questionnaire is set out under the 13 factor headings of the job evaluation scheme. The questionnaire can be completed in a group following the briefing if that is preferred.
  • Interviews will be carried out by trained job analysts and information will be captured using the evaluation software and discussions around the demands of the jobs.
  • You can also share any other supporting documents they feel are relevant to explaining their job.
  • The job holders will then take part in a group interview of around a day in duration.

About pay and grading

When will I know the outcome of this process for me?

You will know the outcome of the job evaluation process following the evaluation of your role; everyone will receive a job outcome document capturing the demands of the job they do. The evaluation process is still ongoing involving many staff in interviews and completing questionnaires. You can see an example job outcome here.

The detailed planning around timescale for completion of this work is still being worked on as there are thousands of jobs in the council family and this is a complex and technical process.

It is the evaluation process that will determine if one job differs from another. The pay and grading will then be applied using the rank order of jobs produced by job evaluation; it is at this point that you will know the grade and pay outcome for you.

More information on the planning milestones will be communicated when the information is available.

Keep up to date with progress at Staff Updates

When could pay changes happen?

Council officers are working on a revised plan for a target implementation for latter part of financial year 2024/25, this would be the earliest there would be any changes to pay.

The detailed planning around the design and implementation of the pay and grading scheme is still being looked at in consultation with our trade unions. When this has been finalised, we will communicate this and this will include when update on when possible pay changes could happen.

Keep up to date with progress at Staff Updates

Why is work is taking so long?

Any review which affects pay and grading is a complex matter due to the diversity and scale of council services and the different types of roles that staff carry out. The Covid pandemic did also have a significant impact on the process for job evaluation as staff had to be deployed to where they were needed most to protect vital frontline services.

It's important that the process of job evaluation is completed first as this produces a rank order of jobs on which is base the new pay and grading scheme. There is much work to do in this area and we will continue to do this in consultation with the trade unions.

We will keep all staff updated about plans and you can go to the website for all updates at Staff Updates

Will this pay and grading exercise will include the review of ALEO pay grading as well?

ALEO staff who are currently under currently under the Workforce Pay and Benefits Review (WPBR) pay and grading scheme will be included in the new pay and grading scheme.

How will backdated pay work?

Any pay adjustments under the new pay and grading scheme will be backdated to October 2023 for all employees affected. If employment with the council started after October 2023, then adjustments will be backdated to the start date.

Under what circumstances would someone receive pay protection and how long would this be for?

The details of pay protection and circumstances in which this could be applied are part of our discussions with the trade unions around the design of the new pay and grading scheme; these discussions are ongoing.

How many posts will be attracting a lower salary than what we are currently being paid?

This information isn't available yet because we are still evaluating jobs to determine their worth and create a rank order of jobs on which to base the new pay and grading scheme. The pay and grading scheme has still to be designed and we're in early discissions with trade unions about the design and planning of the scheme.

Will I have to sign new terms and conditions for my grade and pay?

Yes, everyone will be asked to sign up to new terms and conditions.

Wednesday 1 November

Change to December date for submitting overtime forms for additional hours

Your January 2024 pay is due on 9 January 2024.

Due to the reduced number of days over the Christmas and New Year period to process this January pay - the deadlines for submitting information/changes to CBS, to be uploaded to the system in time for this pay, have been updated.

Please be aware the cut-off dates for submitting forms for additional hours to your Area Manager in December have changed. 

Change to December deadline dates

  • The deadline date for giving your overtime claim sheet to your Area Manager is now Wednesday 6 December 2023.

It is important these forms are submitted on or before the deadline dates detailed and completed correctly with all the relevant information to ensure there are no delays in you receiving payment for additional hours.


Tuesday 17 October

Your Health and Wellbeing Roadshow - Come along and get involved

Recognising the importance of our employee health, safety and wellbeing and to support staff further we are hosting a number of Health and Wellbeing Roadshows - and you are invited to come along and get involved.

These roadshows will provide you with information about the range of health, wellbeing and financial support and resources available to you. This is the first event so if you are unable to come along you will get the opportunity to attend a roadshow on another date at a location close to your work.

At the roadshow you will also be able to get involved and try out some activities - more details below.


  • Thursday 26 October
  • Dalmarnock Legacy Hub, 293 Springfield Road, G40 3LG
  • 2 pm to 4pm

On the day 

There will be interactive fun activities such as a free back, neck and shoulder massages and a smoothie bike so you can make your own fruit smoothies.

You can visit awareness stalls from our external partners who will be on site to provide information and advice on all things Health and Wellbeing as well as information on the benefits available to staff from joining the Hospital Saturday Fund and Credit Union, cost of living information, Home Energy Scotland, Menopause advice, "We are with you" Drugs and Alcohol service as well as many more.

For more information Visit our health and wellbeing support at Workforce Wellbeing Support

Tuesday 3 October

COSLA's pay negotiations and what this means for Glasgow staff

Over recent weeks, COSLA, the umbrella body that represents Scottish councils and trades unions, have been continuing their negotiations on a pay offer for staff - for the current financial year, 2023 to 2024.

COSLA Pay Offer

They have asked that we share their 'Your Pay: The Reality' document with all staff.

alongside their 'Your Pay: The Facts' which explains what the offer is.  

What does this offer mean for Glasgow City Council staff?

However, we are aware that it may be difficult for you to understand upon first glance, how this offer applies to you - as we currently have a pay scheme that is significantly different from most other local authorities.

For example, the COSLA offer is based on a 37-hour week, rather than 35 hours - and it uses a different scale, with no Working Context or Non-Standard Working Pattern payments.

So, in order to ensure that you have the same information as other local government workers, we have calculated what the impact of the COSLA offer would be to a range of Glasgow City Council roles.  The table below shows an example of what the current rates of pay are and what they would be for Grades 1 - 8 under the new offer. 

Current rates of pay Core Salary
Grade (Proven Point)2022/23 Annual Salary2023/24 Annual SalaryTotal Increase% Increase

Non-Standard Working Pattern and Work Context and Demands payments 

  • For staff in receipt of Non-Standard Working Pattern and Work Context and Demands payments - there is a proposed 5.5% pay increase across the board for all pay points.

For more detailed information please refer to the above linked COSLA documents.


Wednesday 20 September

Job Evaluation Update


As you will all know Glasgow City Council is completing a programme of work to evaluate all jobs for the new pay and grading structure. This work has been on-going for a period of time, and it is important this now accelerates so it can be finalised as soon as possible.

Action required

To complete the job evaluation programme, it is critical volunteers come forward so these roles can be assessed. We have already had volunteers and I appreciate the support of these people coming forward.

We still require some volunteers, if you are in the job roles listed below, I would encourage you to come forward.

  • Cleaner
  • Cleaning Supervisor
  • Breakfast Assistant
  • Catering Assistant
  • Catering Manager
  • Assistant Catering Manager
  • School Crossing Patroller
  • Neighbourhood Janitor

Next Steps

Please notify your manager if you would like to volunteer or you can call our admin team on 0141 287 6440.

Please be assured you will be provided with support throughout the process. If you volunteer, you will be invited to a briefing and asked to complete a questionnaire before meeting one of the job analysts. The process can also be done as a group so if you have a work colleague or colleagues who do the same role as you then this can be done together - with up to a maximum of five people taking part.

If a meeting is the same time as your scheduled shift, then you will be able to go to the meeting and if it is outside of your normal work pattern then you will be paid for the extra hours it takes to complete the process. Travel support can also be provided.

Trade Union Support

I have been working closely with our Trade Union colleagues and we are jointly working on this to get more volunteers. If you are a member of a union, it is encouraged that you contact them to discuss, and they will outline the support they can provide.

Stephen Sawers
Head of Facilities Management
Financial Services

Tuesday 19 September

If you have been called to strike action by your Trade Union then this applies to you

Dear Colleague

Industrial Action between 26September 2023 to 28 September 2023

The Trade Unions, have notified the Council of their intention to take Strike Action as follows: -

  • Unison - from 26 September 2023 at 00.01 to 28 September 2023 at 23.59
  • GMB -from 26September 2023 at 04.00 to 29 September 2023 at 03.59
  • Unite -from 26 September 2023 at 04.00 to 29 September 2023 at 03.59

The council recognises the right of the Trade Unions and their members to take this action and in doing so must advise employees that the implications of participating in any such action are as follows.

1. Pay

Taking part in this action constitutes a breach of an employee's contract of employment resulting in a loss of up to 3 days' pay. Any deduction will be calculated on the basis of 1/5 x 7/365 x annual contractual salary per day and will be adjusted accordingly for part time employees and employees who work a non-standard working pattern.   Those who participate in industrial action will have pay deducted 14 November 2023.

2. Sick Pay scheme

There will be no entitlement to sick pay on the days of action specifically employees will not be able to "self-certify" absence. Employees already on sick leave, supported by a statement for fitness to work, will continue to receive contractual sick pay, as appropriate.

3. Annual Leave

Annual leave will not be authorised for the days of action except where it has been pre-booked before the dates of Industrial Action were announced and as normal is subject to the operational requirements of the service. The days of action will be defined as 26 September 2023 to 28 September 2023.

4. Pensions

Any time lost by an employee due to strike action does not count as pensionable service. Employees should make their own arrangements in this regard. 

5. Recording Attendance

Appropriate arrangements will be in place to record attendance at work on the days of industrial action.

6. Exemptions

The following general exemptions have been accepted by the Trade Unions:

  • Employees who have intimated that they are in the last year of their employment prior to retiring and who are in the Strathclyde Pension Fund.
  • Employee under notice of redundancy; and/or where a date for redundancy has been agreed.
  • Employees requiring qualifying service for maternity or adoption leave and pay.
  • Modern apprentices and apprentices.

7. Misconduct

Glasgow City Council fully expects that their employees will respect the rights of all their colleagues - those who participate in industrial action and those who do not.

Acts of misconduct during strike action for example violence, intimidation, harassment, or damage to property will be treated seriously and subject to normal disciplinary procedures. 

Glasgow City Council expects those employees involved in picketing to undertake any activities in line with the Government's Code of Practice on Picketing (Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy).

8. Employees Attending Work

All offices and service premises should remain open and available for employees who wish to attend work. However, in limited circumstances where a decision is made to close premises alternative locations should be made available for employees to work.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please discuss with your local line manager or supervisor in the first instance.

Yours sincerely

Christine Brown
Head of HR

Friday 1 September

Flu Vaccination Programme: Register for your Free Flu Jab Voucher

This year, as part of our health and wellbeing strategy, and in partnership with Boots pharmacy, we are offering staff a free flu jab voucher.

The voucher replaces the city centre appointment, with a nurse administering the jab, that we have run in previous years - so now you can get your flu jab at a Boots pharmacy conveniently located near you.

If you would like to receive a voucher, please register by Friday 29 September 2023.

How to register and get your voucher 

To register please email with the following information:

  • your name
  • SAP number
  • the Service you work for
  • the email address you want the voucher to be sent to

In early October you will receive an email from CBS which will contain the PDF voucher for your free flu jab. The email will also include instructions on how to redeem the voucher and book your appointment online at a Boots pharmacy.

Due to different strains of vaccines being available for certain ages and medical conditions you must go to your doctor to get the correct seasonal flu jab (free of charge) if you are:

  • 65 years old or over
  • pregnant
  • have certain medical conditions

If you do not receive your voucher by 20 October, please email


Tuesday 29 August

First Bus - staff discounted travel scheme

As part of our commitment to support our staff with the cost-of-living crisis and to help promote sustainable travel - we are pleased to announce that the council is now a First Bus Travel Partner.  

This means that staff can now benefit from discounted bus travel with the First Bus Commuter Travel Club across the Greater Glasgow area with both a monthly ticket or flexible bundle tickets.

Every journey you make by bus makes a difference in reducing congestion, tackling air pollution, and creating healthier communities.

First Bus Commuter Travel Club

  • To benefit from 10% off your bus travel with First Bus simply sign up to the scheme, select and pay for your monthly or flexible bundle tickets and you will then automatically receive your discount.
  • Payment for the scheme is made each month with Direct Debit - which allows your ticket to be added to your First Bus M-Ticket account each month.
  • There are no sign up, or cancellation fees, and your Direct Debit can be cancelled at any time.
  • You need to use the First Bus App to benefit from this discount - the app allows you to buy tickets in advance, plan your journey and even track your bus in real-time.   
  • First Bus Flexible Bundle Tickets have been created with hybrid working in mind, ideal for those not working in the office every day, or with changing travel needs.

 Join the scheme - to secure your discount:

  • Visit 
  • Go to the bottom of the page and register with your name
  • Set up your personal password 
  • Select Glasgow City Council from the dropdown menu
  • Login using Password: GCC-FIRSTBUS-CTC  


Friday 18 August

Confidential mental health support from Able Futures - places available

Opportunity for you to chat to a mental health professional - at a Virtual Appointment Day

If something is playing on your mind at work, spaces are available to talk to a mental health professional from Able Futures, in complete confidence, at the next virtual appointment day on Wednesday 13 September, from 7am to 5pm.

Your call is confidential

On the virtual appointment day, a member of 'The Better Health Generation Team' from Able Futures will phone you, at your chosen time, to discuss how they can support you.

During your call you can have a confidential chat about whatever it is that is playing on your mind whilst at work. Able Futures will discuss the support available to you and if you decide to access this, they will be able to take your details whilst on the call and help you start your journey to mental wellbeing, at your own pace.

This service is fully confidential, and the council will not be made aware of any personal appointments or bookings.

How to book

You can book your timeslot at Appointment booking - 13 September.

The call will take up to 30 minutes and you will need the following information to register for the phone call:

  • National insurance number
  • Email address
  • Start date of current employment.

Support is available now

You don't have to wait until the appointment day, you can apply through the Able Futures website at any time for support. This confidential service is quick and easy to access:

If you need a private safe space to talk to Able Futures or need flexibility to balance this with work and personal commitments, then you should talk to your manager to discuss how this can be accommodated.

Visit our health and wellbeing support

For more information go to Workforce Wellbeing Support


Important Information and key actions - Protection of Vulnerable Groups

Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) is a membership scheme for individuals who undertake regulated work with vulnerable groups.  Employees in Catering and FM need to be members of the scheme if they carry out regulated work:  

  • Children.
  • Protected adults, or both.

The Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme is managed by Disclosure Scotland and helps to ensure people who are unsuitable to work with children and/or protected adults cannot do regulated work with these vulnerable groups. 

We have a number of posts across our Services, that we consider to be regulated work and therefore expect employees carrying out those roles to become and maintain membership of the PVG scheme for the duration of their employment.  

For regulated work the council is an "Interested Party".  Disclosure Scotland will conduct checks using a variety of sources and will share the results of these checks with the member (employee) and us, as the interested party. 

As an employee if you are part of the PVG scheme you are asked to:

  • advise your manager of anything which may impact on your ability to continue undertaking regulated work. 
  • contact Disclosure Scotland by emailing: to notify them if you change job and no longer carry out regulated work, or if any of your personal details or circumstances change, such as your name or address.  Disclosure Scotland will not remove an employee from the scheme this has to be done by the council who is the registered body.

More Information 

If you have any questions about this, please contact your line manager.

PVG and Disclosure Checks are issued by Disclosure Scotland for more information read Types of Disclosure.

Friday 4 August

Message from Chief Executive, Annemarie O'Donnell


I want to give you an update on where we are with introducing a new pay and grading structure. As this is about your pay, I understand that this will be an unsettling time but remember we are doing this to meet our commitment to equal pay for staff.

The council has successfully concluded funding and settlement arrangements for equal pay claims until mid-October 2023 which meets an important part of our commitment to equal pay. Our focus will now fully move to concluding the job evaluation process and introducing a new pay and grading structure.

Council Officers have been working closely with Trade Unions on job evaluation activity and joint discussions have also commenced on options for a new pay and grading structure. Both the council and the Trade Unions share the aim of concluding this work as quickly as possible, whilst recognising the scale and complexity of the work still to be completed.

This means that there will be a period between the effective date of the new pay and grading structure, 15 October 2023, and its implementation.

Your pay and grading arrangements will therefore not change in October this year.

We will also work to agree arrangements for the appropriate backdating of pay to 15 October 2023 and pay protection where appropriate.

The council and trade unions are keen to minimise this period. Council officers are working on a revised plan for a target implementation in the latter part of financial year 2024/25.

We will continue to keep you updated with further details of the implementation plan which should be confirmed in the autumn.

I can assure you of our continued commitment to supporting you in the delivery of our essential services within the current financial climate and delivering on our commitment to equal pay.

As I said earlier, I know this is unsettling time, please remember this is about equal pay for you and your colleagues. Although I can't answer questions about individual circumstances you can send questions to me at Ask Annemarie and I will ask officers to publish frequently asked questions to help support you all during this time.


Annemarie O'Donnell

Chief Executive


Friday 16 June

Summer message from your senior management team

As we approach the end of the school term it is a good opportunity to reflect on the contribution you have all made across the many services provided by Catering and FM. As I have stated before in these messages, you play a significant role across many settings and the value of your work to deliver key services to our clients and citizens of Glasgow is hugely appreciated. On behalf of the Senior Management Team, we thank you for all the hard work you do.

Many of you are term time staff and will no doubt be looking forward to your break ahead of your return in August, and for those of you on 52-week contracts we trust you will also be looking forward to some time off over the summer period.

June has been a month of hot weather and whilst I am sure we are all enjoying the sunshine I wanted to pass on some general advice on amendments at work to ensure you are comfortable at work.

Please make sure you have access to cold drinking water as its important you keep hydrated and where possible you should take short breaks.

Whilst wearing your uniform it is important that you sensibly consider any clothing you would normally wear under your uniform to ensure you aren't wearing too many layers.  I am conscious of catering staff working in kitchens, it is extremely important you consider the time that you turn on your electrical equipment such as, hot plates/versitops and ovens as these items will generate unnecessary heat, please do not turn these on any earlier than required.  If you are a School Crossing Patroller you must wear your full uniform whilst on the crossing point as this is a legal requirement, if you do not have a summer coat, please speak with your Area Manager.

I am delighted to confirm there is a project taking place over the summer period to look at new uniforms and we will consider the items suitable for fluctuating temperatures during this project.

If anyone has any specific issues as a result of the increase in temperature, please contact your line manager for more advice.

In the meantime, thank you again for all your efforts and enjoy your planned leave when it comes.

Catering and FM Senior Management Team

Tuesday 13 June

Equal Pay claims - Update on offers

When we last updated you on equal pay claims we said that we were working on agreeing the details that will allow the majority of individual offers to be calculated. We are pleased to say that the main parties involved have now signed a formal agreement concluding the details and that HM Revenue and Customs have also confirmed the tax and national insurance arrangements.

This means that individual offers will be made to the claimants' representatives within 14 days, who in turn will communicate them to their claimants and that payments can start from July.

If you have any queries regarding individual offers you need to discuss these with your representative.

Negotiations with representatives of the smaller claimant groups are also progressing and we hope to conclude matters soon so that offers can also be issued in June.

This brings an end to the long-running equal pay litigation against the council and is another step towards the council's commitment to make sure that everyone is paid equally for equal work.

For all updates about equal pay and pay and grading go to the website at Staff Updates

Thursday 8 June

Job evaluation: take part with your colleagues

Job evaluation supports the council's commitment, to make sure everyone in the council is paid equally for equal work. Evaluating all jobs will produce a rank order which will lay the foundation for a new pay and grading scheme.

We need you to take part in job evaluation by telling us about your job, in your own words, following questions set out by the job evaluation scheme the council is using. If your job is listed below as a benchmark job (the most common jobs in the council), come along and talk about your job with your colleagues in a group interview.

Group interviews will involve small groups of up to five colleagues who do the same job, working together to answer questions about the role, facilitated by trained job analysts to capture the information.

List of jobs

Job roles

Job Role



Grade 1

Catering Assistant

Grade 1

School Crossing Patroller

Grade 1

Breakfast Assistant

Grade 1

Hospitality Representative

Grade 1

Neighbourhood Janitor

Grade 3

Assistant Area Operations Manager

Grade 5

How to volunteer

Volunteer by talking to your line manager or emailing the job evaluation team at

Every job holder doesn't have to be interviewed, we need a representative sample of the workforce, therefore it is possible that if we receive too many volunteers you may not be needed.

How will you be supported?

You'll be fully supported by your line manager to take time off work (or be given time back) to attend the interview and the pre-interview briefing and completing a questionnaire.

If any of these coincide with your scheduled work shift, then the job evaluation process takes priority. Furthermore, if any of these sessions are scheduled outside of your work pattern, then additional hours including travel time where necessary will be paid.

The pre-interview briefing will provide you with more information about the job evaluation process and show you some sample questions, as well as time to look at the questionnaire.

Interviews take about a day to complete and should be scheduled during normal working hours.

Every effort will be made to schedule interviews in the city hub closest to your normal workplace.

Line managers and trade union representatives can attend the briefings.

You can ask a trade union representative to attend and support the group at the interview.

Any travel expenses will also be reimbursed, in the normal way.

As a reminder the guidance for volunteers is listed below:

  1.     The job title falls within this cohort
  2.     The post holder has been in post for 2 years
  3.     The post holder has no current disciplinary action or outstanding disciplinary procedures
  4.     The post holder has no outstanding grievances


Tuesday 6 June

Opportunity for you to chat to a mental health professional - at a Virtual Appointment Day

If something is playing on your mind at work, spaces are available to talk to a mental health professional from Able Future, in complete confidence, at the next virtual appointment day on Thursday 15 June, from 7am to 5pm.

Your call is confidential

On the virtual appointment day, a member of 'The Better Health Generation Team' from Able Futures will phone you, at your chosen time, to discuss how they can support you.

During your call you can have a confidential chat about whatever it is that is playing on your mind whilst at work. Able Futures will discuss the support available to you and if you decide to access this, they will be able to take your details whilst on the call and help you start your journey to mental wellbeing, at your own pace.

This service is fully confidential, and the council will not be made aware of any personal appointments or bookings.

How to book

You can book your timeslot at

The call will take up to 30 minutes and you will need the following information to register for the phone call:

  • National insurance number
  • Email address
  • Start date of current employment.

Support is available now

You don't have to wait until the appointment day, you can apply through the Able Futures website at any time for support. This confidential service is quick and easy to access:

If you need a private safe space to talk to Able Futures or need flexibility to balance this with work and personal commitments, then you should talk to your manager to discuss how this can be accommodated.

Visit our health and wellbeing support

For more information go to Workforce Wellbeing Support


Wednesday 24 May

Supporting Men's Mental Health - free webinar 1 June 2023

Our new Employee Assistance Provider - PAM Assist, are pleased to offer you the opportunity to come along to their next free webinar on how to support Men's Mental Health.

The online event is in preparation for Men's Health Week (12th - 18th June) and will provide key information on how to support your colleagues.


  • 1 June 2023
  • 10am to 11am
  • Register to attend online  

Future events

They will be offering a programme of free sessions throughout the year and we will keep staff informed on key dates and topics.

PAM Assist

PAM Assist are dedicated wellbeing professionals who can support you, in confidence, with any personal, work or health concerns you may have- on matters such as legal, money and health and wellbeing concerns.

You can contact PAM Assist for free and confidential health and wellbeing support 24/7 on:

Friday 19 May

Opportunity for you to chat to a mental health professional - at a Virtual Appointment Day

If something is playing on your mind at work, spaces are available to talk to a mental health professional from Able Future, in complete confidence, at the next virtual appointment day on Thursday 15 June, from 7am to 5pm.

Your call is confidential

On the virtual appointment day, a member of 'The Better Health Generation Team' from Able Futures will phone you, at your chosen time, to discuss how they can support you.

During your call you can have a confidential chat about whatever it is that is playing on your mind whilst at work. Able Futures will discuss the support available to you and if you decide to access this, they will be able to take your details whilst on the call and help you start your journey to mental wellbeing, at your own pace.

This service is fully confidential, and the council will not be made aware of any personal appointments or bookings.

How to book

You can book your timeslot at

The call will take up to 30 minutes and you will need the following information to register for the phone call:

  • National insurance number
  • Email address
  • Start date of current employment.

Support is available now

You don't have to wait until the appointment day, you can apply through the Able Futures website at any time for support. This confidential service is quick and easy to access:

If you need a private safe space to talk to Able Futures or need flexibility to balance this with work and personal commitments, then you should talk to your manager to discuss how this can be accommodated.

Visit our health and wellbeing support

For more information go to Workforce Wellbeing Support


Important information on change taking place in July: Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

False fire alarm activations in public buildingshave been steadily increasing across Scotland. This increase is having a detrimental effect on Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) existing resources and the requirement for them to continue to respond unnecessarily to false fire alarm activations.

Following national consultation, SFRSwill be implementing a change in policyand introducing the Call Challenge Approach from 1 July 2023.

The information below explains what this change means for the council and our premises and what staff will need to be aware of from this date.

What is Call Challenge?

SFRS will be introducing the Call Challenge Approach from 1 July 2023.

This change means that SFRS will no longer attendfalse fire alarm activations within workplaces such as offices, schools, day care centres, depots and leisure facilities unless they receive confirmation of the presence of a fire, or signs of fire.

SFRScontrol room operators will therefore ask staff who report a fire alarm activation to confirm there is a presence of fire, or signs of fire, before sending a fire appliance.

It is important to note:

  • That on hearing a fire alarm activation your premises occupiers will immediately evacuate the premises    * this process remains unchanged from previous policy
  • Sleeping accommodationsuch as care / residential homes will be exempt from Call Challenge, and SFRS will continue to attend following a reported fire alarm activation.

Why is the Call Challenge being introduced?

The aim of Call Challenge is to reduce fire appliances attending false fire alarm activations.

To illustrate the rationale regarding this change in policy, fire appliances attended 2,088 fire alarm activations at council premises during the period 2019 to 2022.  2,056 of these were false fire alarm activations. Only 32 activations had an actual presence of fire and/or smoke.

From 1 July 2023 - when you call 999, you will be required to confirm that there is an actual fire or signs of a fire before SFRS will confirm attendance. 

What signs of fire will SFRS respond to?

SFRS will send an immediate response when signs of fire can be confirmed by either:

SFRS immediate response
  • Seeing it
  • Hearing it
  • Smelling it

Or if any of the following are shown on the fire panel as a cause for the activation, including but not limited to:

  • Manual call point activation
  • Heat detection activation
  • Multi-criteria detector activation
  • Sprinkler system activation
  • More than one zone is indicating a potential fire on the panel

From 1 July 2023, SFRS will no longer send fire appliances to calls from buildings where the only information available is that a 'fire alarm is sounding'.  Confirmation of anything causing a fire alarm activation, other than a single smoke detector, will be considered a sign of fire and will receive an immediate response from SFRS.

How do we get ready for this change?

To make sure the council is "Call Challenge Ready" we have created two strategic working groups:

  • OperationalGroup - consists of all Service Health and Safety Managers who are considering the changes required during operational hours
  • Technical Group - consists of Property and Consultancy Services (NRS), City Building and the Alarm Receiving Centre who are considering the changes required during non-operational working hours.

We have identified the following actions during our preparation stage.  These include:

  • Reviewing our fire safety management standards and making changes as required.
  • Reviewing existing training courses and developing training packs for key staff including a dedicated Call Challenge Response Team GOLD course.
  • Visiting all premises by a fire alarm engineer who will provide a copy of the fire zone information held within the fire panel.
  • Developing protocols for premises that operate outwith normal working hours with potentially reduced staffing.
  • Keeping our Trade Unions updated as we prepare for this change.

What do I need to do?

A 'Getting Ready for SFRS Call Challenge Information Pack' will be provided to all premises managers during the month of June. This pack will provide the guidance required for implementing Call Challenge and explains what you need to complete in advance of the change taking place.

 If you manage one of our premises you will then be asked to:

  • Nominate members of staff within your premises who will form your local 'Call Challenge Response Team' within the premises which you control
  • Complete and update your premises site specific fire safety procedures documentation as required
  • Complete a premises call challenge readiness questionnaire / checklist

More information

  • Visit Connect to find out more about Call Challenge -  Time for Change

Scottish Fire and Rescue - unwanted fire alarm signals


Friday 12 May

Planning for the unexpected - take part in Business Continuity Awareness Week

For the council, business continuity is about making sure that we can continue to provide vital services in times of a crisis or during a serious incident.  In the event of an unplanned incident that impacts our city, citizens and our staff, we have to make sure that both our external, customer-facing operations and internal staff process continue to operate. We do this through our Business Continuity Management (BCM) Framework.

Business Continuity Awareness Week (BCAW)

Business Continuity Awareness Week is a global initiative, run by the Business Continuity Institute (BCI) between 15 and 19 May 2023.

This year's theme is 'Embracing the challenge of Resilience' and each day of BCAW will examine the following topics: 

  • Cyber Resilience
  • Supply Chain Resilience
  • Operational Resilience
  • Personal Resilience
  • Organisational Resilience

Everyone in the council family has an important role to play in business continuity and you will recognise the importance of these topics as part of your role and as part of daily council life.  BCAW provides a helpful opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of business continuity and to make sure that: 

  • all staff understand what business continuity is about and how to learn more
  • all managers know where to access the relevant support for planning for a business continuity incident and undertake critical training to help them understand their role during an incident and what is expected of them.

Free activities

As part of BCAW, free online resources are available to staff including a programme of interactive webinars on key topics such as staying safe online and how you can prepare yourself for potential emergencies.  You can register online for these - please note that you will need to create an account if you do not already have one. 

What is our Business Continuity Management Framework?

Our BCM Framework provides a formal structure to make sure that our business continuity approach and arrangements are consistent across core council Services. It has been developed to help us meet continued service delivery in response to any unexpected event/issue.

Please take time to review it so that you understand how it:

  • helps us to respond quickly and effectively to disruption
  • demonstrates our commitment to making sure that our operations and services are maintained and restored to business as usual - as soon as possible in the event of a serious incident
  • helps us to minimise disruption to our staff, citizens and service users and focus on restoring vital services as soon as possible.

Why is it important to have business continuity plans?

Having business continuity plans helps us to reduce downtime in the event of a disruptive incident. They allow us to implement tested plans to continue to deliver priority services - rather than responding reactively.

Using carefully tested plans can help:

  • to improve and prevent damage to our reputation
  • identify, and quickly recover/ restore priority business areas and functions
  • provide clear action plans
  • get the right message to the right person/ people at the right time, and
  • address future areas to improve upon to resume normal activity effectively and quickly.



Thursday 20 April

Job Evaluation Update

Just before the Easter break, I wrote to you to highlight the priority of the job evaluation process and the need for volunteers to participate to enable the council to progress and complete the work required for the new pay and grading structure. 

Volunteer -take part with your colleagues

In my last message I mentioned we have introduced group interviews which I am sure will be helpful to all of you to go through this process.  We still require some volunteers, if you are in the job roles listed below, I would encourage you to come forward as this process is critical to ensure the evaluation team have the necessary information to rank your job ahead of the new pay and grading structure.  Be assured if you volunteer, you will be fully supported throughout the process.

Job roles

Job role



Grade 1

Catering Assistant

Grade 1

School Crossing Patroller

Grade 1

Breakfast Assistant

Grade 1

Neighbourhood Janitor

Grade 3

Hospitality Representative

Grade 1

Cleaning Supervisor

Grade 2

Assistant Catering Manager

Grade 2


Grade 2


Briefing Session and Group Interviews

If you do volunteer, you will be invited to participate in a job evaluation briefing session and a group interview - with colleagues from across CFM.

A briefing session to outline the process is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 2 May at 10amin our Rowan Park offices in Govan.

Following the briefing session, you will be provided with support to complete a questionnaire which will help you and the job analyst review this at a further face to face meeting which will be scheduled for either Tuesday 23, Wednesday 24 or Thursday 25 May.

What if the briefing and interview coincides with your shift?

If any of these dates coincide with your scheduled work shift, then the job evaluation process takes priority. Furthermore, if any of these sessions are scheduled outside of your work pattern, then additional hours including travel time where necessary will be paid - these arrangements are unique to Catering and FM.

As a reminder the guidance for volunteers is listed below:

a.     The job title falls within this cohort
b.     The post holder has been in post for 2 years
c.     The post holder has no current disciplinary action or outstanding disciplinary procedures
d.     The post holder has no outstanding grievances

As I mentioned, it is important you volunteer, and it is hoped these group sessions will provide the flexibility and support to ensure you feel comfortable in volunteering.

Finally, Area Managers may approach you to discuss this in more detail however please do not hesitate to contact them if you have any questions.  In addition, your local Trade Union representative will be available to offer support at any stage in the process and to complete the questionnaire.

Stephen Sawers
Head of Facilities Management
Financial Services

Wednesday 19 April

How are you feeling right now?

April is Stress Awareness month - held every year to raise public awareness of the causes and cures for modern-day stress.

Did you know that good stress can motivate us to take action, increases our focus and helps improve our performance?  However, sustained and excessive amounts of stress can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health. It is therefore important to recognise the symptoms of stress, understand what helps to manage our stress effectively, and know who and where to turn to for support.

To mark Stress Awareness Month, we have refreshed our Staff Health and Wellbeing Handbook, and Health and Wellbeing Resources Guide. These detailed guides contain lots of really useful wellbeing support routes, broken down into key topics and themes - with quick links for ease of reference.  In particular, they contain new sources of information and resources in relation to managing stress and looking after our physical and mental wellbeing.

So, if you are looking for support in a key area, to aid your health and wellbeing - at work or at home, you can check out the guides, along with other important information on our staff web pages at Workforce wellbeing support - Glasgow City Council

More information on Stress Awareness Month


Wednesday 12 April

2023 UCI Cycling World Championships: We Need You!

This summer Glasgow will once again host another major sporting event, and we need you to help us deliver.

The event
From 3-13 August 2023, the inaugural UCI Cycling World Championships will be hosted in Glasgow and across Scotland. It will be the single biggest cycling event in history, bringing together 13 existing individual cycling world championship disciplines into one mega event. Glasgow will provide five venues for the 2023 UCI Cycling Worlds including Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, Emirates Arena, George Square, Glasgow BMX Centre and Glasgow Green.

What we need
We will be looking for passionate and enthusiastic staff to help us deliver in a variety of roles supporting areas like Event Operations, Spectator Services and Workforce to name but a few. Much like previous We Need You campaigns for Glasgow 2018 European Championships and COP26, this is a great opportunity to see a major sporting event up close, meet new people and enhance your skills. You'll be embedded in a large, dedicated event team, be fully trained and will support delivery as the world watches the biggest cycling event ever!

Key information

  • You should seek approval of your line manager and then your Head of Service before making an application.
  • We are looking for people to be available for the Championships period (3-13 August) with most roles likely to start in July prior to the move to venue.
  • Specifics will be discussed with successful applicants and their line managers.

Key dates:

  • Applications open throughout April
  • Applicants reviewed and contacted throughout May including informal skills matching discussion
  • Final confirmations for successful candidates in June with relevant managers notified
  • Most posts will last from mid to late July until 13 August.

Register online at

More information 

  • More information and FAQs is available in the We Need You Managers' Briefing  
  • For more information on the roles, what is required and a list of available posts, view the We Need You Role Profiles  
  • Please contact if you have any questions.
  • Information is also available on our staff web page for non pc facing staff at Get involved this month with... - Glasgow City Council



Friday 31 March

Job Evaluation Update

As you will all know Glasgow City Council have been prioritising the work required to move to a new pay and grading structure. One of the key milestones to achieve this is to complete the exercise to evaluate jobs within the current framework.

In terms of your own efforts, I would like to thank all the people who have already volunteered and went through the job evaluation process. This is a huge priority for GCC and your commitment to coming forward and taking part is appreciated.


That said we still have several gaps, and more volunteers are required. If you are in the job roles listed below, I would encourage you to volunteer for the process.

Volunteer Job Roles

Job role



Grade 1

Catering Assistant

Grade 1

School Crossing Patroller

Grade 1

Breakfast Assistant

Grade 1

Neighbourhood Janitor

Grade 3

Hospitality Representative

Grade 1

Cleaning Supervisor

Grade 2

Assistant Catering Manager

Grade 2


Grade 2

Further information

Job Evaluation is now moving to a new format where for the roles indicated above you would be invited to be part of a group interview process. This means that you will work with like-minded people which can help make the process more straight forward.

Shortly after the Easter break, I will provide details of the group sessions which will outline the date, venue, and time of the session. Please be aware that if this coincides with your scheduled work shift then the job evaluation process takes priority. Furthermore, if the group session is scheduled outside of your work pattern, then additional hours including travel time where necessary will be paid. Please note these arrangements are unique to Catering and FM.

Next Steps

Please consider coming forward as this process is critical to ensure the evaluation team have the necessary information to rank your job ahead of the new pay and grading structure. If you wish to come forward be assured, you will be fully supported throughout the process.

Please speak with your line manager who will take details and guide you once the group interview sessions are scheduled.

As a reminder the guidance for volunteers is listed below:

a.     The job title falls within this cohort

b.     The post holder has been in post for 2 years

c.     The post holder has no current disciplinary action or outstanding disciplinary procedures

d.     The post holder has no outstanding grievances

Finally, I would like to take the opportunity for thanking you all for the invaluable work you do and wish you a Happy Easter.

Stephen Sawers

Head of Facilities Management

Financial Services

Thursday 30 March

Your new combined Occupational Health and Employee Assistance Provider

The council provides both Occupational Health (OH) and Employee Assistance Provisions (EAP) to support the health and wellbeing of our workforce. Our contract for both services is due to end and we have now agreed a new combined contract to allow us to continue to provide these services to staff.

  • Occupational Health- our OH provider has been People Asset Management (PAM) since 2015. They have been re-awarded the contract and will continue to provide these services going forward.
  • Employee Assistance Provisions- from 14 April 2023 we are changing our EAP provider from Workplace Options across to People Asset Management (PAM) as well.

From 14 April - using PAM for one combined contract for both Occupational Health and Employee Assistance Provisions will make it much easier for staff to access all the support they need in the one place.  This gives staff access to an independent Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) with a team of highly trained professionals. They can offer confidential support, guidance and counselling for a wide range work or personal issues and concerns you might have. For example, health and wellbeing, caring responsibilities, debt management and counselling. The service is confidential, available 24/7and freeto you as a member of staff.

Please note any staff who have already started their EAP support journey with Workplace Options, and it is due to continue beyond this change over date, will continue

working with Workplace Options until their sessions are complete. Staff will not be expected to switch providers during a series of active support sessions.

You will notice some minor changes once we change providers.

Employee Assistance

Although you will continue to use the same telephone number to access the support 24/7 with PAM Assist on 0800 247 1100,the contact email address will change to  You can also contact them using their APP. Please speak to your manager for details on how to download the APP and register to use it with the council code.

We will also move away from having multiple contact numbers for different issues to using this one single phone number.

If staff happen to phone one of the previous Workplace Options dedicated phone numbers they will automatically be diverted across to the main PAM number for support - with no loss of service.

Employee Assistance

Watch this short video which provides an overview of the services provided by PAM Assist.

Book a place on an online briefing session with PAM Assist to find out how they can support you.

Monday 27 March

Glasgow Living Wage Increase

The Glasgow Living Wage increases to £10.90 per hour from 1 April 2023. We will apply this new hourly rate to the salaries of all grade one employees from 1 April 2023 with the first payment in 4 April 2023 pay. 

This increase is in advance of the 2023 to 2024 pay settlement, when that is reached we will update all staff as soon as possible with the changes and any back dated pay at grade 1 will be for any increase above the £10.90.

Thursday 16 March

Payroll deadline dates for submitting overtime claim forms 2023/2024

It is important these forms are submitted on or before the deadline dates detailed below and completed correctly with all the relevant information to ensure there are no delays in you receiving payment for additional hours.

Important information - to make sure you receive your payments on time.

  • All overtime claims must be submitted at the end of each working week and not held back until the end of the submission period. 
  • Overtime claim forms should be posted on the Friday of the week the overtime has been undertaken (with exception of any Saturday working).
  • This will ensure the forms are received by the team at Rowan Park, Govan, for processing on the Monday - so all overtime payments are received on the relevant pay date.

Payroll deadline dates 2023/2024

Payroll deadline dates 23/34

Pay Date

Overtime sheet to be given to Area Manager no later than the dates detailed below

Area Manager to submit to CBS no later than close of business on the date detailed below




2 May 2023

7 April 2023

14 April 2023

30 May 2023

5 May 2023

12 May 2023

27 June 2023

2 June 2023

9 June 2023

25 July 2023

30 June 2023

7 July 2023

22 August 2023

28 July 2023

04 August 2023

19 September 2023

25 August 2023

1 September 2023

17 October 2023

22 September 2023

29 September 2023

14 November 2023

20 October 2023

27 October 2023

12 December 2023

17 November 2023

24 November 2023

** 9 January 2024

15 December 2023

22 December 2023

06 February 2024

12 January 2024

19 January 2024

5 March 2024

9 February 2024

16 February 2024

02 April 2024

8 March 2024

15 March 2024

** Submission and pay dates may change due to the Christmas holiday period

Wednesday 15 March

Glasgow Club - discounted membership offer for council family staff

All council family staff now qualify for a discounted Glasgow Club membership.

You can sign up to FitClub for just £10 per month instead of the standard rate of £27. If you already pay for a membership, you can apply for the discount and reduce your monthly fee. FitClub is Glasgow Club's most popular membership plan.

You can enjoy the following at all Glasgow Club venues:

  • unlimited Gym Sessions
  • unlimited access to all fitness classes (in-club and digital)
  • unlimited Swimming
  • free personal appointments with a qualified fitness instructor
  • pay-as-you-go for other activities (for example, football, badminton).

Why not make a difference to your health and wellbeing and enjoy a saving too?

To sign up: Visit

Support - FAQs

What happens if I already pay for Glasgow Club membership?

Follow the link and skip straight to completing the form. Here you'll provide your current membership or card ID and upload your latest payslip. The team at Glasgow Club will apply the discount so you can enjoy the £10 monthly rate. We plan to do this in time for your next payment. However, we're anticipating high demand so please allow up to 6 weeks for the change to take effect.

How soon will my membership start? And when do I pay?

You can sign-up or apply for a discount on your existing membership as soon as you register at

Your membership is immediately active. There's nothing to pay until the 7th of the following month. Payments continue on the 7th of each month until you cancel the direct debit with your bank. NOTE: your membership will become inactive if you don't upload a picture of your latest payslip to the staff membership page. As a result, you won't be able to access Glasgow Club activities.

Is this offer open to my family members too?

No. This offer is only for those working at Glasgow Life, Glasgow City Council and our ALEOs.

Do I get discounts on court/pitch bookings with my staff membership?

No. Only activities included in the FitClub membership.

Can I purchase annual membership instead of paying monthly?

Staff membership is ONLY available on a monthly basis paid by Direct Debit.

I'm not quite ready to take out a membership can I join at a later date? 

Yes, if you're not ready to take advantage of the offer right now, you can apply in the future.


Tuesday 28 February

Budget Service Update - Financial Services

Dear Colleague

Following on from the Chief Executive's message on the council budget on 17 February 2023, this email provides an initial update on how the budget will affect us within Financial Services (FS).

Within the final budget there are a range of reductions detailed for FS, and these will be achieved by a mix of non-staff related costs, income generation and some post reductions - more information can be found on these options online here.


We have tried to keep the impact on our staffing numbers as low as possible, whilst continuing to deliver our vital services to our citizens.  However, we will need to make a reduction of around 55 posts across the service to meet the savings indicated under the heading "Review of Resources" in the budget paper. 

Every section is being reviewed across FS to identify reductions to meet our savings targets.  This will see work being redesigned, re-distributed or even stopped in some areas.  Your Director, or Head of Section, will engage with you directly to explain how the plans are likely to affect you.  We are also engaging with Trade Union representatives through our regular liaison meetings at both Service and local levels.

Please be assured that we have options in place to help us to manage a reduction in staff numbers.  These include:

  • not replacing staff when they leave and not filling current vacancies, where possible
  • redeploying staff to jobs where they are needed most, with appropriate training particularly to protect our most vital services
  • targeted service reforms that may result in some early retirement and/or voluntary redundancy supported by a business case

Redeployment - vacant critical posts

May I also take the opportunity to confirm that we are likely to encourage interest in potential redeployment opportunities within the Department through inviting expressions of interest in vacant critical posts.

As always, your flexibility will be vital as we change how we work, including stopping some activities and redeploying staff so we can deliver the savings needed during these difficult times.  We continue to depend on your vital support to deliver services for the city. 

Please do not hesitate to contact your line manager or Strategic HR team if you have any concerns regarding this matter.

Martin Booth
Executive Director of Finance

Tuesday 28 February

Update on equal pay claims - offers and payments

We are committed to keeping you updated about all matters relating to equal pay and we realise that it has been some time since we last provided you with information.

Last November we said that an agreement had been reached with the main claimants' group to end the current equal pay dispute with the Trade Unions and pave the way for the final settlement of claims - an end to the long-running equal pay litigation against the council.

Over the last few months all sides have been working intensely on agreeing the details that will allow individual offers to be determined and issued. This is a complex process which is still ongoing. Whilst the details remain confidential, we are optimistic that we will have agreed claims and pay data by early April to allow us to then engage with HMRC on how to deal with the payment of tax and national insurance contributions. We hope to conclude that process in time to allow individual offers to be made to claimants from late May with payments starting from June/July.

We understand that this information is what claimants have been waiting for and all sides remain committed to progressing these offers as quickly and efficiently as possible.

We will continue to keep you updated and all information about equal pay matters is on our website at Staff Updates

Friday 17 February


I want to give you an update on the council budget and explain what this means for staff.

The council agreed a budget yesterday (Thursday 16 February 2023) which meets its funding gap of £49.3 million in the new financial year; this includes a 5% increase in Council Tax.

The budget is designed to protect delivery of our vital services that Glasgow's communities rely on and deliver the council's main priorities as set out in the strategic plan.

Details of the budget and savings are available online here:

If you work for Social Work Services under Glasgow Health and Social Care Partnership, then you will receive a separate budget update.

There are a range of measures required to implement this budget that could affect staff including: maximising income streams, creating efficiencies through service reform, and reducing some services.

These measures could affect you, depending on where you work, because some of the savings will be achieved by a reduction in our overall staff numbers. You could be asked to do your job in a different way or stop doing something and support another area of the council. 

If your area of work is affected by the budget, then your service director and local management teams will be arranging for communications to provide you with more information.

Please be assured that we have options in place to help us to manage a reduction in staff numbers including:

  • not replacing staff when they leave and not filling current vacancies, where possible
  • redeploying staff to jobs where they are needed most, with appropriate training, particularly to protect our most vital services
  • Targeted service reforms that may result in early retirement and/or voluntary redundancy supported by a business case.

What I ask of you all, is your flexibility to help us to change the way we do some things so we can deliver the savings needed during these unprecedented difficult financial times that we all find ourselves in this year.

I understand that you may be concerned by this, please talk to your line manager or local HR team, in the first instance.

During this time, we still need your support to make sure that we continue to deliver services for the city, please keep up the good work that I know you are proud to deliver.

As always, you can email me at Ask Annemarie.

Monday 6 February

Spaces available this week on Thursday 9 February

Opportunity for you to chat to a mental health professional - at a Virtual Appointment Day

If something is playing on your mind at work, spaces are available to talk to a mental health professional from Able Future, in complete confidence, at the next virtual appointment day on Thursday 9 February, from 7am to 5pm.

Your call is confidential

On the virtual appointment day, a member of 'The Better Health Generation Team' from Able Futures will phone you, at your chosen time, to discuss how they can support you.

During your call you can have a confidential chat about whatever it is that is playing on your mind whilst at work. Able Futures will discuss the support available to you and if you decide to access this, they will be able to take your details whilst on the call and help you start your journey to mental wellbeing, at your own pace.

This service is fully confidential, and the council will not be made aware of any personal appointments or bookings.

How to book

You can book your timeslot at

The call will take up to 30 minutes and you will need the following information to register for the phone call:

  • National insurance number
  • Email address
  • Start date of current employment.

Support is available now

You don't have to wait until the appointment day, you can apply through the Able Futures website at any time for support. This confidential service is quick and easy to access:

If you need a private safe space to talk to Able Futures or need flexibility to balance this with work and personal commitments, then you should talk to your manager to discuss how this can be accommodated.

Visit our health and wellbeing support

For more information go to Workforce Wellbeing Support

Friday 3 February

SAP update: key information for staff 

Further to the communication below here is a reminder of the key messages:

  • We expect the majority of employees pay will be accurate. 
  • We have not been able to include all pay variables- such as some expenses or travel/mileage claims, some overtime payments (My Portal users), changes to hours or grades, and some sickness related absences which impact pay.
  • this may result in a small number of employees being under or over paid - we aim to have any associated payments or deductions reflected in your next pay on 7 March 2023.
  • Payslips will be issued to staff who normally receive one in the post however, there may be a delay with this
  • My Portal remains unavailable at this time to view your payslip online

CFM service arrangements are as follows:

  • If you have a discrepancy which concerns you, the first step is to talk to your line manager
  • Where your line manager understands that the discrepancy is significant for you, or unexplained you/your Line Manager should contact Strategic HR with the details.  You can find contact arrangements below:



phone Wilma Benzie, HR Officer, on 07765 744 280.

Please do not contact CBS Employee Service Centre with any pay enquiries. 

SAP is used to manage our essential business processes such as payroll and accounts. As staff are aware the system encountered a severe technical issue, following a planned upgrade, and has been unavailable for a couple of weeks.

Extensive recovery work has been ongoing during this time to get identified issues resolved and the system operational for us to start processing core activity - in particular, council family payroll runs. During this period, our main priority has been to make sure that our staff continue to be paid on time.

Staff payroll

As of last weekend, a limited number of users have now been given priority access to a recovered SAP payroll system. They have been working tirelessly to update staff data in order to process the next payrolls due, in particular the City Building weekly payroll due on Friday 3 February and the four-weekly payroll for staff due on 7 February 2023.

Please note, that in order to prioritise staff pay on time, we have not been able to include all pay variables for some staff - such as some expenses or travel/mileage claims, some overtime payments (My Portal users), changes to hours or grades, and some sickness related absences which impact pay. We appreciate that this may result in a small number of employees being under or over paid. We aim to have all processing completed, adjustments made, and any associated payments or deductions reflected in your next pay on 7 March 2023.



Paper payslips will be issued to staff who normally receive one. Please note that delivery may be slightly delayed, and you may not receive this on the usual day.  If you use My Portal to view your payslip online, please note access is still not available. 


Pay enquiries

We expect that the majority of employees pay will be accurate. 

CBS Employee Service Centre are focused on ongoing recovery activities therefore please do not contact the Employee Service Centre with any pay enquiries. 

You should only raise a pay query if you believe a significant and unexplained discrepancy has occurred with your pay, you should follow our dedicated pay enquiry process as summarised below:

1.    Firstly, you must access your bank account, to view what you have been paid - if you normally receive a paper pay slip you can also check that when you receive it.

2.    If you think your pay is not what you were expecting, please check this against your previous pay (you can do this through your bank account and if you are paid 4 weekly, your last pay was paid on 10 January 2023). If you don't normally work overtime your pay should be the same every four weeks.

3.    Where you think there is a significant discrepancy in your pay, please carefully consider what this could be, remember at this stage we've not been able to process:

a.    Travel, mileage, and general expense claims.

b.    Overtime payments not authorised or processed through My Portal before 16 January 2023.

c.     Contractual changes for example, changes to hours or grades.

d.    A small number of sickness related absences which impact pay, for example move onto half pay or returning from half pay.   

These will be paid in your next pay on 7 March 2023.

4.     Where you believe you've not been paid or the discrepancy in your pay to be significant or unexplainedyou should in the first instance speak with your line manager. 

Where your line manager agrees that the discrepancy is significant or unexplained you should contact your Service HR Team, a service specific communication will be issued to advise you how to do that.

Booking annual leave

Whilst My Portal remains unavailable for you to view your annual leave quota and book time off - please continue to speak to your manager about any leave requests so that they can be recorded locally.  Once it is available, you must make sure it is updated for all leave requests that have been authorised in the meantime.


Staff will be kept informed and communicated with as soon as My Portal becomes available for general use. We are also keeping the Trade Unions updated on developments and progress to date.


Thursday 26 January

Key HMRC information for staff: SAP unavailable

As you are aware our SAP system which we use to manage our essential business processes such as HR, payroll, accounts payable/ receivable - is currently unavailable due to ongoing technical issues following a planned upgrade.  Extensive work is ongoing to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency to make sure we continue to deliver vital services across the city.


We are aware that staff may need access to a couple of documents that we would normally provide using information from our SAP system - in particular, your P60 and your P45. You are able to obtain both of these items online at HMRC as follows:


Your P60 is proof of the tax you've paid for that year and also shows how much you've earned over the tax year and how much you've paid in National Insurance contributions and Pay As You Earn (PAYE) income tax. You may need to provide information from this for tasks such as submitting a Self-Assessment Tax Return.

You can access your P60 information directly from your online HMRC Personal Tax Account. If you don't already have an online Personal Tax Account you can create one at


Your P45 provides a new employer, details of how much taxable salary you've paid over the course of the current tax year, along with how much has been deducted, and your tax code at the time of leaving your last job. 

If you need a P45 you will need to login to HMRC and complete an online form, called a New Starter Checklist (previously called a P46). This is a tax form that makes sure you are allocated the correct tax code when starting a job and you pay the correct amount of income tax.

You can complete the New Starter Checklist for HMRC using the online form at:

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) helpline for any support and guidance: 0300 200 3300.

Thursday 26 January

Opportunity for you to chat to a mental health professional - at a Virtual Appointment Day

If something is playing on your mind at work, spaces are available to talk to a mental health professional from Able Future, in complete confidence, at the next virtual appointment day on Thursday 9 February, from 7am to 5pm.

Your call is confidential

On the virtual appointment day, a member of 'The Better Health Generation Team' from Able Futures will phone you, at your chosen time, to discuss how they can support you.

During your call you can have a confidential chat about whatever it is that is playing on your mind whilst at work. Able Futures will discuss the support available to you and if you decide to access this, they will be able to take your details whilst on the call and help you start your journey to mental wellbeing, at your own pace.

This service is fully confidential, and the council will not be made aware of any personal appointments or bookings.

How to book

You can book your timeslot at

The call will take up to 30 minutes and you will need the following information to register for the phone call:

  • National insurance number
  • Email address
  • Start date of current employment.

Support is available now

You don't have to wait until the appointment day, you can apply through the Able Futures website at any time for support. This confidential service is quick and easy to access:

If you need a private safe space to talk to Able Futures or need flexibility to balance this with work and personal commitments, then you should talk to your manager to discuss how this can be accommodated.

Visit our health and wellbeing support

For more information go to Workforce Wellbeing Support

Friday 20 January

SAP - important information


We use SAP to manage our essential business processes such as HR, payroll, accounts payable and accounts receivable.  As you are aware SAP is currently unavailable for use - this is due to ongoing technical issues following a planned upgrade that took place last weekend.

CGI are working hard with the council to resolve this issue and have confirmed that a system restore is required. 

In the meantime, we are unable to make timely payments from the system for example to staff, suppliers and other key stakeholders. As a result, these payments will be delayed, and this includes some council family payroll runs.

Payments to staff

We have contingency measures in place for our payroll runs to make sure that staff are paid despite these technical issues - this is a priority for us.  

Please be reassured that all staff will be paid.

However, as these contingency measures will be using previous data, the affected pay runs may not include elements such as recent overtime or deductions for industrial action.  At this time, Education (teachers) and City Building staff payrolls are impacted.  Any salary anomalies will be rectified as soon as possible. 

If you are affected by this issue, you will receive further communications from your Service/ ALEO directly.  Due to these issues, CBS staff are unable to provide any information on individual cases.  Access to My Portal also remains unavailable for all purposes, this includes booking annual leave and viewing your payslip.

Full system restore

The restore will start today, Friday 20 January 2023 and is expected to run until Sunday 22 January 2023, when we expect only a limited number of critical users will be granted access to progress priority payroll activity.

Following a full restore council teams will then need time to verify and check all data in SAP.  Further work may be required to update the system following these checks.

All staff will be kept updated on developments.

Tuesday 17 January

Time to Talk - Thursday 2 to Wednesday 8 February

Time to Talk Day is a national mental health campaign which takes place in early February each year. It is organised by See Me, Scotland's national programme to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination.

In partnership with See Me, we are committed to supporting the mental health of our staff and providing the appropriate wellbeing support routes. We want to help raise awareness about the different ways we can all start a conversation about our mental health. Each and every conversation helps reduce stigma and create supportive workplaces where we can talk openly about mental health and feel empowered to seek help when we need it.

'Time to Talk' takes place on Thursday 2 February and is all about us taking the time to connect with someone and start a conversation about our mental wellbeing. This year the theme is around the importance of making space in our day for a conversation about mental health.

Having a chat - anytime that week

Talking and listening are very much at the heart of the day. Taking time out in a relaxed environment, to catch up with a colleague, can help to support and empower each other to talk freely about how we feel or what is on our minds.

So, during this week, from Thursday 2 February - Wednesday 8 February you are encouraged to set aside some time for a 'cuppa and a chat' with a colleague - either virtually or physically.

We want to encourage all staff to actively have conversations with one another about mental health - visit our support page for help to get your conversation started or come along to the webinar on the day for top tips. It really doesn't take much to show someone you are willing to listen. Why not catch up over a coffee or even over a phone call? For example, you could talk about how money worries and the cost of living can impact mental health or even chat about a person you admire who has been a strong voice for speaking openly about mental health.

Join us on the day

On the day you can also join us for a bite sized 30-minute webinar, in partnership with the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH), on 'Having the Mental Health Conversation'.

The webinar explores the topic of mental health and wellbeing and offers top tips on how to start a supportive and compassionate mental health conversation.

Join us on Teams from 10am to 10.30am. Sign up here.

Support to help you start that conversation

There are lots of resources to help you start a conversation with a colleague and take 'time to talk' - including fun interactive activities.

Mental Health Support for Staff

Mental Health Support for Staff


NHS 24


For urgent health advice out of hours, when your GP Practice is closed.



Phone 111 (24/7)



Workplace Options


Employee Assistance Service



Free, confidential, independent advice and support for staff. Available anytime to chat about any issue that matters to you.


Freephone: 0800 247 1100 (24/7)


Bullying & Harassment helpline: 0800 042 0135


Addiction helpline: 0808 196 9460


LGBT helpline: 0800 138 8725


BME helpline: 0800 288 4950



Breathing Space


Free, confidential phone line for anyone in Scotland feeling low, anxious or depressed.


Freephone: 0800 83 85 87

(open 24 hrs at weekends, 6pm to 2am weekdays)







Free, confidential support and a safe place to talk about whatever you're going through.



Freephone: 116 123 (24/7)






Further health and wellbeing support

Your Staff Health and Wellbeing handbook contains lots of important information on mental health support - it is available on our staff website at Workforce Wellbeing Support

Friday 13 January

Chief Executive Message

Happy New Year and I hope that everyone was able to relax and enjoy the festive break with families and friends.

And my gratitude to those staff who were working over the holidays to deliver essential services to our citizens - I know that your efforts will have been worthwhile and meant many Glaswegians will have seen a friendly face and no disruption to their care and services.

There is still a lot of doom and gloom in the news - coupled with the weather and dark nights - it is hard to see light at the end of the tunnel sometimes.

But we do have a lot of positives in the months ahead - more international events in the shape of the UCI Cycling Championships in the summer - which will bring competitors and visitors to the city from around the globe.

It will also give Glasgow the chance to shine with television coverage beamed across the world too - Glasgow always rises to the occasion and this time will be no different.

This year we will also see the next round of equal pay settlements being made and I know this will bring much relief to many of our staff and I thank them for their patience in what has been a complex negotiation to reach the financial deal.

We also need to turn our attention to the annual council budget which will be set in February of this year, and the impact this is bound to have.

You will remember I wrote to you in November to tell you about the council's financial forecast for next year. This said that we would need to save around £120 million next year.

As we do every year, we continually update and refine these forecasts and, following the Scottish Government's statement before the end of last year, there has been a marginal improvement in our position.

It is, however, complicated. Decisions taken in the government's budget mean that we essentially now must deal with Social Work - which represents almost a third of our spending - separately from the rest of the council family.

Our forecast spending gap was £120m across the whole family. It is now around £70m - but, while this may sound like a healthy improvement, this does not include any of the significant budget pressures facing social work and social care.

The extent of those pressures is for the Health and Social Care partnership and the Integrated Joint Board to consider - but I think it is clear that, taken together, the financial challenge facing the wider council family has reduced only very slightly.

I know that these figures will be very worrying but please be reassured that your colleagues are working exceptionally hard to make sure we can continue to deliver the statutory services our communities, citizens and businesses rely on.

You can read the update financial forecast here 

Thank you once again for your continued commitment to the people of Glasgow and I will keep you updated on budget developments when I can.

Last modified on 19 April 2024

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