
Glasgow's Code of Good Practice for Buskers and Street Performers
Welcome to Glasgow where street performing (busking) is a time-honoured art form that adds colour and vibrancy to our public spaces. Whenever a busker sets out to perform on a street, they join an existing community which can also include:
- street traders
- shops
- businesses
- residents
- members of the public, and
- other buskers.
It is therefore important that use of shared public space promotes positive and neighbourly relations between users. However, with so much activity taking place issues can arise.
Experience has shown that the following activity is likely to draw complaints:
- Performing in the same location for too long (i.e. more than two hours)
- Performances of poor quality and/or of repetition of limited repertoire
- Performing close to residential areas, and organisations providing sensitive public services (e.g. medical services, family bereavement services etc.)
- Performing too loudly with amplified equipment
- Causing an obstruction/crowds to block streets or shop entrances
The following good behaviour is therefore advised for buskers/street performers:
- Keep volume at a reasonable level - music should not be heard over 30 metres away
- Give pitches a break after a reasonable time - consider pitch sharing
- Be mindful of other buskers - avoid playing within 50 metres of each other
- Have a varied and good quality repertoire - avoid playing the same series of songs
- Keep any crowds controlled - avoid obstructing public access and shop entrances
- Avoid performing close to phone boxes, cash machines and churches
- Respect and engage with neighbouring businesses, residents, and fellow buskers
Street performers may also face prosecution and/or confiscation of equipment if they:
- Sell CDs or other merchandise without a street trader's licence
- Perform after 9pm with a loudspeaker/amplifier
- Ignore requests by Police Scotland to reduce volumes and/or move on
- Wilfully obstruct the passage of pedestrians
Whilst local authorities are limited in how they can respond when street performers breach this guidance, Community Enforcement Officers can respond to complaints, investigating issues raised, and working towards shared solutions to keep areas vibrant and welcoming for everyone. Should you wish to contact Glasgow City Council about busking/street performing, then please use the online submission form provided.
In instances where issues persist, matters can be raised to Police Scotland who retain enforcement powers under Section 54 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. You can contact Police Scotland directly on 101.
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