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Completed Consultations

Previous consultations which are now no longer available are listed in the table below:


Consultation NameDescriptionDate Consultation Ended
Draft Tall Building Design Guide Consultation

The City Centre Strategic Development Framework (SDF), adopted in 2021, provides flexible urban design guidelines and suggests creating specific guidelines for tall buildings to assist developers and planners. Glasgow is seeing new development and investment, which is essential for sustainable and natural growth. To help with this, the Tall Building Design Guidance was created. It offers advice for developers and planning officers to make the pre-application process smoother and ensure buildings are well-designed and appropriately located. The guidance includes a Map of Appropriateness and Design Parameters, along with clarifications on planning requirements and technical details on sustainable design for tall buildings.

This study covers the areas as defined by the City centre Strategy. It's the first in a series of area assessments, with more to come focusing on major local town centres. This study was prioritized due to current economic changes and pressures on the city.

We would welcome the views of members of the public, technical experts, and our Stakeholders and Strategic Partners on the impact of tall buildings in the city centre and ways we can improve our city in this modern environment.

Supporting Documents

Tall Buildings document (PDF) [18MB]

Tall Buildings Design document (PDF) [1MB]

Open Government: Call for Ideas 2024

Glasgow has been a member of the Open Government Partnership since 2020, and the values of openness, transparency, accountability and participation are core to our membership. Having delivered our first Open Government Action Plan for Glasgow, we are now starting to develop our next Plan to cover 2024-2027.

Our first Open Government Action Plan for Glasgow, focussed on actions to increase public participation, explore a digital engagement platform, create an open data hub, and build communications on open government. Are there things from the previous Action Plan you want us to keep doing, do you have improvements or changes to be addressed, or are there new priorities you'd like included this time.

We want to hear the ideas and priorities of the public, third sector, and other stakeholders in the city to help us decide what to put in our next Open Government Action Plan for Glasgow. We will use this to inform a series of public workshops to explore these themes in more detail in Autumn 2024.

Fireworks Control Zones Consultation

The Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Act 2022 gives councils a new discretionary power to introduce Firework Control Zones.  We as the Council will oversee the process which will facilitate the designation of Firework Control Zones within the City. 

This is now the formal consultation process as stated in the guidance for consultation on FCZ. All consultations can be viewed on our Consultation Hub.

Glasgow City Council is now required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about this please visit :

Flourishing MolendinarFlourishing Molendinar is a project to that will improve the streets in local communities to make it easier for people to walk, wheel and cycle in the neighbourhood. From 2020 to 2022, St Pauls Youth Forum were awarded a grant by Sustrans to work with the community and create concepts for how streets could look. Glasgow City Council have since developed these concepts into detailed designs.13/05/24
Connecting Yorkhill and KelvingroveConnecting Yorkhill and Kelvingrove is an active travel project which aims to make it easier for people of all ages and abilities to walk, wheel and cycle in the area as well as seek to improve the quality of public spaces. In 2023 we asked for your opinions on the Concept Design work for Phase 1 Yorkhill North; we have taken your feedback on board and have made amendments to the design as requested by residents and visitors to the area. We are also looking for your opinions on the Concept Designs that have been created for Phase 2 Yorkhill South and Phase 3 Kelvingrove.  We would like to ask you whether our new designs accurately reflect what you asked to see for this area. Your survey responses will help shape the final design.28/04/24
Liveable Neighbourhoods: Yorkhill to AnderstonGlasgows Liveable Neighbourhoods (LN) initiative aims to decrease the citys reliance on cars by revitalising streets into safer, more appealing environments. These spaces are designed to meet daily needs locally, prioritising active travel and public transportation.  Yorkhill to Anderston has been identified as an area that feature several broader Active Travel and Streets for People initiatives that are congruent with the LN Programme.28/04/24
Play Sufficiency AssessmentPlay is central to childrens enjoyment of life and essential to their physical and emotional well-being and their healthy development. We are carrying out assessments to evaluate outdoor play opportunities and experiences for children in Glasgow. To help us do this we are asking citizens of Glasgow who may be parents, carers and people who work with children to complete our short survey24/04/24
Traditional Skills AuditAre you a local contractor or tradesperson working on traditional buildings in Govan or wider Glasgow? Help us secure more funding for the area by filling a short survey! If your trade falls within the bracket of traditional building skills (masonry, joinery, carpentry, slating, leadwork, metalwork, bricklaying etc) we encourage you to fill out this short questionnaire to help us learn your challenges while trying to source and maintain a skilled workforce to work on traditional buildings. It will take only 5-7 minutes to fill out the survey. We would also appreciate it if you could circulate it to your subcontractors who work within the traditional building sector or other relevant tradespeople or contractors.24/04/24
Draft Forestry and Woodland StrategyThe Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 requires Glasgow City Council to prepare a Forestry and Woodland Strategy. The Draft Forestry and Woodland Strategy directs tree planting to the most appropriate locations where there are opportunities to contribute towards mitigating climate change and increasing biodiversity, while also providing multiple benefits such as improving amenity and green networks, increasing carbon capture, and contributing to water management. Once finalised, the Forestry and Woodland Strategy will inform the emerging City Development Plan, and it will be the Councils primary strategy and policy document relating to all woodland and tree planting in the city.30/03/24
Draft Glasgow Air Quality Action Plan 2024An update to the existing Glasgow Air Quality Action Plans (AQAP) is a statutory requirement of the Scottish Government due to the continuing existence of an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) within the city. The City Centre AQMA continues to record levels of nitrogen dioxide in exceedance of national objectives. The aim of this consultation is to engage with stakeholders and the public and to obtain views on the actions Glasgow City Council propose to take to reduce air pollution levels and achieve the air quality objectives throughout the city. 20/02/24
Advertising on Licensed Vehicles; Private Hire Cars PolicyThe Licensing and Regulatory Committee has a historic Advertising on Licensed Vehicles Private Hire Cars Policy.  The Committee was aware this Policy had not been reviewed recently. While the Committee was aware there was no statutory obligation under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 to review existing policies, as a matter of good practice it was of the view that policies should be reviewed from time to time to ensure they remain necessary and appropriate in terms of ensuring public safety.  On 8 November 2023 the Committee agreed to instruct the Director of Legal and Administration to carry out a review of the Policy, by way of a consultation, and to report back with the findings of the review.15/03/24
Advertising on Licensed Vehicles; Taxi PolicyThe Licensing and Regulatory Committee has a historic Advertising on Licensed Vehicles Taxis Policy.  The Committee was aware this Policy had not been reviewed recently.  While the Committee was aware there was no statutory obligation under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 to review existing policies, as a matter of good practice it was of the view that policies should be reviewed from time to time to ensure they remain necessary and appropriate in terms of ensuring public safety.  On 8 November 2023 the Committee agreed to instruct the Director of Legal and Administration to carry out a review of the Policy, by way of a consultation, and to report back with the findings of the review15/03/24
Greater Easterhouse Strategic Development FrameworkGlasgows City Development Plan identifies the need for Strategic Development Frameworks (SDFs) to inform development within six priority areas of the city where it is recognised that an additional layer of planning guidance is needed to guide regeneration efforts. Greater Easterhouse is one of the six priority areas. The SDF for Greater Easterhouse identifies key issues and opportunities in the area, and sets the vision and framework for future development in line with the spatial policies of the City Development Plan and the National Planning Framework 4.  We would welcome your views on the Greater Easterhouse SDF in its current draft and encourage everyone to take part in this survey.05/02/24
Supplementary Guidance SG6: Green Belt and Green NetworkThe Glasgow City Development Plan commits to the preparation of Supplementary Guidance to accompany policy CDP6 of the Plan and provide further guidance on its use and implementation.  SG6 provides this further detailed guidance, including on development in the Green Belt, the enhancement of the green network, the protection of open space and the provision of open space to support new development, including the role of contributions from new development in delivering the different types of open space required.18/01/24
Non-Statutory Planning Guidance: Large-Scale Co-LivingGlasgow City Council is launching a comprehensive survey on Large-Scale Co-Living planning guidance. This is a relatively new type of housing to Glasgow. Given the significant potential impact this type of accommodation may have on housing choice we would like to hear your views. The landscape around co-living housing is evolving rapidly, and the concept of personal living spaces combined with shared amenity and recreational spaces is being promoted by the development industry. The aim of our survey is to gather insights that will contribute to the development of effective planning guidance for Co-Living proposals, ensuring that they meet the needs of occupants and developing a better understanding of how to deliver high quality design. 18/01/24
Supplementary Guidance SG12: Delivering DevelopmentThe Glasgow City Development Plan commits to the preparation of Supplementary Guidance to accompany policy CDP12 of the Plan and provide further guidance on its use and implementation. SG12 provides this further detailed guidance, including the mechanisms the Council will use to secure contributions to deliver the Clyde Fastlink project, a public transport scheme intended to enhance public transport access along the Clyde Waterfront.18/01/24
Greater Pollok Local Development FrameworkThe City Development Plan (CDP) proposes a series of Local Development Frameworks to deliver change in areas of Glasgow where the Council believe an additional layer of planning guidance is needed. Greater Pollok is one of the three areas identified across the city.  The LDF purpose is to provide an initial Vision of the area for development taking place up till 2035 and to consider its future direction for planning and regeneration for potentially the next 25-30 years.  The Council want to know what you think of the draft document and the issues and ideas it has set out. Everyone with an interest in the area, residents, businesses, and those who have a stake in the future of Greater Pollok are encouraged to complete the Public Consultation Survey05/02/24
My Neighbourhood, My City Place Standard SurveyThis survey has been produced by the Development Plan team at Glasgow City Council. The new plan will establish where new homes, schools, businesses and open spaces should be located. It will identify areas that need to be protected and where future investment should be directed.  Before we begin to write a new plan, we are collecting an evidence base to establish what to plan for. An important part of that evidence base will come directly from you. The Place Standard Tool survey has 14 categories based on different aspects of the built environment. Each category has a section where you can reflect on what is good and what could be better in your neighbourhood. Your submission will help us to identify the key issues in your area, and your submission will influence how the next City Development Plan is produced.01/02/24



Consultation NameDescriptionDate Consultation Ended
Glasgow City Centre Strategy 2024 - 2030The Glasgow City Centre Strategy (CCS) 2024 - 2030 brings together the Big Moves; that will transform Glasgow's city centre in the short to medium term. It creates a unified vision supported by the transformative actions to be delivered by 2030; The CCS 2024 - 30 is based around three thematic pillars which will enrich the inherited features of Glasgow's City Centre and shape a new cycle of shared opportunity: Magnetic Experience Front Door for Innovation A Place to Live. The consultation questions will ask you to consider the actions and themes within this document.03/12/23
Glasgow Culture Strategy 2024The responses we receive will be used to help make sure that Glasgow can continue to share its distinctive culture with the world and welcome everyone to share theirs with the city. The strategy has been created to support the future of the city's cultural sector and prioritises Glasgow's cultural profile, increasing and widening participation in cultural activities, creative skills, and sustainability.  Your feedback on this will help make sure culture and creativity continue to be valued and invested in.05/11/23
Allotment Rules and Regulations ConsultationIn line with the statutory requirements under Section115 Allotment Site Regulations and Section 116 Allotment Site Regulations: Further provision of Part 9 Allotments of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 each Local Authority must make regulations about allotments in its area.  Draft Rules and Regulations are under development to allow Glasgow City Council to meet our obligations under the legislation. In line with our obligations under the legislation we are consulting with persons appearing to the Local Authority to have an interest.  Your feedback to the questions posed in the consultation will support the development of the finalised Rules and Regulations which will be applicable to all allotments sites on land owned or leased by Glasgow City Council for the purpose of providing allotments.30/10/23
Glasgow Transport Strategy; Spatial Delivery FrameworkThe Glasgow Transport Strategy is the Councils overarching policy document on transport issues, and aims to guide and inform decision-making on transport in the city. We are now consulting on the Spatial Delivery Framework; this adds spatial dimensions to several policies within the Policy Framework. The purpose is to provide greater transparency over the Councils aspirations for sustainable transport. It also aims to guide project development, consultation and decision-making.  26/10/23
Connecting Woodside Phase 2 (St George's Road)Connecting Woodside is an ambitious area based project which forms a key component in Glasgows proposed cycle network. The purpose of this consultation is to present the updated technical design, which has been amended following analysis of feedback and comments received from the community and key stakeholders during the October event.20/10/23
Development Plan Scheme Participation InvitationThe Development Plan Scheme will support the Councils project planning, stakeholder engagement and community involvement in the plan making process. Interested citizens and stakeholders are encouraged to read the Development Plan Scheme and participate in a short survey provided at the end of the document.27/09/23
City of Glasgow Licensing Board Policy Statement ConsultationThis consultation exercise is an important stage in establishing a new Policy Statement. The Board is keen to gather as many views as possible on this draft Policy Statement.  The consultation is split into different sections that cover the key areas of the Boards draft Policy Statement.  You can respond to as many or as few of the sections as you choose depending upon your particular area of interest or expertise27/09/23
City of Glasgow Licensing Board Overprovision ConsultationThis consultation relates to the Board assessment of overprovision. The overprovision assessment has been produced as a result of extensive consultation, with an evidence based approach having been taken through out the process. Overprovision will form part 7 of the Board final policy statement so views gathered through this consultation will be taken into account when the Licensing Board finalises its policy statement. The Board is now keen to open the consultation process up to everyone, whether your interest is as a local resident, a community representative, a licence holder or a special interest group with a particular focus on the licensing and regulation of alcohol.27/09/23
Glasgow Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) ConsultationThe Glasgow Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) is a statutory requirement from Scottish Government which will inform the development and implementation of Heat Networks and the decarbonisation of heating across Glasgow.  The aim of the consultation to engage with the public and stakeholders to present progress to date and gather comments on the Consultation Document.25/09/23
Busking in Public SpacesWe would like your views if you are a Glasgow resident or business, and are directly affected by busking.  By directly affected, we mean if you hear buskers from your home, place of work or business, or when you are going about your normal business.  This survey is seeking an understanding of the impact, both positive and negative, that busking has on you. It will help the Council consider whether it needs additional powers to manage busking.01/09/23
Drumchapel Local Development Framework (LDF)The City Council has published a consultative draft Local Development Framework (LDF) for Drumchapel. The purpose of the Drumchapel LDF is to provide a long-term vision for the development of the area and to coordinate development activity over the short, medium and long term.  We want to get people views on the current draft and encourage local residents, workers, organisations or anyone else with a connection to the area to take part in this consultation by submitting their comments.05/09/23
Cycling & Urban Sports StrategyThe City Council has published a draft Cycling & Urban Sports Strategy, which is under the Active Travel Strategy and is part of the wider strategic approach of the Glasgow Transport Strategy</a>, in creating a step change in how we move around the city.  We are seeking feedback on the draft strategy and encourage everyone to complete this short survey. Your views and additional comments will help to shape the final strategy and to develop an action plan for its delivery.21/08/23
Your Citizen Voice Ideas in PollokWe will be using the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Investment Fund in Pollok and will be asking citizens for their opinion on how £1 million of infrastructure investment is spent in their neighbourhood This survey is included in Part One of the process and will aim to understand the infrastructure themes that are important to citizens in Pollok.14/07/23
Your Citizen Voice Ideas in CaltonWe will be using the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Investment Fund in Carlton and will be asking citizens for their opinion on how £1 million of infrastructure investment is spent in their neighbourhood This survey is included in Part One of the process and will aim to understand the infrastructure themes that are important to citizens in Calton.14/07/23
7 Year Age Limitation Policy for Private Hire CarsThe Licensing and Regulatory Committee has a historic policy that private hire cars when the become 7 years of age since the date of first registration it must be taken out of service and replaced.  This 7 year Age Limitation Policy only applies to Private Hire Cars. It does not apply to Taxis.  This 7 year Age Limitation Policy was temporarily relaxed during the Covid -19 pandemic.  On 23 November 2022 the Licensing and Regulatory Committee considered a report from the Director of Legal and Administration in relation to whether the 7 year Age Limitation Policy should be reintroduced. On 23 November 2022 the Licensing and Regulatory Committee agreed: to reintroduce the 7 year Age Limitation Policy for private hire cars at that time; and instructed the Director of Legal and Administration to undertake a review of the 7 year Age Limitation Policy with a view to the upper age limit being increased.11/08/23
Duke Street / John Knox Street Consultation Glasgow Avenues PlusWhat is Glasgow Avenues Plus?  In addition to the Avenues Programme, Glasgow City Council has successfully secured Transport Scotland funding via Sustrans; (Places for Everyone) to deliver additional Avenues; - including Duke Street and John Knox Street.  The Avenues Plus project is a 21.4m multi-year project to make walking, wheeling and cycling more attractive. This project seeks to link the city centre with adjacent communities, promoting active travel and increasing connectivity.13/07/23
A Just Transition for GlasgowA public consultation to seek the views of Glaswegians on their understanding of what a Just Transition means and how the Council can support action to bring about a Just Transition to a net zero city. 16/06/23
Connecting Yorkhill and KelvingroveThis project intends to improve accessibility and increase the use of active and sustainable travel modes throughout the Yorkhill and Kelvingrove area. The survey responses will help us to shape the design and understand the area and the need of local residents. 21/05/23
North Woodside Road ConsultationThis project intends to improve accessibility and increase the use of active and sustainable travel modes throughout the North Woodside area. The survey responses will help us to shape the design and understand the area and the need of local residents.29/05/23
Review of Private Hire Cars BackflashThe Licensing and Regulatory Committee has a historic policy that an innervision or contravision style sign or product of the same or similar type be positioned at the bottom or top of the rear windscreen identifying the booking office to which the licensed private hire car belongs - name and telephone number. This can be known as the back flash.  The Licensing Section is aware from the Council Taxi and Private Hire Enforcement Officers that they have received several complaints regarding private hire car back flashes. These complaints have raised concerns that the back flash makes rear visibility poor for drivers, some back flashes are of poor quality and some back flashes no longer remain affixed to private hire car rear windscreens. On 1 March 2023 the Licensing and Regulatory Committee agreed for the Director of Legal and Administration to carry out a review of the back flash policy for private hire cars, by way of a consultation, and to report back accordingly with the findings of the review.19/05/23
Review of Topographical Test; LicensingIn Glasgow any individual who intends to apply for a Taxi Drivers Licence must first sit and pass a Topographical Test of Knowledge.  The Topographical Test has been a requirement for a Taxi Drivers Licence for many years. Please note that it is not a requirement for a Private Hire Car Driver Licence.  The Topographical Test aims to ensure that all Taxi Drivers have a knowledge of the city, including the layout of its roads and the location of landmarks.  The format of the Topographical Test is 100 multiple choice questions and an applicant must obtain a pass mark of 70% to pass the test. The Topographical Test is undertaken in person, by the Licensing Authority.05/05/23
Draft Local Housing Strategy 2023 to 2028The Local Housing Strategy 2023 to 2028 is Glasgow City Council&rsquo;s main plan for housing, setting our partnership priorities and goals for the next five years. The strategy is for everyone who lives in, wants to live in, and wants to invest in Glasgow. We want to hear your views on our proposed vision, outcomes, targets, as well as key housing issues and actions.02/04/23
North East Districts: Townhead, Cowcaddens, Learning Quarter and Merchant City DRFThe City Centre Strategy identified nine City Centre Districts and commissioned design teams to bring forward evidence-based Regeneration Frameworks for each. The frameworks for the districts of Townhead, Cowcaddens, Learning Quarter have been. In developing these we have engaged with about 5,000 people and talked with about 450. As part of the consultation we are looking for feedback on the themes, projects that have been prioritised. Feedback can be on any or all of the frameworks under consultation. The feedback will be considered when the final action plan is approved.03/03/23
Sustainable Transport Behaviour Change Campaign 2023/2024

Glasgow City Council delivered two separate travel behaviour change campaigns in November 2023 and March 2024. This survey will support the evaluation of these two campaigns. The campaigns were designed in line with council's strategies and commitments to deliver travel behaviour change related activities increasing positive attitude toward sustainable travel hierarchy.

Glasgow City Council is now required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about this please visit:






Last modified on 10 October 2024

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